Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Miranda Cosgrove Ticks Off Her Fans

Not a good day for Tweeners today. The squeaky clean Miranda Cosgrove had her first brush with controversy yesterday after ticking off a large amount of her fans in Arizona. Miranda had been scheduled to perform a concert at the Arizona State Fair in Phoenix last night but canceled at the last minute due to a scheduling conflict. Uh huh.

"We are sorry to share the Miranda Cosgrove performance at the Arizona State Fair is regrettably canceled due to unavoidable scheduling conflicts. Refunds will be made at point of purchase. Concerts scheduled for Seattle, Ventura, Los Angeles, Pomona, and San Diego are also postponed due to scheduling conflicts. New dates will be posted soon at"

Well, someone should have told Miranda that the wise thing to do in that situation is to lay low. You know, hide. Musicians cancel stuff all the time because of false excuses, but they usually don't go on to Twitter and say, "Sitting in my favorite French restaurant after 4 hours of French with my tutor."

Interesting scheduling conflict. It also reminds me of a lot of those soft porn movies from the 80's. You know, like My Chauffeur, and My Tutor. Not, that Miranda would be doing these things. It is just the way it was written in her Tweet. Yeah, so I spent a lot of time watching Cinemax when I was younger. It also looks like she must have a lot of French lessons planned in the future to cancel all those concerts.


  1. If this is the most controversial thing she's done, she's doing pretty well.

  2. Uhhh, are we looking at a soon to be filed lawsuit between concert promoter and her management? What's the schedule conflict if she's sitting at home?

  3. If her singing is as horrible as it was on the Today show, nobody missed anything.

  4. Yeah she cancelled ALL her concerts due to "scheduling conflicts"

  5. Why would she claim scheduling conflicts? What a idiot. I suspect something else is going on.

  6. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Why wait till the last minute to claim scheduling conflict???

  7. I believe Enty is giving us another reveal gift. I am saddened, though, that my 5-year-old's favorite person in the world is heading the way of the Disney sluts. :-( Miranda, you're better than this!

  8. I'm glad I don't have children. The fuckery that goes on behind the scenes is horrifying. I'm also glad I didn't have/know about the internet.

  9. Maybe she was going to flunk out of home-school if she doesn't spend the next few weeks studying... ;)

  10. Chopchop, which blind are you talking about?

  11. @SkittleKitty - actually, I was wondering the same thing and was coming on to post that. 4 hours of studying french sounds like someone is trying to prove to whatever school boards that she is actually being taught and learning. It is Nov, maybe she has to have so many hours in to prove she is in a school program. But again, where are the parents?????

  12. i was totally wondering about a blind...perhaps the cast with crabs or drug use because of abortion? i hope not though. these kids need someone, plus i love icarly.

  13. Totally her. Wasn't she friends with/or still is w/ Demi? I know girls at that age are super impressionable and would love to hang with super hot experienced girls to rebel & etc. I.E. Me in 10th-11th grade. I am pretty sure she's that blind reveal.

  14. I think it's this one:

    "This seemingly sweet and fresh-faced young actress who can also sing is heading the way other troubled stars. After allegedly getting pregnant by a much older man and having a hush-hush abortion, the poor starlet can’t get over the whole affair and has turned to hard partying and drugs to forget."

    So the "much older man" must be her tutor?

  15. Sounds more like Demi again. Older guy would be Wilmer Valderrama

  16. Hmm, the way I read her tweet, I figured she ran off to Paris and met a boy.

  17. No, I think this may be the blind about the tweener who is so anorexic that she faints and is having a hard time performing. This would make perfect sense why they cancelled the impending concerts since she likely can't perform them anyway, and this clears her schedule for treatment. The tweet? Just a super dumb move on Miranda's part, especially when her peeps were handling it.

  18. If you go and read some of her tweets she is talking a lot lately about having to study Macbeth and homework and taking tests, I would believe the getting behind in school/tutoring idea. Unless she's lying and calling her boytoy "homework", I did that in college. :P

  19. what were your grades like? :P

  20. ENTY!!! You watched My Chauffeur?? It's one of my favorite movies! Love Deborah Foreman in it. AND I found it on You Tube. Watched it last night, in fact. I have always wanted to find a man who could duplicate that bedroom scene in Napa Valley...

  21. Totally like an anorexic to lie about eating. Shes in her favorite French restaurant? She is awfully pale and thin. So sorry for iCarly.

  22. My girls LOVE Miranda and watching iCarly. I noticed a little while back while watching a new episode how scary skinny she has become. My 6 year old daughter even said "Mommy, she's TOO skinny." And I hadn't said a word about my observation. Even a first grader with no knowledge of eating disorders was able to see how scrawny she was. And they say the camera adds ten pounds, yikes. I think she's the BI about being bulimic- eating food to appease her parents and then "getting rid of it." And that she's fainting because she's starving herself.
    Pretty sad stuff. I would not be surprised if she were literally too weak to keep her concert performances.
