Monday, October 04, 2010

Lindsay To Use Rehab As Money Making Opportunity

If you need both hands to keep track of how many times you have been to rehab, perhaps you should spend that time getting better instead of arranging deals for rehab photos to make a few bucks. But, then again Lindsay Lohan and her family are not like the rest of the world. Somehow Dina Lohan has Barbara Walters' phone number and Dina said she was taking the whole family to go visit Lindsay at rehab. Except for Michael of course.

Call me cynical but I would not be surprised if Dina has a camera with her and gets Lindsay to pose for some photos which Dina can then sell to make some money. Have to keep earning while your daughter is unavailable for any other money making opportunities. How can Dina justify calling Barbara Walters and talk about Lindsay's rehab? It is still all about making a buck off her daughter and not the health of her daughter.

PopEater says that pictures of Lindsay in rehab could fetch as much as $100,000. Considering how much rehab is probably costing Lindsay, she needs to pay for it in some way. What Lindsay needs to be doing is focusing on getting better. The last thing she needs is her mom bugging her about making money. I want to be hopeful, but I have none that this rehab will take. I don't think any rehab will work for Lindsay unless it is like 60 days in jail.


  1. If I were Lindsay, I'd want to be stoned out of my mind, too, if it kept me from thinking about the parents.

  2. I agree looserdude. That poor kid (those poor kids) never had a chance with those two leeches for parents.

  3. They're all pond scum. Rehab ONLY works if the participant WANTS to get better, if they aren't ready then it won't work. Lindsay is being forced into this and she has done nothing but blame others for it. She doesn't seem like she is ready for it. I have NO expectation of her getting better, only time will tell.

  4. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Even in jail I think she would find a way to get her fix.

  5. Lindsay is 24. She's legal. She's been of age for a long time. When I was 24 I knew no one who had their parents so involved in their day-to-day lives. It's usually just not that kewl when you're that age.

  6. Enough. I have had enough.

  7. Enough. I have had enough.

  8. Someday a judge may do Lindsay the biggest favor ever...issue a restraining order against her parents. Lindsay might have a chance if her parents couldn't see her or talk about her.

  9. Someday a judge may do Lindsay the biggest favor ever...issue a restraining order against her parents. Lindsay might have a chance if her parents couldn't see her or talk about her.

  10. another wasted trip to rehab. in 'real' rehab, you don't call the shots---ANY of them.
    you don't get to have photographers come in and take pictures of you. and if dina is taking the 'whole family' to visit, that's another sign this is a joke.
    most legit rehabs have family week, but it doesn't happen until near the end of your stay and you choose ONE person to come---not your whole family. and your time with that person is mostly supervised, with very little time to just hang out.

    UCLA was a joke, and if this shit happens, so is betty ford.

  11. Betty Ford is a joke.

  12. You know this family is hurting for money for them to be pulling this shit. How pathetic.

    Lindsay will never let go of her mother - she's the ultimate enabler!

  13. Tenley, it's called "helicopter parenting" and it runs rampant nowadays. I've heard of kids just graduating college, going to job interviews and the kid's mom made a follow-up-interview call. Kids & young adults nowadays aren't prepared for the real world because Mommy & Daddy are always hovering, picking up any slack for their kids. It's very unfortunate.

  14. Hopefully no one's buying......

  15. I guess she really didn't get much of a settlement from her big law suit against E Trade if she is busy trying to sell pictures of herself. As one of her biggest enablers Dina shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a rehab facility while her daughter is in it.

  16. Lilo's 'rents should be in rehab also. We all know damned well that they're both users.

  17. well that rehab ain't going to pay for itself!

    that, and the fact that the family has no problem exploiting her.

  18. I visited a friend in rehab a few years ago and if I'd had a camera with me, I coulda snapped a few familiar faces and made some money.

    But I'm not like that. :-)

    Instead, I hung out with them and treated them like real people with real problems getting real help, which they were. Haven't heard about any of those folks having to go back!

  19. it had been so nice until now because you hadn't been posting about this waste of human life. ugh.

    lindsay news is boring. and a dead bloody horse. let's stop beating it and move on.


    **steps down from soapbox

  20. I don't think her rehab pics will make that much. I've already seen two completely different sets of pictures of her at Betty Ford. You could tell they were taken with a long lens, from a distance, but they were clear.

    1st set

    2nd set

  21. A savvy entertainment lawyer quoting Popeater? Makes one wonder.

  22. Tatyana complaining about yet another post? How boring.

  23. That $100k will not go to pay the rehab bill. It'll go straight up Dina's nose, loads of shopping, and photography sessions for Ali. If Lindsay's lucky, she'll get a little nose candy, some Starbucks, and some botox once she's out.
