Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This C+/B- list television actor is on one of the most popular network ensemble shows. Yes, the show you are probably thinking. Anyway, our actor was on the phone having phone sex with a woman. Presumably. Anyway, at one point he got another call from another woman so he clicked over and made plans to see her that night for some sex. Our actor thought he had hung up the phone, so started right back up having phone sex with what he thought was the first woman and then he heard the voice of the woman he had just made plans with for that night. Needless to say, they did not go out.


  1. I'm going to say the Mentalist just because of the phrase "the show you are probably thinking." That seems like a mind-reading reference. Plus, hasn't Simon Baker been the popular guess of a past sex-related vice?

  2. One of the douches from Glee.

  3. Network ensemble-Glee or Modern Family

  4. I would say Mark Salling from Glee.

  5. "Is on", meaning currently. Douche ex-husband from Cougar Town? The one that steals McConaughy's vibes.

  6. The guy who plays Puck in Glee

  7. My first thought was Mark Salling (Puck) but wouldn't he be more like C-, at best?

  8. I am on the Simon Baker train.

  9. ...except I think Simon Baker is highter than C+/B- so who knows.

  10. Of course the woman he had the date with canceled after that, but if someone answered their call waiting while having phone sex with me, I would be gone when they got back! LOL!

  11. wouldn't ENTY say married if it was Simon Baker. I'm on the Glee Train.

  12. Ice Angel - I'm right there with you! You wouldn't pause real sex for a phone call (unless if you're trash like Parasite Hilton), so why would you pause phone sex for another call?

  13. My first thought was Glee and Mark as well!

  14. I immediately thought of Glee as well. Simon Baker is married, so if he were having phone sex with one person and making a sex date with another, he'd be quite the busy fellow.

  15. Isn't Grey's Anatomy still considered on of the most popular network ensemble shows? That was my first thought anyway, but I guess it could be glee.

  16. Just to be different, Alec Baldwin.

  17. i definitely think it's someone from glee, and mark salling is definitely a good guess. but i'm going to guess matthew morrison (mr. shue) because he really sets off my gaydar and the 'presumably' a woman comment made me think he's someone who's sexuality may be in question. maybe that's a stretch, but it's the first thing that came to mind.

  18. @Ice Angel - I know right??
    I get irritated with call waiting in general, let alone to be clicked over during phone sex.

    It's gotta be Glee...

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Joel McHale....just because I think he would be more well known than the Glee kids, but then again hes married
