Friday, October 08, 2010

The Enquirer Wins The Misleading Headline Of The Week Award

If I wrote a headline that said, Demi & Ashton Divorce, what would you think? Yeah, you would think that a divorce was happening or paperwork had been filed. That is exactly what The Enquirer wrote. In the first paragraph of the accompanying article they also say "ASHTON KUTCHER and DEMI MOORE are headed for divorce." But do you know why they are headed for divorce? It is not because he cheated. Nope. They are going to get divorced because all of Ashton's immediate family have divorced so he has learned that relationships are disposable. Yep. Seriously. I laughed my head off when I read that a marriage counselor is the one who says the couple will divorce. So, you, the unsuspecting consumer buy the magazine for the headline because you can't find it quick enough in the checkout stand and you read that some counselor thinks it is going to happen because it happened to someone else. That means if you know someone who is fat, you will be fat too because you have learned bad eating habits from that person.

Oh, and the story is an exclusive. Idiots.


  1. I've been noticing this trend lately. A tabloid picks a "plastic surgery expert" or random doctor who speculates on a celebrity's surgery or health. The worst was a counselor (I think?) who speculated about the damage being done to Shiloh by Angelina letting her wear whatever she wants. Completely irresponsible but hey, everyone's gettin' paid!

  2. it's a douchey thing to print....but they ARE the enquirer after all...i htink the headline wil be true at some point...i'm not wishing it on them, but i do think they'll divorce, it's just a matter of time...all the spinning and twitter pics of bikinis, laps, and being so in love....well methinks they doth protest too much. it's coming.

  3. I think Enty has a hard-on for these 2. Isn't this the 3rd post this week. Blohan withdrawl?

  4. I think 2nd place should go to MK - Lindsay Lohan to play Iggy Pop in a Biopic.
    I almost sh** when I read that this morning.
    Not because of her playing the role of Iggy Pop, but because I thought she got a job.

  5. Demi looks like a dark haired Melissa Etheridge to me at that angle in that photo...

  6. For what it's worth, one of my friends was having dinner last night at Angeli's on Melrose. Demi and Ashton were there having dinner with an "attractive young brunette" (my friends words). He said Demi had shut down body language and Ashton seemed very into talking to their guest. My friend is a dork and not the type of person to care about Hwood gossip, but he couldn't help but notice them. Demi was wearing the glasses and Ashton was wearing the hat.

    other Cheryl

  7. I know the enquirer is constantly making up the headlines,but I kinda of give them a pass for the epicness of catching John Edwards red handed!

  8. There's a story of epically eeeeeeeew! proportions on Tyler Durden about how they have an open marriage and in one instance, Demi was 'finger banged' by Michael Phelps while Ashton sat next to her getting a BJ from a random girl... oh and Snoop was across the room watching.

    I swear that all of this negative press about Demi and Ashton started around the time they were over sharing on Twitter. I used to like Ashton, I had always heard nice things about him but then I read some of the stuff he was tweeting and suddenly he came across as a huge douche. She came across as a desperate older woman trying to be 'sexy' for her younger man. Famous people should put down the Twit and go back to paying people to build their image - this kind of publicity helps no one. Movie stars are still just people but at least back in the day, they had a bit of mystique and it helped when you were watching them in movies. You got lost in the story.... now all I see are the tabloid versions of these people and it sucks. I can't watch Angelina Jolie anymore because of this..

  9. Anonymous6:38 AM

    They have had a good track record recently: John Edwards and Rielle Hunter, Tiger Woods and his girls, John Travolta's outing...
