Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jessica Simpson Says She Can Lose Or Gain 20 Pounds A Week

Apparently Jessica Simpson has a never before seen talent that she is sharing with the world via an interview she did with USA Today. "I can gain 20 pounds and lose 20 pounds in one week... it's pretty amazing." It is amazing. I thought she was exaggerating or something but then she added that little part about it being pretty amazing. Like it is a talent or something. Umm, is it even possible to gain 20 pounds in a week? I am a very large guy and even I think with my voracious appetite that I could not gain 20 pounds in one week. What would you have to eat to gain it? Would you go by sheer calories or would you eat heavy foods? How does one go about trying to gain that much weight in one week?

Now, as for losing 20 pounds in one week, I think would actually be easier. You might end up killing yourself, but I think it could be done. I know, Jessica is probably joking, but I guarantee there will be someone who reads it and wonders why they too cannot lose 20 pounds in a week.


  1. At one time I could easily lose ten pounds in a day. Stress and metabolism did the job. It would take me weeks, though, to add pounds. I weighed every day to make sure I was not losing but staying stable or gaining. I miss those days.

  2. I can gain/lost 5-10 lbs a week. Not that I like doing that. I think 20 lbs/week is pretty amazing (not in a good way)

  3. The fact that she's even talking about this shows how detrimental it has been to have people constantly criticizing about her weight has been to her mental state. Not a good mindset.

  4. If you go from not eating (think back to her skinny days, no way she was eating then) to eating like a normal person you could gain a considerable amount of weight in a week. I don't know about 20 lbs tho.

  5. I'm sick of these stupid starlets talking about weight loss. Yes, you can gain or loose several pounds, but that's actually water, not fat.

    OK, facts for Enty. One pound of body fat is 3,000 calories. To gain 20 lbs in a weeks, you would have to add 3 lbs per day = 9,000 calories plus your regular 2,000 cals to keep your bod going. So, 11000 cals a day for 7 days. Even on Christmas day eating solidly, most people only manage 6,000 cals. It ain't possible.

  6. She needs to shut her pie hole and just smile and look pretty. That could be the extent of her talent.

  7. it was a joking exaggeration.
    the girl DOES gain and lose quickly though.two weeks ago she was slimmer,now this week a few pounds...but always beautiful.

    but she should burn that dress. big guns and no bra is not the look.

  8. She's an idiot....and ruining her body, that is so unhealthy.

  9. Of course she can gain or lose 20 lbs in a week...and I'm Grace Kelly.

  10. I think many of you may need to back off your caffeine and relax. She was obviously joking. I don't think for one minute she thought that people would take that comment literally. She was just pointing out the fact that her weight can fluctuate very quickly. Anyone who frequents this site and looks at her photos can attest to that. Plus, she was probably also refering to the fact that on a short person, even just a little weight gain can look like 20 pounds, especially in photographs and especially for people who don't know how to dress for their body type (and clearly, she does not).

  11. 5 lbs. of the weight is the stuff between her teeth, since she says that she only brushes about 2-3 times a week.

  12. Actually, I would like to test this theory with her. I've got some jeans and a button-up shirt. When the buttons pop off due to the weight gain, then I'll know she can gain it in a week.

    When the shirt & jeans are too small, then I know she can lose it in a week.

    If she cannot perform these duties, I will perform some kind of fucked up necromancy and summon Hank Williams, Sr. to deal with her.

  13. yeah. not possible. she's an idiot.

  14. I like Jess. Dumb as a box o' rocks...but seems nice enough.

  15. i think there was a woman on either youtube or she had been on tv as well on one of the talk shows but she was steadily gaining 20 to 40 or even more a month by eating round the clock fastfood and candy and soda.
    Even her it took a whole month of being prone and having her kid bring in the food and she gained no more than i think 40 or maybe 50/month. Now I have heard that large ppl (enty size) can lose a MASSIVE load of weight by just droping soda or something. Im talking like probs 15 lbs in a week or less. But Jessica even at her biggest cant weigh more than 150 so its doubtful girlfriend could pull this off.

