Friday, October 01, 2010

Michael Lohan Goes After His Son

Earlier this week, Michael Lohan Jr. sent out a statement where he said that Lindsay Lohan's problems were the result of leeches and enablers. I would agree with that. In his statement, he also said that his family supported Lindsay. He listed everyone in the family except for Michael Lohan. So, of course that means Michael Lohan has to go ahead and trash his son.

"Being that Dina has been gagged due to her constant lies to the press, media, public, courts and people in general, she is using a normally quiet and innocent person as her mouthpiece. First, to spread her BS, and second as her new pawn."

I don't have a problem with what Junior said. I think we would all agree that Lindsay is surrounded by people who just say yes because they don't want to be cut off by the money train. Sure, the train is lighter and doesn't have as much money as it used to, but it still beats working a regular job to have someone else make money for you.

What it also shows is that Senior is perfectly willing to throw any of his kids under the bus unless they support his decisions. Lets face it. Senior is angry because he is not the one who gets Lindsay's money, Dina does.


  1. Can we go a day without hearing from this idiot?

  2. OMG poor Michael Jr. He looks so much like his Dad.

  3. Forget all the rest of this...what I cannot stand is that gosh dang FAKE HAIR. Arrrrggghhhh!

    I just wanna run up and yank it out a la Ashley and Danielle from RHONJ!

  4. All Mike Lohan's statement proves is that he hates all the kids but his money maker, so much so he paid for a lap dances at Scores to have a Lindsay look-a-like dancer grind on his crotch all night. I'm sure God was smiling down on him that holey night.

    I'm thinking there was something awful going on in that house, besides the spousal rape, beatings, verbal abuse and selective emotional battery. Just sayin'

  5. this man does not love his children.

  6. Fittingly, nobody loves this man.
    I am also going to take a shot in the dark and include Jesus.

  7. He's just pissed because Linds didn't want to go to his new Rehab center.
    And after he spent all that money on cameras and microphones too.
