Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rachel Uchitel Bet On The Wrong Horse With David Boreanaz

Rachel Uchitel gave an interview to E! and in the interview she discussed her affair with David Boreanaz, but true to her agreement with Tiger Woods chose not to answer any questions about the golfer. She says that she knew David was married when she started dating him. She also knew David's wife was pregnant. She said she believed David when he told her he was not happy in his marriage.

"It was a situation where I was deeply in love with somebody and he was deeply in love with me. You never know what you're being told — no matter who you are, no matter what relationship you're in — you never really know if the person is really being honest with you. I took a chance and I bet on the wrong horse."

I think any time you decide to date a man you know is married you are betting on the wrong horse. It is one thing to not know, but if you date a guy who is married and he has a child on the way, that bet is never going to come in. Apparently Rachel did not learn her lesson considering that Tiger was also married with kids which she knew when she started dating him.


  1. I'm so sick of her interviews about how she hates being perceived as a terrible person. The reality is she's a married-star fucker. Get a chastity belt if that's what it takes, but keep your clothes on around married men. Sick of her whining.

  2. well. what RQ just said. stop playing the victim and get on with it already.

  3. Exactly RocketQueen. One cant be mad if the media is protraying u for eactly what u r. Stop fucking married men. No good can come out of it. Plus, if the guy leaves his wife for u,u can bet he will leave u for someone else.

  4. If you're going to be a home wreckin' ho, then own it, dammit!

  5. Wasn't she "deeply in love" with Tiger, too? And how about her husband? (may he RIP). My gosh, how many times can you fall "deeply in love?" I feel lucky that I got to once!!!

  6. I would have more respect for her if she just said. "Hey I'm a star fucker I like to fuck stars". None of this deeply in love bullshit. She got off on the fact he is famous on a hit show. Same as she did with Tiger he is a famous athelete that can afford to pamper her.

    God woman just be honest a little bit at least.

  7. Well, you have to remember she initially went to celebrity rehab because she was "addicted to love" (gag!)

  8. She has a busted face and a bad boob job.

    Both wives are gorgeous. Bones was one of my favorite shows & now that this story came out, I don't feel the same way about it. Way to go David, bummer.

  9. I'm still shocked she showed up at some event with Greasy Bear Davis. She really is a gold-digger.

  10. she sure is 'deeply in love' a lot.

  11. No married men......that's part of the code.
    Why go down that road...it's trouble.

  12. She is deeply in love with the potential payoff $$$ and quasi fame. It certainly has gotten her attention.

  13. Another "The More You Know" moment from a female who sleeps with married men. Why is this trick still running her mouth? Her story is like her face-haggered and tired. Bitch, take your Tiger Woods hush money and STFU. Oh and again, do not say you were doing this for "love". You were in "love" with Tiger and then saying you were in "love" with David. Gold digger rule number one-NEVER mention or bring up how much in "love" you were. Did this trick NOT read any Danielle Steele novels when she was growing up? Hell, she could have read those books and had it locked up.

  14. Isn't she saying she was in love with Tiger, but went with David ("the wrong horse") instead?

    Not important...she just needs to go away.

  15. Skeasy ho ! And like blood I dont enjoy Bones as much anymore !

  16. Did David offer her money to shut her gross mouth? Maybe she is talking about it still to try to lure him into some "SHUT THE FUCK UP" money?

    P.S. Marion I like the nickname Blood. My stupid gmail is forever long and had to use it.

  17. lol@these comments. Totally agree, I was just coming to say she epitomizes a fucked up woman.

  18. as nene leakes would say,
    " close your legs to married men..."

  19. @blood no David would not pay her. Gloria Allred did her famous "pay up or we do a press conference which isn't extortion but really is" dance.

    David being the cheapwad that he is decided to bite the bullet tell his wife everything and go public first. Honestly the coverup is usally worse then the lie. His wife isn't leaving him and he is still on a network show. He is fine.

  20. timebomb... thx! I forgot about all this.

  21. timebomb -- I actually respect him because of this. He wasn't going to use his family's assets to pay this dog off, and I don't think Emily Deschanel (isn't she EP of "Bones"?) was going to use her budget to do it. Or she was going to take it out of his salary. Good for him.

