Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Hooker Who Says She Had Sex With David Beckham Hospitalized

Apparently the stress got to be too much for hooker, Irma Nici, as she was hospitalized this week. On Monday Irma began having heart problems which she says are related to a stroke she had in December. Huh? She is only 26. Do people have strokes at that age that are not caused by drugs? Anyway, counter suing David Beckham and reliving the night she had sex with Eliot Spitzer was too much for one hooker to bear so she checked herself into the hospital. She was released yesterday and is ready to start earning money again, so tabloids get out your checkbooks.


  1. Do people have strokes at that age that are not caused by drugs?

    My friend had a stroke in her early 20s. No drugs.

  2. Well when I first heard about David's lawsuit it read like he was harassing this woman. I don't know if she's telling the truth and don't care but if he's giving her a hard time for exposing the affair then stress and a stroke is quite understandable.

  3. Yes, people in their 20's can get serious strokes and fatal heart attacks without any outside chemical help.

    I know of a young father who suffered a stroke in his 20's. Was paralized and lost the ability to speak for his whole life. His wife stayed with him until the day he died decades later. Oh, and they did have one last baby after the stroke. There is more to their story and it was truely inspriring.

  4. I don't do drugs, nor smoke - but I do have mini strokes everytime I read an article about Blohan.

  5. My grandmother also had strokes throughout her 20s, and 30s, into her early death in her 40s for just that reason. No drugs involved.

    Fairly egregious generalization you make there, Entertainment Lawyer.

  6. The UK papers have been awful to her, calling her names and acting like David Beckham is just an innocent family man.

  7. Yes, you can have a stroke at any age. Combine blood that clots a lot with smoking, or birth control pills and - boom - it can happen.

  8. One of my best friends had a stroke at 29 (we are now 45) they told him it was from not taking all of his perscription and it was not hereditary. His 15 year old highly athletic son died 2 years ago from the same stroke his dad had. The dr's orgininally told him they were not related. After 2 years our Children's Hospital in toronto has now admitted what we all knew 2 years ago - exactly the same situation (all of his nieces and nephews and his daughter have now all been tested and all came out clean. He has been told not to expect to live into his late 50's. So yes -- you can have a heart attack at any age.

  9. @Kelly, I'm sorry about your friends loss.

    My daughter had a stroke at 21 months old. That was 2 years ago. We still don't have a cause.
    So um, yeah, that can happen.

    Theres something called Factor V Leiden that could have caused her stroke. Thats the most popular reason. =\
