Friday, November 12, 2010

Samantha Ronson Being Sued For Dog Attack

A couple of months ago I wrote about how Samantha Ronson's dog got out of her apartment and then killed another dog in the building. Well, now the owner of that dog is suing Samantha Ronson for $750K alleging that she suffered many injuries to her head, hands, and other body parts while trying to save her dog and that an unidentified man stood in the doorway of Samantha Ronson's place and did nothing while the woman was being attacked and her dog killed.

"During the attack upon Plaintiff and her dog, Tiger, Plaintiff, repeatedly screamed for "help," specifically to the unknown man standing inside the open doorway of Defendant's Ronson's apartment who watched the attack and did nothing as Ronson's dog Cadillac ferociously attacked Plaintiff and killed her dog Tiger."

The woman wants the dog banned from the building. I was under the impression that right after the attack, Samantha's dog, who has a known history of aggression and biting other dogs was sent away to New York or something. It would be shocking if the dog were back in the building.


  1. I thought dogs were put to sleep after they are found guilty of a killing? Or is that just pit bulls?
    In any event I would never harm an animal but if another dog killed my my baby (dog), I would personally kill it, sorry, but there's no excuse for not controlling your pet.

  2. Well, I knew this was coming....

  3. One of the big reasons I would never want to live in LA is how people love to sue each other.

  4. How could the man stand in the doorway and not at least try to help? He needs to be sued, too.

  5. She should sue for the cost of her injuries and any vet costs. I don't remember if the dog tiger was killed immediately. This happens all the time on The People's Court but $750,000 is so extreme.

    This wasn't the first time Sam's dog attacked so I don't have a problem with her suing. Next time the dog could kill a child not just a dog.

  6. Dogs are destroyed after killing or vicious attacks. This dog needs to go.

    I LOVE all animals but if my dog was murdered, it would be war.

    If nothing happens, I say antifreeze and a steak needs to drop by SR's house.

  7. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Having gone through this earlier this year, by sympathies go out to the dog owner.My dog nearly was killed. Irresponsible dog owners need to be fined and educated. A**holes.

  8. I'm of the opinion that a dog's behavior reflects its owners. I work with problem dogs at the Humane Society and you can pretty much push any dog to do anything - or you can keep pretty much any dog from doing anything. It's all in how you treat and train them.

    @blood - I had a cat die of (accidental) antifreeze poisoning. It's a horrible death I wouldn't wish on anyone, especially because it's really Samantha Ronson's fault that her dog is vicious. It ain't the dog's fault.

    The best thing is probably to put the dog down, but let's keep in mind whose fault this really is.

  9. I'm sorry Ms. Luey about your cat. My apologies. :(

  10. lalou,
    I am so sorry to read that. I imagine it is like losing a child. Hopefully you and your dog got some vindication (as politely as possible).

  11. Fined and educated?!?! Are you kidding? Enough! It's an animal. It has attacked repeatedly. The human did not care for it properly. Put the dog down and yes, fine the human - severely. Before some innocent child is damaged for life! Or some old helpless person just minding their own business is damaged for life! This nonsense just needs to stop.

  12. the dog needs a new owner or at least to go live elsewhere with responsible owners. 750k is ridiculous though and yes i have dogs and they are like my children. however, 750 from annoying sam ronson is awesome and i hope they get more and she disappears because she is sooo annoying!!

  13. I got between my dog and a Mastiff in the elevator of my building...he got me in the thigh, broke the skin through my jeans...and I had a baseball size bruised area for almost a year....
    Did I sue, no...I asked if the dog was healthy and had up to date shots...And that they please use the freight elevator in the future.
    However if they had hurt my dog..I would not have been so civil.
    Luckily they have moved..

  14. $750k is outrageous (much like the million dollar suit for the spilled McDonald's coffee) but I get that the pet owner is probably devastated over her loss. The woman is probably trying to get SR where it hurts: her pocketbook.

  15. Oh, and I have a question: who watches the pets of these celebs who travel so much? Ronson is always bouncing from coast to coast, not to mention visits back to England. Why get a pet if you can't take care of it?

  16. I adore animals, but the second they attack a human being and do serious bodily injury, they need to be put down. It is typical for many dog owners to sit and watch - and do essentially nothing while their dog attacks another dog. I know firsthand. I've always put my dog on a leash and while on our walks over the years, she's been attacked several times. The owners just stand there! I don't have anything against the dog, but I sure as hell wanted to kick the owner. Luckily my dog has a very thick coat, or she'd not have fared well.

  17. Oh - and none of those dogs were on a leash. Imagine your little dog being attacked by two Irish Setters and seeing the owners just stand in their driveway, watching. UGH! I was shaking for an hour afterwards. That's why my poor doggie does not get a shave in the summer - without her coat she'd have no protection at all.

  18. I love animals better than people, but this dog needs to go to doggie heaven.

  19. Thank you, Ms. Luey, I agree completely. Anyone familiar with dogfighting organizations and violent animals know that aggressive behaviour is taught and/or not corrected by the owner. Samantha Ronson is a shitty owner. Both her dog and the poor dog that died are the losers in this scenario. I hope that woman gets every penny.
    In Canada, not all dogs are immediately destroyed if they attack another. Circumstances are taken into consideration.

  20. The dog that was killed was a dog model so I don't understand why the owner didn't ask for millions for lost future income. And if Sam is smart she'll settle this fast. She's just lucky her dog didn't kill a child or she'd be facing manslaughter charges.

