Monday, October 04, 2010

If Your Child Goes To School With Brangelina Brood Then Shhhh

You know, if I am a parent of child in the new school that Brangelina's kids are now attending in Budapest I think I would be a little miffed that I suddenly have a whole bunch of new rules to follow. I say this because all the parents of students and all the teachers had to sign confidentiality agreements and if the parents talk to the media they will be fined. If they do it again their child will be indefinitely suspended. Really?

The kids have started school late, will probably be gone by Christmas, but it is the parents who have had kids in the school forever that are having to jump through hoops and having to sign everything for what? So, Angelina can pretend her kids are normal and go to regular school. They really don't. What is wrong with the tutors they have been using?

You can argue that it is good for the kids to go to normal school and I agree. Except, for the fact they have started late, will be leaving early and so nothing about it is normal. Is it really better off for them to go to school for three months and then never come back or just not start at a regular school in the first place?


  1. IMO-this nomad lifestyle is bullshit with young know especially when you constantly lie to the press about "settling down" in every damn country you visit.

  2. I don't see the big deal. I'm guessing there are similar agreements in place at the school where Affleck and Garner's kids go. This shouldn't be about the parents, let the kids go to school.

  3. Why shouldn't their kids have a right to privacy?

    Sorry but I don't blame them. The media doesn't care about these kids well being, so good for mom and dad for doing it.

  4. yea, i've always been against their globe-trotting-education. stay in one place. let the kids build relationships with regular kids that will last longer than 3 months.

    wait, they will never mix with regular kids. still, keep 'em in one place. it's about them, not you, brangelina.

  5. I'm on the "leave the kids alone" boat. And I don't think it's any hardship for the the other parents to not talk to the press about the Brangelina kids. Since the Brangelina's do travel so much, I guess it's really nice that they do have a big brood of kids so they can at least play with each other. Also, I'm kind of amazed at how fast Shiloh is growing.

  6. When Brad was filming here in Austin a while back, parents at a local preschool were told that some children with celebrity parents were going to be attending and they were issued a long list of rules. I don't know if Brangelina changed their minds but the kids never showed up.

  7. I would be pissed as hell if some family came in to my daughters' school one day and made all these rule changes when my kids have been going there for 6 years and will continue to go there for a dozen more. If I were the principal I'd tell them to either join the school with no special circumstances for your not-so-special kids or go somewhere else.

    Again, the families who pay for their kids to go to a school (I'm assuming it's a private school) from kindergarten through 8th grade should get priority over one family who will be there for a couple of months. And as someone who pays/will pay for four kids to go to private school 4K-8th, they'd be stupid to choose people who won't even pay tuition for a full year over the rest of us who pay a lot more.

  8. I 100% co-sign what chopchop said.

  9. I think it will be a great learning experience for the kids. They'll make friends easier in life and become accustomed to change. It can only prepare them for a better life. I think it's a good thing!

  10. I totally agree with chopchop.

    The kids need to be in one place instead of being schlepped around the world every few months. How are they ever going to develop deep friendships if they keep disappearing after 2-3 months? The friendships that you make later in life are nothing like those that are forged at an early age.

    And I think it's pretty nervy to walk into a new situation and insist on confidentiality agreements.

  11. I am with chopchop. I wonder when the kids are going to balk at this?

  12. If I was told I had to sign a list of rules to accomodate Brangelina for a couple of months, I would tell the principal to take the rules and stick them up his/her ass.

    I guess if it's private school, they can do these things. But, I'm all about public education and I just don't see this kind of thing happening where I roll.

  13. Also, with this whole nomadic lifestyle and it's impact on the childrens: Going from school to school is really not going to help their education. New students are never on the same page as the rest of the class at first. They have to play catchup and all of that, not to mention getting used to new teachers, new schedules, etc.

    I understand the parents want to work and keep the kids all together, so props for that. It just seems really hard on the kiddies.

  14. I'll lay money that the rules had to do with speaking to the press about the kids and taking photos of the kids. Both are reasonable requests. Do you really think any parent there would tolerate someone taking photos of their child and speaking to reporters about their child?

    As for moving around, I'm a military brat and we moved around a lot. Kids are more resilient than we give them credit for and very adaptable when a situation is presented in a positive manner.

    There's pros and cons to every lifestyle - static or moving around a lot. As long as the kids have a constant in their life with the caregivers/parents, they'll be fine, IMO.

