Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Kardashians Cancel Their Credit Card

I smell a big lawsuit. A huge one. After the Connecticut Attorney General decided he was going to open an investigation into the Kardashian Prepaid Mastercard over its huge and possibly illegal fees, the lawyer for the Kardashians sent a notice of termination to the company who put it all together. The lawyer referenced the possible illegalities in the card and said the Kardashians are all about being “honest, ethical, and fun-loving individuals who are kind and caring to others.”

Hmm, they didn't seem to interested in canceling the contract when every organization derided it as a ripoff. It was only when an Attorney General got involved did they suddenly decide this could be a bad thing. The thing is, the Attorney General has not even started his investigation so it may just be a horribly awful card and not illegal. If that is the case I see the Revenue Resource Group filing a big lawsuit because they certainly have spent a ton of money promoting this card and the Kardashians could be looking at a huge payment to get out of this situation.


  1. Good...stick it to the Ho's

  2. Please????
    Pretty please?
    If they stick 'em for enough money does that mean they'll have to disappear forever?

  3. There is no jail time associated with it though right? Man, i wish they would be involved with something that took them off the streets...

  4. I like the part where they attorney says the "Kard" will damage the Kardashian name.

    Like a sex tape wouldn't.

  5. well, at least their lawyer was smart enough to say jump ship NOW...can't hate...but wth, they had their own credit card? how does that even work?

  6. Does anyone ever foresee them going away? Who are these people that are their fans? I don't understand at all.

  7. Love the picture associated with this story on the Superficial today - Kim is wearing a massive fur coat talking about being an ethical person. Yes, because anally electrocuting animals for your coat and lifestyle is ethical. Bitch please.

  8. I used to put hate notes in fur coat pockets for PETA. I HATE people who wear fur.

  9. I would assume they just licensed their name to be attached to the card. I doubt they had any vested or equity in it. I doubt they would be on the hook legally for anything.

    If you hand the Kardashians a check they will promote anything.

  10. i think that anyone who would actually enroll in a fucking kardashian kredit kard deserves to be raped up the ass with illegal fees and the like.

  11. lol - nice sunnyside! A little less "assaulty" than red paint - I like it :)

  12. i wouldn't worry too much about them. TMZ reported their new NYC store is selling over $50 000 per day.

  13. One of the "newstainment"
    (ENTERTAINMENT NEWS)shows called them law abiding and upright....best laugh I've had this week.

  14. Go open another toilet Kim.

  15. ^LOL

    @jax - holy cow!

    Who the hell would want a Kardashian card anyway? Was it shaped like a big ass?

  16. I read about this card, it was being marketed to 13 year old girls, had crazy fees every month just for using it. I think messing with teenagers credit reports for your personal gain is just incredibly heartless.

    Read more here, they called it the worst credit card ever, sorry I don't know how to link it right.

