Monday, November 29, 2010

Brooke Mueller Not In Rehab - Still Hanging Out With Paris

Brooke Mueller did not enter a rehab facility over Thanksgiving weekend. Instead she was out and about over the weekend and spotted at Dan Tana's Saturday night. She told US Weekly that she is fine and healthy and also happy. Well, if she keeps hanging out with Paris Hilton while filming this reality show, I think it is only a matter of time before she does end up back in rehab. I want her to succeed at rehab not only for herself but also for her kids. Goodness knows they are not going to get what they need from Charlie. I just don't see how hanging out with a known cokehead like Paris is the way to do it. Paris is all about going out every night and going to clubs and obviously she has done coke and pot and boozes it up. How is this a good environment for someone who is just now starting to get healthy?


  1. The biggest problem for a recovering addict is when she can't see the benefit of recovering. It's hard to see benefits to being clean when everyone around you is still using.

    I hope, at the very least, their poor kids have a good nanny.

  2. Agree about hanging out with the Hilton's. Everyone KNOWS Paris is a drug user and her parents certainly don't seem to give a shit, so how can anyone involved in Brooke's recovery think this is a good idea??

  3. Make that "Hiltons". Sorry, need coffee.

  4. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I'm a cynic but a selfish, narcissistic addict like a Hilton sister is probably precisely who Brooke sees when she looks in the mirror. I believe she had kids to secure a wealthy lifestyle for herself via child support. She got with Charlie quickly; he's a vile, destructive and trashy person, and Brooke was publicly supportive when Denise revealed how crazy and abusive Charlie had been over the course of their marriage. (Denise, for all her faults, seemed in love with Charlie. She provided an exact roadmap of Charlie's likely behavior for Brooke. What did Brooke do? Call her a liar. Okay.).

    I feel sorry for Brooke's kids, but not for her. I - I know this is fucking harsh but there you go - am over the phenomenon where you have to offer praise or smile gently when some fucking nasty mess of a person is 'on the road to sobriety.' Well, praise be. I'll save the emotion for people that don't tend to destroy every vulnerable person around them before I add to the huzzahs.

  5. I can't believe this trick is 30! I thought she was atleast 36-38. She looks rough!! Why oh why, with all the $$ she is getting, can't she stay at home and take care of those kids?!? She was a real estate agent before marrying Charlie - it's not like she is trying to kick start her "career". And the HIltons... ugh.. gross :(

  6. Why on earth would anyone hang out with Paris Hilton?

  7. Broke-down Reese needs to really hit bottom before she gets serious.

  8. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Anyone that hangs out with the Parasite needs rehab.

  9. I honestly wish Denise could raise all 4 kids together. Which of course Brooke would never let happen. Not becuase she loves them, but for not letting that child support money get away from her.

    I think Charlie chose her becuase of her addictions so he would have a partner in crime to do drugs with and easy to control.

    What a cluster fuck. And it's always the kids that will suffer in the end.

  10. Bear in mind Brooke had way more money than Paris, even before she hooked up with Charlie. Old Palm Beach money. Moira Fiore, Kenny Wolofsky, Allen Mueller.

  11. yeah, I am sure that is good for her. Get ready to get thrown under a bus Brooke. That is what Paris does to any of her "friends" as soon as their is trouble.

    Notice none of her old buddies still talk to her besides Greasy Bear and her sister Nicky?

  12. oops- THERE is trouble.....nice typo PSL!

  13. Hey Brooke- ever heard of a girl named Britney Spears? Hanging out with the likes of Parisite Hilton was the beginning of Britney's downfall.

    Just sayin'.

  14. Where are her boys when she's out partying with the Parissite? Are they in the closet of death with Paris's dogs?

  15. Ugh, WHY DO YOU HAVE KIDS??????

  16. I don't think she is any more of an idiot for hanging out with Paris as she was for marrying Sheen in the first place.

    Hope someone in her family is stable enough to take care of her kids.
