Monday, November 08, 2010

Jake G Not Ready For Taylor Swift To See Him Naked

Jake Gyllenhaal has a new movie coming out where he spends most of it naked. Apparently though when it comes to his love life he likes to take things slow. Very slow. So slow in fact that he does not want Taylor Swift to see his new movie yet. Jake did show up at the recording of Taylor's Christmas show for NBC and spent some time with her backstage while she took a break. I do find it very interesting that Jake has a new movie coming out and at the same time has decided to start a relationship with someone who just sold 1 Million records last week and is probably one of the most written about people right now in the tabloids. Of course that could just be the cynic in me.


  1. Nice picture of Jake with his beard.

  2. isn't he a little old for her anyway? Mayer too. As a mom I would be worried a/b all these pedophiles flocking around my young daughter. I mean she looks 14-17 at best. She has a child's body still. NO. Just no!

  3. She's 20. How does that make him or Mayer a pedo? Doesn't.

  4. Okay, does anybody else think maybe, just maybe, Taylor Swift is a lesbian? I mean how many guys has she bearded for? She doesn't really need the money. She doesn't really need the exposure. What gives?

  5. Insert your own jokes. This one's too easy.

  6. They're an odd match. Really odd.

  7. Def a showmance. Both are using the other. Yawn.

  8. wonder if she got more than the 1Million Reese got for her stint as the girlfriend??

  9. I think it is weird as hell but hey, they are being talked about. So, who knows. but yeah, this would make at least #3 for her in the bearding dept. Apparently she needed side work to suppliment her multi-million dollar recording contracts.

  10. Okay does someone need a lesson on pedophilia? Because a 30-year-old dating a 20-year-old is NOT it. Pedophilia is sexual attraction to prepubescent children, typically age 13 and under. Let's not misuse this term and label a normal relationship between consenting ADULTS pedophilia, all which ends up diminishing the actual, terrible occurrences of child molestation. Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf? Or playing the so-called Race Card? Please stop exaggerating.

  11. You're not a cynic Enty, that's just how he rolls.

  12. BlindGossip basically revealed this relationship on Friday as a total fraud. Oh Jakey - I want you to find real love! For those who follow the Toothy Tile files and believe it's Jake, Ted suggested on Friday that he and Austin/GG are over.

  13. My DH is 14 years older than me. 10 years difference doesn't seem like a big deal.

  14. i think the point is she's immature as fuck,writing her Dear Diary to bad music and he's a MAN who's had relationships as an's creepy as hell but not pedo.

    but who cares,it's big fat BEARD anyway.

  15. I wonder who gets custody of Baby Tile?

  16. there's no 'relationship'.

    and the taylor camp is quite aware of the rise in 'friendships' timed right at the launch of her latest mondo record-breaking album...they're not as naive as taylor's lyrics from 2006.

    as for her maturity, i encourage us to read the lyrics of this latest album...don't slam w/o knowing what you're attempting to slam. there's been tremendous growth and it's obvious. we may not always like each other's self-expression or the outlets we choose to do them in...but making bank from speaking your heart def. garners my respect...especially when it's handled w/ the class and grace that she's shown since album 1.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Is it possible in anyone's cynical minds that she's doing this to protect herself from being hurt?

    When I was 21, I unknowingly got into a "beard" relationship with one of my brother's teachers. I was very jaded and cynical after being hurt by a few guys in a row, so when he didn't make any moves on me, I thought it was refreshing.

    That was 20 years ago, and gay people/gay issues were not as open or discussed as they are now. I wasn't even thinking about the possibility that the guy might be gay or bi at first. I wasn't feeling the pressure, heartache, and bullshit from before. It didn't last long--it blew apart because of very different viewpoints about family--but it was enough time for me to heal and get on with my life.

    If this is the case with Taylor, it certainly is a convenient relationship for her.

  19. Taylor Swift is the BIGGEST BEARD IN HOLLYWOOD! But it is the way her studio can keep het guys from getting to their little Virginal Flower.

