Monday, October 04, 2010

Random Photos Part Two

Heidi Klum and two of her kids out shopping.
The always beautiful, Helen Mirren.
Joseph Gordon Levitt and his own personal angels. Well, he has had a good year.
The Jackson kids in Vegas.
John Malkovich settles down the crowd, but it is tough when you are wearing all velvet.
Matching dour expressions. Maybe they miss
Tom who is still filming in Prague.
Louie Vito about to play pull my finger with Kelly Osbourne.
Earlier in the weekend, Kelly was dressed up and had to contend with less finger pulling.
Lily Allen gets stared at by a Katie Price look-a-like.
Leonardo DiCaprio in Paris.
Leona Lewis makes friends with everyone.
Liev Schreiber in his first father/son interview.
Justin Timberlake and what looks like one of those cardboard cut out photos of Liv Tyler.


  1. Suri is pouting because she wanted to wear her kitten-heels again, but Mom said no. "I always end up carrying you when you wear those shoes! You're wearing your Stride-Rites today like every other four-year-old!"

  2. Two things: (1) Kelly Osborne should always wear her hair down. It masks her rather large noggin; & (2) that woman staring at Lily Allen looks like a haggard Evangeline Lilly. I had to do a double take.

  3. I cannot wait for the Suri Cruise tell-all. Oh yes, there will be one-she already looks cynical.

  4. lol @ ditribes! I totally see it! That is hilarious.

  5. Looks like someone dared to say no to Suri now everybody's grumpy.

  6. @ blondegossip - I don't know who's going to have the better tell-all: Suri or Shiloh. My money's on Suri...

    And Lily Allen. *sighs*


    Snarky, hot & British. All the things I love in a woman.

  7. On one hand you have the Hollywood kids who are made up and looking over the top and then you have Suri who badly needs her hair trimmed, wears ill-fitting clothing and always looks like a ragamuffin.

  8. suri!!!! poor thing knows nothing other than paps in front of her...i'm jumping on the can't-wait-for-her-tell-all train. *lovelovelove* *meltmeltmelt*

  9. suri looks like emily the strange,poor dear. she's cute but the emo hair has to go.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I love Emily the Strange.

  12. Is Liv pregnant? She has a rather large and strange looking hand...

  13. Kelly has no hips in that dress/picture!