  21. I thought dogs who attacked others were put down. Hm. Strange.

  22. i don't think the amount asked for is outrageous at all. the dog that was killed was an earner, and i think the horror of trying to save your dog from being savagely killed is worth something too. not to mention the owner's injuries. i personally can't imagine how horrible that was and i think it's worth compensation.

    the most likely outcome, i think, is a settlement. ronson knows she'd lose in court so they'll arrive at a figure and that will be the end of it.

  23. I'm glad she is being sued. I believe the original story said Samantha was just letting the dog roam free in the halls & that is when the attack occurred, right?

    If you are going to have a dog that might be prone to aggression, you better do your damn homework and have the dog in check.

    I don't know about $750k but I can tell you right now I'd be suing if anything ever happened to one of my dogs. If someone isn't willing to take this dog on from Sam that can actually train the dog, then i agree that it should probably be put to sleep. Sad story really. More crap dog owners too.

  24. I'm typing with my sweet dog lying next to me, his head on my leg. If another dog attacked him and seriously injured or killed him, I'd be livid. I like that this woman is suing SR for $750k. SR needs to learn she can't ignore her responsibilities just because she's a "celebrity".

    On the flip side, if my sweet dog killed another dog or hurt someone, I'd understand the need to put him down. I don't worry too much about this as he's so mild mannered but you never know with animals.

  25. SamRo should have stepped up and done the right thing, put the dog down.

  26. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I pray to God that the dog has not been sent to New York. I live in New York, with a dog who is fearful and odd sometimes and never, ever off leash in public. My boyfriend and I reprimand our dog when necessary - we are responsible for his behavior, and we accept that fully. To send a dog that has already destroyed another animal and seriously injured a human to the most densely populated area of the country is a 'fuck you' that should be answered by bankrupting Ronson. No, I'm not kidding.

    The Ronsons of the world - minus the inherited wealth - are dominant where I live, in the middle of Hipster Hell. There are so many 20-40 something brats with something to prove who buy or adopt bully breeds without any idea of how to manage them, apart from maybe having a "Dog Whisperer" habit that translates, ultimately, into a delusional self-confidence that they are a pack leader and can control their dog without benefit of prong collars, strong harnesses, or even leashes. There is also an attitude, which no one admits, of pathetic pride in these sorts of dogs, like, 'he's so determined! A stupid fluffy dog/Lab/whatever may start shit, but my brave and misunderstood dog will finish it!" It's not an attitude limited to housing projects or young Latino or black males. It's incredibly common with the self-styled heroes or martyrs or soul mates of these dogs.

    The dog should have been put down, no question. The dog that was killed was indeed an earner, and pulled in a lot of money for her attacked owner. Both the loss of income and the physical injuries deserve compensation.

    Ronson is part of a repulsive crew that routinely flouts basic decency, laws and social compacts to DUI, lie and twat their way through life, no matter the grievous, irreparable harm to others. I hope she loses everything. I know she won't, but I hope she does, somehow.

  27. State laws vary on what it takes to have a dog put to sleep. I've seen countless dog fights where they're vying for domination, and sometimes one dog bites another, but it's very distinct from those dogs who bite out of pure agression. Those dogs need to be put down. No matter how they're re-trained, they will always be a danger.

  28. She should definitely be sued and the dog should probably be put down...

    That being said, in defence of the guy "just standing there", what was he supposed to do? I'm quite involved with dog clubs myself, and any good dog trainer will tell you NEVER to step into a dog fight. The aggressive dog will just turn its aggression onto you, and people have been badly injured or even killed by a dog in full on drive mode like that. It's tragic about the other dog that was killed, but better the dog than the human (and I am a dog owner and love my dog.. she is a member of the family). Unfortunately, dogs are animals with wild animal instincts and in fight mode, they will fight to the death as they do in the wild, and you stepping in the middle is not going to change that.

  29. When I was a kid, we (my parents and I) had 2 boxers, both female and we got them 2 years apart. When the younger one got to be bigger than the older one, the older one attacked. We had to keep our dogs separated for the next 10 years that we had them, or else there would be a dogfight. But during the 12 fights or so (maybe 1 happened a year), no one was ever bitten, just the dogs got scraped up, never serious enough to go to the vet. Apparently you can't have 2 females of the same breed together unless they came together, because they won't get along.

    As crazy that seems, we were unable to get rid of our dogs, we loved them so much, we bought cages to keep them in when we had too, and just kept them separated.

  30. Once my dog got into a fight and it was completely my fault. I was watching a friend’s two dogs for the weekend and made the mistake of giving the dogs treats all together, even though I‘d been feeding my dog in a different room. The next thing I knew, my 14 lb. dog was in a corner getting attacked by a 50 lb Australian Shepherd (the alpha who is extremely territorial) and an 80 lb. Golden Retriever (who is a follower). In order to get them off my dog, I had to kick and punch them until they were far enough away that I felt it was safe to bend down and pick up my poor dog, who ended up with a punctured ear and neck.

    In hindsight, I should have realized giving them treats together would have caused issues just based on behavioral indications and insights I’d picked up on. After all, there was a reason why I felt the need to feed my dog separately. Since this incident, I’ve looked after those dogs--with my dog in attendance--upwards of five times and haven’t had any issues beyond the alpha letting the other two know who’s in charge, which consists of butt sniffing, and little growling, and making sure the other two promptly look away whenever the alpha looks at them. It’s actually quite funny that when she walks into a room, the other two immediately look towards an opposite direction.
