Monday, November 08, 2010

Mariah Carey Pregnancy Ripping Marriage Apart

According to The National Enquirer, the fact that Mariah Carey is pregnant is ripping her marriage to Nick Cannon apart. I have a feeling that if the couple were not having a baby, a tabloid would say the stress of not having a baby was tearing their marriage apart. It really works both ways. In their article, The Enquirer says that pregnancy is making Mariah even more of a diva and it is driving Nick crazy.

Despite all the diva behavior though, what caused Nick to go over the edge was Mariah cutting him off in the bedroom. This kind of stuff cracks me up. I honestly cannot believe The Enquirer pays people to come up with this stuff. I swear all you really need are names of celebrities and a dartboard with options to write this stuff.


  1. They actually went through a lot for Mariah to be pregnant, so in this scenario, I would probably tolerate her being more a Diva in that she wants the pregnancy to be successful and I would assume Nick would feel the same. I call BS on the Enquirer about this one - at lease as it related to the strain on the marriage. I don't doubt that she's more of a diva at this point in time.

  2. When you undergo IVF, you walk on EGGS! And usually, the guy agrees. Giving that she feel a month ago, I would be walking on eggs too.

  3. Shes pregnant for heavens sake. Who isn't a whack job when they are pregnant?

  4. I'm calling BS on this too. She can afford to hire a team to attend to her every need and as a known diva, she probably already has.

  5. The Enquirer is so full of crap. They seem to be very happy together. This is what I hate about tabloids--they do what they can to drive these couples apart. I hope these two are strong enough to weather this. But I'm a Mariah fan, despite the diva behavior she allegedly has. Love her music. I hope this pregnancy is everything she hopes for.

  6. i call bullshit on this too. it's like, come one, enquirer, you're getting lazy.

  7. Enquirer is definitely full of crap, but I wouldn't blame Mariah one bit for being especially careful as nichole said!

  8. as odd as the relationship appears, fact is that he acts like she hung the moon in every interview he is in. I have serious doubts after all the heartache over losing one that he is concerned about any extra diva behavior. BS on the Enquirer.

  9. OMG.......leave them alone...

  10. What @nichole said...
