Friday, October 15, 2010

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Liam Neeson on a date with a flight attendant he met on a flight six weeks ago. I'm not sure the glasses perched on the forehead is a good look for Liam.
Matthew Broderick has an umbrella holder person, but
Angela Lansbury prefers to carry her own because that is how she rolls.
Marion Cotillard walking the streets of Paris.
Michelle Williams in London tonight for the premiere of Blue Valentine. Still has that NC-17 rating here.
Also in London, Minnie Driver and Hilary Swank.
Prince announcing his Welcome 2 America Tour.
Thomas Dekker and Nikita Ramsey at an amusement park.
Taryn Manning shows Daniel Dae Kim the finer points of DJ'ing.
Usher and his two kids. They do look cute.


  1. OMG, I don't like Usher but he sure has some adorable, sweet little boys. They look so cute I could just squeeze them!

  2. Yay! Thanks for DDK!

  3. Love how Usher's two boys look just like their grandpa Ben Vereen.

    I C that Liam likes em Brunette, she sorta favors Natasha bit in the face.

  4. Liam looks cute with his flight attendant.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hilary looks beautiful. What's up with that? Kidding aside, she is a great actress.

  7. Ushers kids are cuties!
    I would LOVE to see Prince in concert.
    I like Minnie Driver's dress.
    Aww Jessica Fletcher. I'm gonna watch an episode of Murder She Wrote online over the weekend.

  8. @Chrissy,

    Please refrain from calling an African American a monkey. You are entitled to your own opinions but this one should never be shared with the public.

    Thank you.

  9. Montana, I see the resemblance too.

  10. Just wanted to update on the Alec Baldwin post. Alec has denied ever texting while at the Hampton Film Festival - I believe him. He did an interview with Howard Stern. Enty, please do another post retracting the first story and putting another photo of 'my' Alec up. Thanks.

  11. Taryn fucked up her face so bad with bad bad surgery.

  12. NOMD, i think you're the one making that connection, i think Crissy is saying they look like cute animals.
    sorry, the way the makeup is applied they do look like crazy monkeys and that has nothing to do with their race. it would the same on a causcasian.

  13. thank you jax! i took it down, but it was the animal paint and nothing else!!!

  14. @ Chrissy Buns. I didn't think you were making a statement based on race either. Plus, I don't know where you live, but in England isn't a slang term for children (of all races) "monkies"?

    Also, just have to comment that Angela Lansbury really, truly does look a lot like Paul McCartney. Craig Ferguson never fails to make me laugh when he does that. The Cher/Marilyn Manson thing, too.

  15. Meant to say "monkeys" above, not "monkies". That would be a really weird term for children, slang or not.

  16. Anonymous2:07 PM

    i didn't like it either, nomd. I can't make the connection, since one's face is painted like a pumpkin.

    i am not black, but don't care to dictate how people of said minority group should or should not be offended.

  17. Am I missing out on some gossip about Ben Vareen being Usher's dad? I've seen references to him being his dad before this, but all I can find is that he's Usher's godfather.

  18. i call the kids in my pre school class and my school bus crazy monkeys, but none of them are African American. just know i didn't mean to offend.

  19. Anonymous2:19 PM

    it's cool, chrissy, and thanks for taking the time to clarify.

  20. @jax

    There is absolutely no defense for saying that this African American child looks like a monkey.

    Again any reference to Africans Americans looking like monkeys is an offensive statement. Even if the original intend was not made as a derogatory statement she (and you apparently too) needs to know that it is offensive to the majority of AFRICAN AMERICANS and it shouldn't be repeated.

    Those children no more look like a monkey than you or Chrissy.

  21. Thanks Chrissy I appreciate your understanding and sensitivity to the subject at hand.

  22. i would be horrified if i offended someone...i'm a lover not a fighter ;)

  23. I have to commend how Chrissy and NOMD for handling this. If only race relations and ethnic sensitivities could be handled this way!

    Way to go!

  24. I dunno, guys. I call my son a little monkey all the time. He's cute like a monkey. If I go out of my way NOT to call an African-American child a cute nickname that I call my son and other babies I love, purely because they're cute and cuddly and funny, then I am letting that's child's race dictate how I behave toward that child. And that's racist.

    There's racial sensitivity, and there's racial over-sensitivity. It was helpful to remind Chrissy that that term, IF USED WITH RACIAL ANIMUS, is inappropriate. But when we start saying that we have to treat African-American children differently because they're African-American, if we need to use separate terms to coo over their cuteness than we would use with white children, there's something wrong with that.

