Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Google Street View Weight Loss Program

Maybe what I need is Google Street View to take my picture to make me want to lose weight. It certainly worked for Bob Mewse, who lost almost 100 pounds after seeing himself on Google At this time last year, Bob weighed just about 300 pounds. He told The Telegraph that he was horrified when he saw himself so started eating better and exercising and now a year later weights just under 200 pounds.

Now, he says it was because he saw the picture that he started his program but he did say at the time he was so heavy that he could not walk and talk at the same time. Umm, to me that would have probably said I needed to do something. Even as much as I love to eat and abhor exercise, if I had trouble walking and talking at the same time, I would make a change. I wish they had a before and after of the guy and not just a before.

Whatever the reason he started, I am happy for him and his family and hopefully he will get his picture taken again by Google.


  1. Google, come take my picture. I need the motivation.

  2. I love how there is often one event that triggers people to lose weight. The camera doesn't lie - but body dysmorphia always does.

  3. Google, please come take my picture, too! Although I think cleaning out my closet, trying on my skinny clothes & realizing how far I have to go is pretty good motivation.

  4. if it werent' for the facial hair, I would swear it was a picture of me during my pregnancy

  5. Sigh. I had a moment like that last week. Friend took pictures during a ladies night out and I wanted her to delete half. Time to get back to working out.

  6. @bigmama: thanks for the chukle.

    what are the odds of getting spotted on google earth and then finding yourself? i mean, you could be on google earth on vacation even. crazzzzy.

  7. What is body dysmorphia? Do I have it?

  8. The same thing happened to me three years ago...I didn't even noticed how much weigh I had gained (well not 300 pounds, more like 30-35) and for a 5'4 person like me 7 pounds it's already an issue.

    @RocketQueen Do you like playing basketball? it worked for me.

  9. @jess - I'm 5'1", so basketball's never really been my thing :) I feel you on 7 pounds looking like 20. Thanks though!

  10. Heck, I am suprised he was able to find himself. I google street viewed my family members house in Philly and got their neighbor 3 houses down the streets home.

    Good for him I need that kind of motivation. The only motivation I have at the moment is the pumpkinroll calling from my fridge.

  11. After:


  12. @jamie's girl: im not sure if you were being serious or not but i find it interesting...body dismorphia is a mental condition that causes people to have a very skewed perception of themselves and often undergo serious and extensive plastic surgery and sometimes suffer from acrophobia due to thinking they are too hideous to even leave the house to go to the store. there's a really good bbc documentary on it.

  13. Wouldn't you get a clue when your clothes don't fit any more? I wouldn't ever give up my wardrobe. I wouldn't have the money, or time, to replace it!

  14. Good for him! But odd that it took a Google picture (and not say, a family photograph??) to make him motivated. Made for an interesting story though!

    How often does Google Street View update in the UK? We got our house painted 2-3 years ago & it's still showing up as GOD AWFUL YELLOW!
