Friday, October 08, 2010

Scott Disick Gets Drunk, Into A Fight, And Gets Kicked Out Of A Club

Life&Style has a report about some really outrageous behavior from Scott Disick. Last night filming was going on at a nightclub in New York for that cockroach show. So, Scott decided it was a good time to get drunk and when a guy said something to him, Scott and the guy started fighting. And when I say fighting I mean fighting. There were also lots of bottles and glasses being thrown and broken. Somehow through this entire fight, Kourtney Kardashian was in the bathroom and had no idea it happened and that Scott was kicked out of the club. How long was she in the bathroom? What was she doing in there? Think about it. A fight with punches and glasses and bottles and the time it takes to kick people out and she was in the bathroom the entire time?


  1. I worked at a nightclub for many many years. Two guys that were standing together and laughing, their gf's/wives had gone to the restroom, got in a fight, one pulled out a knife and sliced the other guy and they were both outside and an ambulance had shown up before their girlfriends/wives came out of the bathroom.
    Not unusual at all.

  2. The line to the ladies' room is always long.

  3. Every photo I see on CDAN on a tabloid cover at the supermarket checkout of this Scott Disick-guy, he always looks like a ringer for the freaky Christian Bale character in American Psycho.


  4. Some ladies spend way too much time in the restroom. They take forever to freshen their makeup, tweak their hairdo, and check themselves in the mirror from all possible views. If a girlfriend is with them, then you have two going through the same ritual with a lot of senseless conversation added. Yeah, it can take a very long time. More if drugs are involved.

  5. If they were shooting the show, she was probably shooting a scene in the bathroom while this was going on. I don't understand the attraction to that guy.

  6. Just found this:
    Could be about the same fight, but it mentions Khloe and Kim being part of it.

  7. M, i was thinking the same thing!

    i won't be surprised when this guy commits a serious criminal act and ends up behind bars for a long, long time.

  8. C'mon Ent: Maybe she was changing he baby's diaper!

  9. Kourtney, you must be so proud of Mason's dad. Get a clue and dump his sorry ass for good!

  10. Oh please God--I beg you!!!!!! Make the Kardashians and everyone they are involved with disappear. Enough! I can't fucking stand one more post about these stupid freaking ditch pigs.

  11. So Enty... I noticed you really don't mention Spencer and Heidi anymore. Can you please PLEASE do the same with the Kardashians? Maybe one post a week max? Perhaps if the blogs stop talking about them they too will start fading away into oblivion.

  12. Just LOOK at the guy! What a DICK.

  13. It might have been when someone supposedly poured a drink on Kim, and Scott was "defending" her.
