Friday, October 01, 2010

A Great Scientology Report

Back in 2007, John Sweeney of The BBC pretty much made the entire Scientologist hierarchy crazy with his reporting. It was one of the best reports on Scientologists that I had ever seen. Earlier this week I got some e-mails from people in Canada who had seen a new report from John Sweeney on CBC but I could not find it on YouTube. Well, on Tuesday the same report aired on BBC and Jenna, a reader of the site, was kind enough to also send me a link. I watched it last night. Love it.

It is broken down into four parts. The 3rd and 4th parts are the best. The third has celebrities who were interviewed by Sweeney for the 2007 show but they withdrew their permission so he was unable to broadcast the interviews with Kirstie Alley, Leah Remini, and Juliette Lewis. However, because Scientology used excerpts from the interviews, Sweeny is able to use that same footage now on this program. Wow.

For this special Sweeney interviews Mike Rinder who was one of Sweeney's biggest antagonists in 2007. Now, Rinder has left his job as the official spokesperson for Scientology and also walked away from his wife and kids because he could not stand being a Scientologist anymore. I am posting the first part. I encourage you to watch the second, third and fourth parts too.


  1. I had watched the Rinder interviews from a link on the Operation Clambake website...truly amazing.

    I can't wait to get home from work and catch the links you put up.

    It fascinates me that people are so blind to what a crock Scientology is.

  2. Most indeed know that Scientology is a bunch of crap. That's why many European nations are very much against them. The question is what will the US Govt do? Nothing, considering the Scios have infiltrated high level positions.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Very interesting but Mr. Rinder never said why he left the cult. He did say that it has changed but that was it. I am sure there is more to it which I would like to know.

  4. I saw my first tv commercial for Scientology last night. Shook me up at first, but then I figured, why has it taken so long??

  5. I'm going to totally out myself and possibly land in more hot water than I can imagine...but I miss Project Chanology.

  6. i have absolutely no doubt in my mind that Scientology is a crazy cult that rules over it's people using fear and other scare tactics. i really enjoyed watching these segments, i felt they were quite eye opening!

    that being said, i think you should take some of it with a grain of salt.(IMO, anyway) when disgruntled former members start to weigh in, or family members who don't understand why family members have made certain choices, the water tends to get a little muddy.

    but again, this was some interesting stuff!

  7. Just watch the South Park episode. That says it all.

  8. They must have the largest video and audio library in the world.

    Strange they are designated a religion without free worship of God or a deity. And the teachings are "confidential"? This is a business school and a cult worshipping business success.

  9. I watched the german movie on Youtube, Until Nothing Remains. I suggest it. If it is even a glimpse of reality, it is very sad. It looks as though they start out by trying to build you up, then it turns south pretty quick!

  10. Watched all 4. Thx Enty!

  11. oooh can't wait to watch later.

  12. Scientology is a truly dangerous and evil cult. So are its members. Its the only way to explain why the orders and things the cult does is acceptable and willing to go with it.

    What I find ironic (and typical hypocrisy of religions in general) is something they claim to be violently against (Psychiatry) is something they rely heavily on to further their agendas. If you listen to the report, the cult uses classic psychiatric theories in nearly everything it does. If not for the fundamentals of psychiatry science the church literally couldn't exist and wouldn't be capable of trying to silence critics.

  13. Lest I start some kind of religious discussion, here--scientology is clearly a cult, but so are most organized religions. Catholicism comes to's just fear mongering and control of the sheeple.

  14. Jesus, is video is creepy. I absolutely intend on watching the rest.

    So, did anyone see Kate the Robot at the Variety Power of Women Event with her Scientolo-taught half-smirk and completely monotone comments? Scared the crap outta me. There aren't enough psychological de-briefers in the universe to help this dead-eyed woman.

    (Did I just hear an SUV pull into my drive-way?)