    Knowing her history wouldn't these men be worried about bugs and germs jumping off of this woman?

  22. She's a skanky tramp and wouldn't know real love if it bit her on her disease-riddled ass. Boreanaz is a piece of work, too, but don't feel too sorry for his wife. I have a feeling she knew exactly what she was getting with him. She was a Playmate, working at one of the parties at Hef's mansion when they met, and I think he might have still been married to his first wife at the time. I know he was still with his first wife when he (allegedly) slept his way through the cast of Buffy.

  23. I still remember her on the cover of the NY Post after 9/11. Weird???

  24. Okay, I'm not exactly a looker myself, but she looks like a MAN and those lips - yeesh! Why do so many women want engorged vulva lips? And honestly, how is it that all the stray married man whores in Hollywood are chasing after this particular tail? She must be fantastic in bed or something. Or maybe she's a man, man!

  25. @timebob: If Oksana Grogorieva is on the hot seat for alleged attempted extortion, why the hell isn't Gloria Allred? What's the difference?

  26. I hope she reads these comments, she deserves to.

  27. RJ, why does being a playmate automatically make her knowledgable about the type of manwhore she married?
    i know the batches of PMs that have done reality tv lately have been really tacky, but look at the venue! emily actually acts and has a really career, not a no talent floozy.
    not to mention being the sister of The Zooey, a cdan favorite.
    i'm just always curious why some people always immediately jump to that conclusion.
    i would have posed naked in a heart beat if i'd had the body for it. i still may some day. and i'm an ordained minister!!

  28. What everyone said.

    She knew the wife was pregnant & did it anyway. Makes my blood boil. Who even knows if she is telling the truth about him telling her he loved her. He's still a dog but I think she is actually a far worse person, IMO (b/c its not a one time occurance).

  29. Seeing her face makes me sick. She has no excuses for her behavior, I wish the media would ignore her and stop giving her attention!

  30. Oooh! BB - Playboy should so do an issue with ministers!! I have a friend who would totally do that, and not have to buff up too much either.

    I'm not sure what I'm more tired of, RU and her tales or married men chasing women. I don't enjoy Bones as much either.

    I bet lawyers are making a fortune writing those "Jesse James/Tiger Woods drugs, whores and hookers" clauses into pre-nups now!

  31. hahah, I would love to read one of those clauses... :)

  32. Anonymous7:01 PM

    timebomb, David told Jaime about the whole thing with Rachel a year before he actually went public with it. It was actually Jaime who convinced him to go public with it to try and avoid any 'lies' coming out from the girl like what happened with Tiger.

    weezy, ED is not an executive producer. Both she and DB are co-producers on Bones, so I'm not sure she would have been able to take it out of his salary all by herself. Somebody higher up probably would have been able to, though.

    RJ, David wasn't with his first wife Ingrid when he met Jaime. They got divorced in October of 1999 and he didn't meet Jaime until Valentine's Day of 2001 at the Playboy Mansion. There were 2 years between when David and Ingrid's marriage ended and when he met Jaime. You are right about the cheating, though. David did cheat on Ingrid all the time, but she was cheating on him as well. It was a miserable marriage all around. Jaime did know what she was getting herself into when she married David. She knew full well that he was a cheater. As for the 'sleeping his way through the Buffy cast' allegations, they're not totally true. David did have an affair for over a year with SMG and left Ingrid for her, though (she left him not too long after that). That much is true.

    bionicbunny!, it makes her knowledgeable about it when Jaime knew about David's history with infidelity way before they ever got married. She knew the kind of person he was and certainly was not in the dark about his cheating streak when she married him. Also, she's known about his cheating on her for years. That wasn't a surprise either, contrary to what it might have seemed like publicly.
    People weren't jumping to that conclusion about Jaime. Her own mother said Jaime knew about David's history with infidelity when they got married. It's just one of those well-known facts within Hollywood circles (not publicly) that she was aware of it, just like it's been known in those same Hollywood circles since his BTVS/ATS days that he's always been a notorious cheater.
