Monday, November 01, 2010

It's Official - Creepiness Every Week Into Your Home

Ever wanted to watch a man stare at his daughter like he wants to have sex with her? Want to watch awkward conversations about drugs and traumatic childhood incidents involving said dad? Well then Oprah has the show for you. Oprah has decided to greenlight the reality show featuring Ryan & Tatum O'Neal living together and trying to reconnect. I am trying to figure out a show could possibly be any more creepy and I can't. The only thing that would make this more creepy is if they reenacted scenes from Tatum's childhood. Of course I will be watching the show every week because, well, I have a feeling we will never see another show like it.


  1. Okay, I love me some reality tv, but even I will draw the line at this one! no way I will watch it.

  2. Alot of her problems with drugs & men stem from her father. I will never forget the story about her she caught her dad in bed with her much older-best friend Melanie Griffith doing drugs. EEEW

  3. Gross and pathetic. More quality programming (see The Dr. Phuck Show) from Oprah.

  4. This is so weird. I remember back then when I was a child, Tatum was the most beautiful girl in the world for me. I remember her in 'Little Darlings' and 'The bad news Bears' and I envied her so much for being so pretty and perfect. I did that with a lot of young actresses.
    Now, in the time of internet when I can read what traumatic childhoods and shitty lifes most of them had, I'm pretty glad that neither of my wishes to lead a life like or even become one of them came true.
    Pheew *wipes forhead*

  5. I think reality programs SUCK!! I'm sick of them, I watch 25 year old shows like family ties and happy days cause i can't anything else to watch!!! ROFL!!

  6. Not a fan of reality, but if I had O's new channel, I might watch.

  7. slider1964, I agree with you 100%!
    I watch Family Ties and Happy days and the Wonder years on a channel I just got called HUB.

  8. Yeah, I'll pass and read your summaries instead, Enty :)

    Speaking of pretty & perfect, I just saw an Internet ad for "High Society" with the following tagline:
    "People are jealous because I'm smart and Pretty" - Jules Kirby

  9. me too slider1964! I hate the whole fucking genre.

  10. OH O how could you?

  11. LMFAO Rocket Queen!!!!!

  12. I agree with skeeball. I love some shows, but I do have my lines. This is one of those lines.

  13. Great two losers, losers.

  14. First Rule of Jules Kirby Club..DO NOT TALK ABOUT JULES KIRBY!

    Second rule of Julies Kirby Club..DO NOT TALK ABOUT JULES KIRBY!!!

  15. I do not have enough time to live my own life,
    let alone watch others live theirs...poorly.

  16. @Timebob and chopchop - the ad is on Lainey's page. Get this, it says her middle name is "Darling". Of course it is.

  17. lol "of course".

    I still have no clue who she is.

  18. I hope it's a documentary series and not reality tv. I'm guessing it's the former. You do tend to run with any info. Having the cat by the tail.

  19. so wrong, please nobody watch

  20. While I hate like hell that Tatum is even speaking to Ryan, I guess I'll play along and watch.

    Well, I'll watch if it doesn't conflict with something important like "Jerseylicious".

  21. @RocketQueen - HA! :)

    Maybe Enty will do recaps from High Society?

    I won't be watching this O show. Besides sounding creepy it sounds BORING!

  22. Lindsay and Michael Lohan

    That is all.