  15. I think any religion could be considered a cult by the broadest definition, but Scientology with its 'funds required to advance,' keeping a HUGE part of the doctrine 'secret' (Xenu) unless you reach a certain level (pay enough money) and then the whole cutting former members off/out from their families, let alone the clear harassment some of the former members have faced--these are what makes Scientology NOT a religion.
    Sweeney didn't even get into the whole SeaOrgs who basically work for room and board (and relatively no other compensation) for years and years and WAY more than 40 hours per week. The 'church' benefits from their work and because the US gov't has agreed it's a 'church' Scientology can get away with this effectual slave labor.
    The Wikipedia page on Mike Rinder gives his reasons for leaving the cult. I think he still agrees with the 'beliefs' of Scientology, whatever they are, but not the methods of indoctrinating and enforced membership.

  16. I had to watch all 4 parts...fascinating. made me uncomfortable, like when reading about the Illuminati *L*.

  17. i saw these this i can say is ruuuuun, katie, runnnnnnnn (and take my little suri w/ you)!

  18. CULT CULT CULT. Tom Cruise is the biggest tool in the Galaxy. That is all.

    Katie's an idiot and I don't have an ounce of pity for her. Greedy Greedy Greedy.

  19. All ideology is institutionalized ignorance and insanity, Scamontology included. The chief difference between it and other ideologies is that they are more obvious and forthright about their insanity. The fundies and traditional Catholics aren't far behind however.

    There really isn't much difference between the concept of Evil Xenu the outerspace god and the Jewish zombie.

  20. That whole "me and we are the most powerful"...GET.THE.FLIPPITY.OUT.OF.HERE. That hot mess gave me the jeebies. We were in Seattle one weekend and the people wanted to do a test on me and my friend I looked them straight in the face and said "What kind of meter is that? Because I have a built in BS meter and its going off right now with yalls little testy thing" They laughed and said that it would open my mind I said to them "My mind is clear and open enough to see BS coming a mile away and child, you reek of it."

  21. @moosefan=are you in Seattle? we should meet up and mock everyone we see. that would be fun!

  22. Christianity, with the resurrection merely continues the ancient dying and resurrected God mythos - see Osiris, Mithras and a host of others - so at least there's history there.
    Scientology, however, is the 20th century version of Mormonism.
    Both are science fiction stories used to create a religion.

  23. This makes scrolling thru Fashion week all worth it.
    Thanks Enty!

  24. "... just me and we are the most powerful force on this earth." David Miscavige is delusional.

  25. I have read enormous amounts of information about Scientology and my takeaway for people just looking at this stuff is:

    1. the organization (the Church of Scientology) is not something you would ever want to be part of; don't give them your name or any contact information ever

    2. some of the "beliefs" are just the same kind of psychobabble that you found everywhere in the US and UK during the 50s 60s and 70s, some of it really good, much of it very strange and worthless

    3. dedicated Scientologists are rabid devotees, and if they're active, they're being "sec-checked" regularly: strapped to lie-detector devices and asked "Have you come into contact with anyone who was critical of the CoS?" and similar questions -- if they say "yes" or if the needle moves, they're marked for further interrogation

    4. the anti-Scientology people tend to be rabid and irrational, fearful of being stalked and murdered, and there are some exaggerated statements about the organization that almost seem delusional; on the other hand, the Sea Org and the "rehabilitation" protocols were weirdly totalitarian, and some of the seemingly impossible charges might very well be true -- it's hard to tell when the anti-Scio people are so determined to paint everything in Scientology as uniformly evil

    That's a lot, but like I said, I've read a lot. One of my close friends disappeared into Scientology, and I looked into it. I could see the self-actualization stuff that interested her -- the auditing probably does make you feel more conscious of your life and mind -- but the organization itself is just not trustworthy. For instance, it's likely that L Ron was murdered by the board of directors of the cult in the 80s. Kinda strange stuff.

  26. L.Ron was a conman, a drug user and a drug trafficker. He made scientology a religion to escape the IRS. He belonged in prison. So sad he and his followers use psychology to control and to exploit their parishioners, who are obviously very decent folks. Listen to his son :

  27. Note to self: Give all enemy's name, address, phone numbers to Scientologists!