  15. Well said, Ms. What the hell is so "inconvenient" about agreeing not to speak to the press?

  16. If they are soo worried about what is going to happen in the school, then just keep them out of it. It is not fair to ask people to adapt their lives and their children's lives because the stars kids are going to school there. such bullshit. If brangelina don't want anything said, don't send the kids there. Don't try to pretend you treat your kids like everyone else does, because you don't. Don't give interviews about the kids when you have a Goddamn movie coming out because then it is okay to talk about them and have photo ops of the kids,so your film can make money. But all other times everyone has to do what you say?? bullshit, you can't have it both ways!!

  17. You have got to be shitting me. And let me guess -- Brangelina is not paying one damn cent to anyone for their silence, either? Correct? Shouldn't they be compensating the parents with demands like that? Because I'm assuming if the parents don't sign the agreement they also are penalized.

  18. I don't see what the big deal is here. You know how people can be "famewhores", they're just trying to nip it in the bud.

    They're not asking for a whole adjustment to be made so their kids can go to school there, they are just asking the parents not to run to the tabloids when Shiloh or Pax talk about life on the homefront to the other kids.

    Calm down.

  19. I have a friend who's granddaughter went to the preschool the kids were supposed to attend. The rules went beyond just confidentiality and pictures. Parents were given new procedures for drop off and pickup and they were instructed not to speak to the celebrities or draw attention to them.

  20. I could give a crap about signing some papers...what bothers me is the bouncing around thing. I was a military kid too. I went to 5 elementary schools before the 4th grade was over. For the most part I loved being a military kid, but the making friends only to leave them behind thing gets really old really fast. Yeah, I learned to make friends quick, but I also learned not to get to close to someone cause you never know when they are going to leave. It sucks. It's great they have a large brood that can be consistant in regard to playmates, but even in large families you want a friend or two you don't have to share a parent with.

  21. and another thing... the reports likely to come out would be something like "What Shiloh wore to school today..." stories, had Brangelina not asked people to sign these agreements.

    Parents would have the paprazzi on speed-dial every day to report how Shiloh dressed as a boy "again", or how Pax got bullied on the swings today, or other mundane crap their own kids were forced to report back to them at the end of everyday.

    For all of you parents out there, what do your kids say about their classmates on a daily basis? I don't have kids and I can't really remember what I used to tell my mom everydays, but at least she wasn't hounding about details of some of my friends so she could tell reporters.

  22. I can't see how signing a piece of paper promising not to talk to tabloids is an inconvenience either, unless it is signed by someone who might want to make a quick buck off of these kids. I also don't see anything wrong with travelling with children like they do - kids come into YOUR life when you have them, and if your life is "nomadic" then that is how they'll live. If you're poor and live in a shitty place with shitty people, that's how they will live. Kids get used to the way they grow up, I think.

  23. chopchop I'm on your team...the nerve

  24. It's not that its inconvenient or anything, it has more to do with an entitlement thing. At least, that's what it is for me.

  25. I think it's no big deal to sign confidentiality agreements.

    The real problem is the nomadic lifestyle for the children. Kids need routine and stability, regardless of fame and fortune.

    Are there any other famous parents whose children travel as much as this brood?

  26. I agree with chopshop and skeeball.

    The nerve! I wonder what would happen if a parent who has had a kid in the school for years refused to sign the agreement? Would they kick the child out? What if all of the parents decided they refuse to sign the agreement?

    This is similar to that time that Angelina tried to force the media to sign an agreement that would refrain them from asking questions about her relationship with Brad. When she went on the interview she apologized and lied saying that it was "her people's fault" and not her idea. That's only because the media refused to do it an told the whole damn world what she was up to.

    That's exactly what the parents should have done. Exposed them and the school for trying to pull rank when they really have none.

  27. I'm with chopchop, etc. Why the fuck should *I* be forced into some legally binding contract with financial and other penalties just because THEY come to MY school. That's fucking bullshit.

    If you are minding your own business, and they move next door to you, why should YOU have to start signing contracts?

  28. So what would happen if someone didn't agree to sign the agreement? Would their kids be kicked out of the school?

    Someone mentioned the Afflecks above. I have a friend whose daughter attended the same preschool as Violet. No agreements were required to be signed. Another friend had children in school with Kate Winslet's children...again, no agreements. I think it's pretty bold of Brangelina to require this as a condition to attending the school

  29. Each one of their kids has 2 nannies. I don't feel for them. It's like the rule they make with the paps. 'Don't take pictures of the help, or you will never get another picture of our kids".

