Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"A Lot Cause I Am Drunk"

Whenever you answer a police officers question about how much you have had to drink and you answer, "A lot cause I am drunk," then chances are that you are hammered. Everyone always says just one or two. Well, police arrested Indianapolis Colts punter Pat McAfee last night after a woman called 911 to report a man without a shirt had just tried to get in her car.

When police found McAfee they found him shirtless and soaking wet. Apparently Pat had been taking a swim in a canal in downtown and lost his shirt in it. When asked how he got wet, Pat stated that it had been raining. When the police asked him if he had been swimming in the canal, Pat said no. When they asked Pat why his shirt was in the canal, Pat had no answer.

Pat wanted to take a taxi home or to walk, but the police arrested him and charged him with public intoxication after they had to help him to his feet during a field alcohol test.


  1. hilarious! at least he didn't try to bullshit them and say only a couple of beers

  2. At least he wasn't driving!

  3. I know in nursing, when you ask a person how much they drink, you really aren't thinking they are going to be truthful. I'm sure it is the same in policework.

  4. Swimming while drunk is really dangerous. So easy to drown.

  5. at least he had enough sense to ask for a cab and not to get in a car and drive.

  6. Seriously, I hope he isn't charged with anything. He wanted a cab or to walk home. Ya, swimming was dumb, but driving would have been beyond. The cops should program a number for a taxi into his cellphone and send him on his way.

  7. I kind of like his answer!

  8. I'm not sure what this guy did was so wrong, or newsworthy. He got drunk and didn't commit any crimes. Did he try to steal the woman's car, or did he just think it was the taxi he was waiting for?

    And why did they arrest him? It seems like he was doing what everyone is told to do which is not drive when drunk and call a cab, or walk home. They should have just waited for his cab with him, and made sure the address was correct and he had enough money to pay, then send him on his way.

  9. Bless his drunken heart....

    Yeah, at least he didn't drive! He's kinda lucky he didn't drown.

  10. LOL! Isn't it a little chilly in Indianapolis at this time of year? That water must have been COLD.

  11. and to think, when i was 13, i had a crush on this kid. fame and money, oh woe is he who gets it.

  12. I think it's funny. He wasn't driving. He wasn't harming anyone. They probably cited him just to make sure he dried out for his own safety.

    Awesome balla - I'd still have a crush on the guy. He's cute.

  13. I think, in light of freezing in the weather and drowning dangers, they arrested him for his own safety. They couldn't let him go if he died, they would be responsible.
    This is the modern version of the "drunk tank".
