Friday, October 08, 2010

Peni Plus vs Man Screams For His Mom During Amusement Park Ride

Apparently there are men in the world who only have one peen. Funniest.Thing.This Week.

If you know the guy in the second video, I hope you tease him about this for the rest of his life. Why did he even go on this ride?


  1. i would pee myself if i went on a ride like that...seriously, pee

  2. What the heck is that ride. I could never do that. That poor guy. He should not be teased.

  3. Oh man...the guy in the second video could get a heart attack, why even going up in the first place?

  4. lol @ 1-800-dicks-everywhere!

    lol @ declarations of love on the 2nd one. momma's boy...what a wimp.

  5. Video #2 = HAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Screaming even after the ride was over! Love it!

  6. I cant even laugh at the 2nd video. I had a former friend that tricked me into gettin onto the American Scream Machine telling me it wasnt a scary ride. Once I got on the ride I flipped out just like this guy. In fact, I havent been the same mentally since then.

  7. Hi, they're Aussies. I have a friend who is threatening to drag me on water slides I don't want to go on next year on holidays. Just our culture. And even if he is teased, his response will be, when are you going on the ride? It shuts everyone up. Also, good for him, I couldn't do it.

  8. wow Borg Queen, that's f'ed up

  9. It looks like the Jackhammer.

  10. That rides looks horrifying!