  30. I think for giggles I am going to enroll my babies in school and demand a confidentiality agreement be put in place in regards to talking about them....

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. What parent would regularly talk to the media about kids in the school anyway? It's not like signing a form saying they won't is such a big deal. It doesn't change their life in anyway. Celebrity kids should get some form of protection - the paps will stop at nothing to get that picture or that story.

  33. Didn't they take over a small country when Shiloh was born?

    I'm on the fence and I can see protecting the kids, but if I were a parent of a kid there I'd probably be pissed.

    If they truly want their kids in "normal" school, they should expect their kids to be treated the same as everyone else.

  34. Back in the 60's my high school in NY had a strict rule against students or parents speaking to the press on any subject remotely connected with the school. And we had no celebrities there.

    There's one argument I can think of for agreeing to this stuff; there are a lot of crazy people out there with no sense of boundaries who would love to hear any snippet of gossip about celebrity kids. Without these agreements in place, something would be bound to leak out about a Brangelina kid wetting himself or throwing a tantrum or something that'll haunt him or her for years.

    Am I offended by these two shlepping their brood every 2 or three months? Yes, and I do think Angelina in particular has some serious control issues that will haunt her children. For one thing, she seems hell-bent on introducing chaos whenever the family's just settled down somewhere. And the kids are learning that there's no need to commit to appropriate social skills and behavior -- they're going to leave in 60 days and never see these people again, anyway.

  35. Sue Ellen Mishkey is spot-on again. It is absolutely an entitlement issue.

  36. ditto chopchop & skeeball!

  37. Hey, I grew up on military bases and stuff like this was normal (except for the confidentiality agreements!).

    All my friends and I turned out to be normal.

    Well, except for a few tower shooters....heh heh, just kidding!

  38. but we've made them so famous!!! and now you bitch about the extra precautions they have to take because of our culture's obsession with them????

    there's no need to count the misery of others. i don't have kids in that school. i don't care. if i did, then maybe i'd bitch bitch bitch....

  39. I can't imagine they would have a legal leg to stand on if it's a public school. As a special education evaluator I have to keep everything about the children I deal with confidential as do the teachers and administrators at all the public schools I deal with. To ask the parents to sign a confidentiality agreement is absurd.

    As a parent I would be extremely irritated at these people coming in and thinking they can disrupt my child's education for their whims and fancies.

  40. I'm with Chopchop on this. I know of one woman whose daughter was at the same school as Violet Affleck and she never had to sign any agreements.

    I'm sorry, but they do this in little countries where they are willing to bend over backwards to accommodate celebrities (although I don't know why). The minute they get called on it, they'll claim they had nothing to do with the agreements, blah, blah blah.

    For my part, I would not sign any legally binding agreement that curtails my rights unless it has something to do with my job. Crazy!

  41. Brangelina really are a pair of moronic tools. The sooner the mass media acknowledges this, the better.

  42. Like others have said, the confidentiality agreements don't seem like that big a deal but it depends what all the special "rules" were.

    I really don't see stuff like this being ok for very much longer. I switched schools until 7th grade & it SUCKED. I can't see something like this going over well with other parents/students once the kids are in middle school. Maybe The Brange will be retired by then.

  43. I have to wonder if the level of education they're receiving is even - wouldn't some countries be more advanced in their schooling than others? There are differences between school boards in cities, even. Unless they're using a chain of English private schools that has the same curriculum across the board.

    Wasn't Pax enrolled in some gifted school in NY? What happened with that?

    I think birthday parties must suck - bunch of kids you don't really know showing up at your house. Do they sign confidentiality agreements there, too?

  44. OMG! Leave them alone! They're just kids, and to whoever said that if people have to change their lives the kids shouldn't go to a public school at all how selfish are you!?!? Because for your information every child deserves an education. So you have to sign a piece of paper and not talk to the brangie bunch! Boo bloody who. God stop being so self-centred and dare I say it prejudiced and leave them alone!
    Gosh and FYI THEY HAVE TO TRAVEL! THEY'RE MOVIE STARS!!!!! besides those kids have probably experienced more in their life than you have in the whole of yours
    Good day
