Friday, November 26, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

Someday this elderly A-list-in-his-day Actor is going to make some treasure hunters very happy. It is said that he is very paranoid about bankers and accountants and goes two or three times a year to the Las Vegas desert to bury his fortune in a secret spot in the ground. A source reports the man has been doing this for years and the man still gets syndication checks, plus a little new work here and there.


  1. hmm not sure but when someone figures it out, lets follow him :)

  2. that looks alike a scene in a Scorcese 's mafia movie

  3. Larry Hagman?
    Would certainly fit in both the A-list and syndication categories...
    although I'm not sure on the little new work aspects.

  4. What about Dick Van Dyke or even Andy Griffith? I can see Andy Griffith being paranoid.

  5. Charlton Heston. I can see him doing this.

  6. Jenna, are you seeing his ghost doing this? He's dead a couple of years now.

  7. Andy Griffeth is said to be paranoid.

  8. Syndication normally refers to television re-runs, as opposed to residuals that you get from movies. So, if the wording is correct, you're looking for a TV legend.

  9. Gary Busey! Remember he was the answer to a blind about the actor who refuses to use credit cards or even dollars, choosing instead to try to pay in old gold coins! I'd say Gary was A list when Point Break came out *L*

  10. Is Gary Busey considered elderly these days? Anyway, I still like Andy Griffith as the answer, but Ernest Borgnine is also a possible answer. He would get syndication royalties from McHale's Navy, and still gets new work here and there.

  11. I think it is Kirk Douglas. He buries his treasure next to the showgirl he killed.

  12. Charleton Heston died several years ago. Larry Hagman doesn't sound unrealistic.

  13. aww Ernest Borgnine lives right down the street.
    My friend was invited to a party at his house the other day. She also had a conference she had to go to. I have to ask her which she chose LOL

  14. correction, they didn't go to his house.
    but she did choose dinner with Ernest and his wife over the conference.

    i love living here

  15. I agree with the Gary Busey guess. He's the first person I thought of. I wonder if Conan's blimp saw this.

  16. Yeah, I never liked those Douglas'. Kirk is a murderer in my opinion.

  17. Bob Denver--aka Gilligan.

  18. Bob Denver--aka Gilligan.

  19. Peter Falk can't remember anything in that kind of detail. He's in the final stages of Alzheimer's. Bob Denver is dead. Gary Busey isn't elderly.

    Don't have any idea beyond that.

  20. Oh, and it can't be Larry Hagman. My friend has seen him at their local bank. Obviously he trusts them to some degree.

  21. My brother bought a house and found $14,000 in it. It happens, just not to me :/

  22. I think Andy Griffith lives in North Carolina, and is getting on in years. I don't know that he would make that trip that often (without arousing more suspicion than this). If he did want to do something like this, there are plenty of hidden woodlands near where he lives in NC, so Vegas would be unnecessary.

  23. Ed Asner could be a possibility

  24. jeez, some of you must be really young if you consider busey 'elderly.' this is an OLD MAN! OLD!!

  25. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Jerry Lewis--or is he no longer with us?

  26. I live in Andy G's town and no way he's able enough to go around burying anything, even if it's in sand (which is all we have here, incidentally...hmmm, maybe I oughta start digging around :) )

  27. kirk douglas a blind? he killed someone? when did i miss that?

  28. I was totally thinking Andy Griffith while I read it.

  29. What about Robert Wagner? He seems to fit it all - TV residuals, a little work here and there, probably goes to Vegas just for the golf..

  30. Agreeing with Beth. Wagner was the first one I thought of, possibly because of his recent appearances on NCIS, plus past stints on Two & a Half Men, Boston Legal, etc.

    And he was A-List in his hey day. Residuals for Hart to Hart? Maybe even Switch?

  31. I never heard about Kirk Douglas and the show girl either. Any one got the dirt on that?

  32. I never heard about Kirk Douglas and the show girl either. Any one got the dirt on that?

  33. the blind refers to "treasure hunters" was there a tv show refering to that in the title or that had that as part of the plot? seems like that might be a clue and I'm drawing a blank. No one mentioned so far really seems quite it yet

  34. it sure as heck ain't andy. i'm pretty sure he hasn't left NC in years. heading into chapel hill, raleigh, or mount pilot from manteo is a big deal for andy the past 10-15 years.

  35. Google Kirk Douglas and Jean Spangler. He's also rumored to have raped Natalie Wood. :(

  36. It is Kirk Douglas. If you google his name and Las Vegas, there are tons of occasions he has been there in the last 5 or so years.

  37. Yah the whole thing with Jean Spangler is a bit dubious. I agree there is a possibility he killed her or was involved in her disappearance/death. But even on the most conspiratorial discussion sites, I'd say there is no definite link. She was also known to be involved with gangsters, her ex-husband owed her money and his only alibi was his new wife, and she was reportately going to have an abortion around that time. My best theory is that she had an illegal abortion (they were illegal at that time) and died on the table. The doctor (this mentioned "Dr Scott" which was probably an alias) got rid of her body instead of reporting it, as abortion was legal and he would have lost his license and gone to jail. Kirk Douglas may or may not have been involved, but I definitely don't think there's any proof of that beyond reasonable doubt. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

  38. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Dick Van Dyck FTW

  39. Seriously, Gary Busy was elderly 10 years ago!