  20. what hollywood studio is taylor signed to? and how is she the 'biggest beard in hollywood'? to my knowledge, gyllenhaal is the only alleged gay one to make a move on her...(mayer actually was a douche in her life, as was lautner)...and who's making her out to be a virginal flower? is it the people who haven't heard the lyrics to the second release off her new album? that makes no sense, jamie's girl.

  21. Maybe I'm just in a generous mood today, but why all the Taylor/Jake hate? First of all, there's never been any proof that Jake's gay. I'm certainly not going to take Ted Cassablanca's word for it. Second, so what if he is? Maybe Taylor, being only 20, and apparently off a bad John Mayer experience (which are the only kind of experience one has with JM), wants to take a breather from men and figure things out. So she spends time with a gay guy and has fun with him. It gives them both publicity for their projects. What's the harm in any of it?

  22. just curious about the remarks against her maturity: how mature were you at 18-20? why should she be held to a higher standard?

    i agree that she has grown a lot in the last year or so, that's what's supposed to happen and i think she's coming along quite nicely. i think the issue people have with jake is his age (which really, how mature are we at 30 either? it's a number, so what?)

    i can get behind the argument that perhaps a 30 y/o dating a 20 y/o isn't capable of a more adult relationship, but since jake has proven that he IS, i'd say maybe they're just in it for the fun, maybe she is his beard or maybe they actually, genuinely like each other.

  23. i'm with RJ. i don't believe jake's gay. and i don't care WHY they're hanging out. if they're having fun together, good for them. everyone needs a friend.

  24. Taylor Swift sucks period. Period. Trick can't sing live for shit. Go away and write your juvie-lyrics crap!

  25. I just take Enty's comment that she is "probably one of the most written about people right now in the tabloids" as confirmation that she, indeed, was the one who gave a mouth hug to the Biebs.

  26. Wonder what she gets for pretending to date the gay fella? a movie deal? money?

  27. I'm 41...if my partner were 51 or 61 no big deal. 61 may be a tad creepy to some but at 41 I've had life experiences (one hopes). As a mother of a 21 and 16 year old...I would not be comfortable with my children being "buddies" with men 5 to 10 years their senior. Esp the 16 yr old for obvious reasons but MOST older men have no legit reason to court a child. And I'm sorry but Taylor has the body type of my 16 year old. It just rings wrong to me. Beard or no.

  28. i'm sorry if she isn't immature, she sure is doing everything to market herself that way! She's 20? you wouldn't know it from her "Gosh golly gee,boys are so STOOPID,lets write a song about it" act. it's coming off as schtick at this point.

    sorry,that's just my personal opinion.

  29. What jax said. Taylor Swift's music is trite, vapid, and childish, and I'm sick of hearing it everywhere I go. She's not that creative or talented and I don't get all the hype around her. She just. won't go. away. Thanks a lot, Kanye.

  30. Cynic? see it Enty!

  31. If this is true -- he doesn't want her to see him naked IN A MOVIE -- this is almost as weird as the poop fetish Mayer likely engaged in with her. I don't get Taylor Swift's sexuality at all. In fact I get no vibe of sexuality and just all this utter bizarreness that's not really sex at all.

  32. @Lioness70 - I have often wondered if that is exactly why Reese dated Jake G. post the Ryan Phillipe break up.

    I like them both. I think bearding is stupid but as long as they are getting something out of it....whatever. I guess? If it makes them happy...

  33. I'm 37, my husband is 60...we've been together 8 years. Some women, like me, are into older men because of their experience and finally matches mine! lol

  34. I truly don't find her awful, I don't pay her that much attention and I'm still not convinced she'll amount to more than a country Debbie Gibson/Avril Lavigne (she writes her own songs 100% Laughing!) - but mainly I won't forgive her for the Joe Jonas thing. Whatever it was - publicity showmance, bearding - she was a real vindictive, opportunistic asshole about the whole breakup. Good for her, on some level, but I really like Joe, he's really not full of shit, so to hell with her "heart" and "honesty". Blech.