  25. IW actually in this case you would just be correcting bad behavior.

    Unfortunately there are many words on the forbidden list for African Americans because they've been intentionally used for centuries to breed hatred, prejudice, and bigotry toward us.

    This is my last comment on the subject but if you read the following article it may shed some light as to some of the negative association that the current society attributes to African Americans.

  26. The first thing I thought was that the flight attendant has similar eyes to Natasha Richardson.

  27. On the Monkey issue--
    There should not be one. It was obviously not meant to be a slur of any sort, and was meant kindly and lovingly. I call my kids (including the very blond blue eyed one) little Monkeys all of the time. Cute, funny, swinging, making ME crazy funny little lovable monkeys. I believe that this age of sensitivity has made some people overly sensitive for no reason. Case in point -- my son gets called Cracker or Whitey or something like that. Who cares. Someone else gets called a similar, but somewhat different name and it is a federal case. Hello - in the end the kids all get along and it is the parent that are in a stupid brawl over name calling, which has gone on for ages. Heck, I was a four eyed little runt. Call the Feds! There MUST be a case there???????? Discrimination against short, underweight, late developing, nearsighted kids. I'm still bearing the scars.

    This is one of the nicest blogs on the web- just enjoy it.

  28. And, no, I have no scars. Yes, I was short and small and four eyed but I managed to live through it. LOL :)

  29. i really didn't mean anything bad by it, but i should have been more careful...lesson learned :) i forget that when i type something, people only see a flat one dimensional comment. the people reading it don't know me, or my humor, or that i would never say anything that would hurt anyone. i forget i need to be careful. i tell ya, i'm so thin skinned, i wouldn't last a minute commenting on any other blog (i do weigh in on dlisted sometimes, not very often though) and i love this one because it is pretty respectful.

  30. Oh forget the monkey thing. Let's talk about Liam Neeson starting to move on. Tugs at my heart strings.

    And don't her eyes look like Natasha's?

  31. Good ofr Liam Neeson. I am glad he is moving on from Natasha's death. I also like that he is dating an attractive woman in her 40's, instead of finding some sparkly young 23 year old.

  32. i really thought she looked like her, especially in the eyes as someone else brought out. i LOVE him, i even named one of my sons Liam!

  33. Anonymous12:28 PM

    as usual, jax's brain is no good for anything but drivel, because she OFTEN misses the point. i don't care how much anyone likes this blog. people are going to disagree. fact of life, and this conversation does not ruin this blog. it's called healthy dialouge.

    if you want a blog where we all think alike and agree on everything, START YOUR OWN!

  34. From what I understand the woman Liam is dating has a husband and children, and the husband is ok with this.

  35. Love seeing Prince looking so healthy and happy. At one point he and Michael Jackson were considered rivals, with Prince the freaky one. Then Michael just got nuttier and nuttier, and Prince - after a lot of stress and heartache - grew into a balanced, contented middle-aged man.

    Note: the two celebrities mentioned above are African-American. Could someone please check my language to make sure I haven't offended anyone?

  36. Moving on, already....

    Prince almost looks like he's wearing sneakers or very low heels. I remember meeting him and marveling at how tiny he was. His pants were like Barbie pants.

  37. Anonymous8:42 AM

    nutty go fuck yourself, but make sure to stay in your country.

  38. @Chrissy Buns - If it makes you feel any better, someone else has said the EXACT same thing & the EXACT same debate was made. I have many, many friends that refer to their toddlers as "their little monkeys." I had actually forgotten about monkey being referenced in the archaic way they THOUGHT you meant it until I read it on here.
    /the end

    I thought Liam was dating another actress?

    I watched the trailer for Blue Valentine last night...I love them both but it didn't make me die to see this film.

  39. I would highly recommend seeing Prince in concert if you ever have the chance.

  40. And I would highly recommend getting up on stage and having a dance-off with him when his back up dancers come rounding up members of the audience to shake it on stage.

    Hella fun.

  41. Oh believe me I wanted to soooo bad. I guess I'm too um, mature?

    When I saw him in Vegas he wouldn't the dancers touch him or get too close, but by the time he got to San Diego he had loosened up and interacted more with the dancers. Most awesome concert ever.

  42. My dance-off was in Vegas on New Years. Some fool touched Prince and he disappeared and came back in a whole other costume while everyone was ushered off stage. Fun while it lasted. And it lasted after the concert and on to the after party, wrapping at 5am. Wish I'd seen the San Diego show.

    I saw him loosen up in Toronto once and he passed the mic to a woman to complete a line of lyrics in a chorus. He sang "This is what it sounds like when..."

    And the woman didn't know. She. Did. NOT. Know. HOW??!

    Prince was so annoyed.
