Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tammy Lynn Michaels Writes About Her Relationship Again

Tammy Lynn Michaels has written one of her kind of a poem, kind of a blog posting posts again on her site. In this post she complains once again that Melissa Etheridge is stiffing her and the kids when it comes to money.

when i went to get cash
just last week
for the three of us to eat

today i was shopping for birthday decor
4th next sunday!
little cash for lunch?
nope- not enough funds
no food

"pays all her bills"
not entirely true

She then says some things about Melissa's lawyers that is taken out of context so does not make much sense. She also says that Melissa does pay health insurance except for a small monthly fee and complains about the house where she lives because Melissa's people picked it out and not Tammy.

There is one portion where you can sense her frustration at marriage and how she blames the demise of the marriage at Melissa's chemo and how that it somehow affected who Melissa is and that she was not the same person after. I don't know about the technical aspects of what chemo does to your brain or personality, but I think just by going through chemo and discovering you have cancer would tend to make someone re-examine their life and things.


  1. And this is one of the many reasons why we need same-sex marriage to be legal throughout the United States.

    Legal protections.

  2. I think Tammy Lynn just feels like the wronged party and never thought that ME would leave. She's angry and bitter but it's not about the money. If Melissa is paying the bills and healthcare and giving her $2000 a month then her financial complaint must be that she's not living in the style she's gotten used to.

  3. This is why my mother told me if I were ever to get married, never be financially dependent on the other person.

    Tammy needs to realize that attempting to publicly shame Melissa isn't going to work. Make Melissa pay for a full-time nanny and then go get a job.

  4. So what was she supposed to do, not get chemo?

    I generally side with Tammy in this, though I think they're both crackpots. But some things, keep to yourself, dummy!

  5. you know what? even if the chemo did cause her to reconsider the marriage, why be a complete asshole about it like Melissa has been?

    she looks just like any other deadbeat father we'd be nailing to a cross except she's a lesbian.

    not a fan anymore.

  6. Apart from the money, having Melissa have that much control over her life must be awful. And yes, I know she could get a job and walk away, but let's be real.

  7. jax, I am so totally with you on this one.

  8. What jax said. Straight up.

  9. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Oh, I'll be real. She can work like everyone else. I have no empathy for people always on the take or feel they are entitled. I work, you work!

    Fuck this shit.

  10. @jax, et al: Believe me when I say this, because I do know, that Tammy is a complete whackjob. Don't believe a word she says. And I know Melissa would never slight the kids in any way.

  11. This comes across more like a women scorned then poetry.

    Buck up Tammy make what money you have work OR GO TO WORK and let ME have the kids and proper staff to take care of them.

  12. @mazemerizing: If she was such a whack job, why did ME marry and have kids with her? With all due respect, why SHOULD we believe you? You could easily be part of an online campaign to discredit Tammy and restore Melissa's good reputation. And trust ME, I know how those campaigns work.

  13. Tammy was a working actress when she met Melissa. She stopped to become a stay at home mom. I assume they were both on board with that. It's not that easy for an actress to start working again. This will take time.

    It will be interesting to see what legal protection she has. She should be entitled to Melissa's money. This isn't some random girl who got knocked up by an actor or athlete. They were in a long-term relationship. And Tammy will continue to be the primary parent unless Melissa takes the kids on the road.

  14. It's not like ME hasn't done this in the past. Isn't this the second marriage/relationship she has gotten out of? Remember how she was married to Lou Diamond Philips ex? If I am not mistaken, ME was seeing his wife while they were still married. Chemo or not, ME strikes me as a selfish woman who puts her needs first, whether Tammy is a "whack job" or not AND who is to say ME did not bring that out in Tammy?

  15. @ Henriette: The ex broke up with MLE, not the other way around.

    @ Diva: Not a member of MLE's "campaign," just stating what I know to be true having known all parties years ago. If Tammy suddenly became the sane one in that relationship, I'd be surprised. Granted, MLE's probably not a saint, but she's not the first person to turn a blind eye to a lover's problems and craziness in the beginning of a relationship, or to ignore it to keep a relationship going. If this is news to you, then congratulations on not knowing any dysfunctional couples. I'm sure MLE's lawyers are giving Tammy a hard time while they try to screw her out of assets she deserves having spent the last 10 or so years with her spouse. But I'm just saying, Melissa's not gonna stand by and let the little kids starve. It's pure manipulation on Tammy's part. Believe it or don't.

  16. I've left my share of dysfunctional relationships, so I get it, if that's the case. It's never just one-sided. Also I can't blame Tammy for manipulating for leverage, if she is. The court of public opinion can be way more powerful in a celeb's life than the court of law. What's sad is that it's entirely possible to end a relationship in a civilized manner. Since ME was the breadwinner in a big way then she had an obligation to take care of all parties fully until settlement was reached. If her team was smart, they'd have come out of the chute right away with all she was doing--and made it very very obvious, so obvious that Tammy couldn't say different and so ME wasn't left vulnerable to public manipulation. But that's not what they did. The impression that remains is that she's trying to screw Tammy financially. I say let her stew in the court of public opinion. She could've been smarter, nicer and more strategic. But she wasn't. That's life. As well I know, having been a reputation mgt consultant for a very long time, including for high profile people who make very public mistakes.

  17. I find it highly unlikely that the woman doesn't even have sufficient resources to put food on the table. Instead of buckling down and doing whatever is required to gain an income she chooses to lament in a public forum and ultimately looks as though she is seeking handouts. A la Oksana style who allegedly didn't have enough money to provide a gift for her son and then ends up getting gifted unecessarily by the Lakers. Most people who separate or divorce have to downsize their lives in some (often dramatic) fashion. These people have serious entitlement issues and do a disfavor to those with true household economic issues by mocking them in a backhanded way.