  16. If she wanted to lose 200 pounds she could get rid of her dad.

  17. God I wish she could get rid of her dad 24/7, find a guy who really loves her and have a family.
    I've never been a fan but I find myself very sad for her sometimes, for her lack of self-esteem.

  18. It is possible. For her? I don't know. But it is possible. Saying someone can "gain or lose 20 pounds in a week" isn't ruling out water weight or loss. For someone who is very sick/has heart/renal failure it could happen.

  19. but I totally agree with RJ in that she wasn't meaning to be literal, and because she is small a smaller amount of weight loss/gain looks different on her and that is what she meant.

  20. You all are forgetting about water weight!!!

    I went on a cruise and gained 12 pounds in 8 days. That's "about" a week. And I wasn't starving myself ahead of time. And I was active. Walking around, going to the gym, sightseeing, swimming. I was shocked. But then again - as many, many people pointed out to me - cruise food is high in fat AND salt. I was retaining water like crazy.

    If I starve myself for a week (like with a fast or a liquid diet) to jump start a diet, and I include things like pills to get rid of water weight - I could come close in just over a week. Really. I can loose 6-7 pounds just by drinking too much the night before and depending on when I weighed myself the day before.

    Not saying there is any healthy way to do this, just saying if your liberal with your construction, take them as approximations, you can come pretty close.

  21. She is joking, and hers is probably all water weight.

  22. I always lose weight when I am unhappy. During the divorce from hell I lost 30 lbs in two weeks. My doctor prescribed a hamburger and a milkshake.

  23. She does gain and lose weight very quickly- I don't think it is 20 pounds per week, but I think she's gained/dropped 20 pounds within 3-5 weeks before.

    She's never been overweight, or even close to overweight. She's been very, very thin, and then she's been height/weight proportional and everything in between those two poles.

    Jessica's problem is that she can't dress for shit. I'm not talking style, I'm talking cut and fabric- she consistently wears garments that cut her in the most unflattering way (remember the mom jeans at the chili cookoff?). She's a very petite woman (I think 5'2" or so) with a curvy lower torso, large breasts, and wider shoulders. So she easily looks 10 pounds heavier or lighter depending on what she wears.

  24. poor jess.
    it is possible, though, under extreme circumstances.
    in the week or two that my husband became very ill and was ultimately diagnoses with diabetes, he lost 40lbs.
    myself, back before menopause, i could gain or lose 13 lbs. in a week's time, due to water weight. and for three years running, i lost @ 20 lbs. each yr. in the 10 days-2 weeks before leaving for convention in NOLA. y'all can guess how fast i could put it on.

    yeah, until post-menopause, when i had to keep it to 500 cals./day just to maintain my weight. turns out i have cushing's and since starting meeds 3 weeks ago, i've happily lost 8 lbs.
    weight loss/gain is a funny thing. there really is such a thing as a "gland problem" causing weight problems-- and that story is for those of you in the past who have made the "fat people are lazy" allusions.

  25. ctkat1, she is in desperate need of a Tim Gunn intervention. That was what he did when he had his own show - taught women to dress for their proportions.

  26. From reading the article I took it as her making fun of the tabloids scrutiny of the weight. Sometimes saying "too thin" or "Jess on a diet" or "Jess too fat in mom jeans!". Def. didn't take this as literal either.

    I would say 10lbs yeah, but 20lb does seem far fetched.

    I gained almost 10lbs after a week in NOLA. And that was with me attempting to eat healthy.

  27. Agree with jax that she should burn that dress....and throw a few more of 'em on the bonfire while she's at it. That whole smooshed up skin look at her armpit looks unattractive & uncomfortable. This is why she needs a stylist that's not her dad. *shudder*
