Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Who Was The Third In The Christina Aguilera Sam Ronson Threesome?

Samantha Ronson has said she has not had sex with Christina Aguilera, but Sam's music producer begs to say otherwise. In an interview with The Sun, Marlon David said that in Mexico for Nicole Richie's bachelorette party that Christina and Sam hooked up and did so with a third person. There were not that many women at the party, so I wonder who it could have been? Was it a member of the party or did the women find someone random from the streets of Mexico? Who was this third person?

"Sam said she had a threesome with Xtina in Mexico last month, that's when she realised she was a 'hot piece of ass'. Sam said Xtina is 'horny as a college freshman'."

Marlon also said that Christina gave Sam a Skype peep show after they got back from Mexico.


  1. and in other news... Sam Ronson fires her music producer.

    i'd also accept:

    In other news...Sam ROnson really a 12yo boy.

  2. I really don't get SamRo's appeal.

  3. Nice way to keep a confidence, jacka$$.

  4. how does Sam get all the girls? i mean really??

  5. I think a Samantha/Christina/Lindsay Lohan love triangle is just what the gossip world needs right now! God somebody please get all this on film for a reality show!

  6. I can't imagine Sam would be happy about this. I'm with jax...

  7. please, I am sure she told him to leak it. Now everyone is talking about her again....just like the did with Lindsey.

  8. I just can't picture anyone but a Jersey Shore type calling Aguilera a "hot piece of ass". I think there's some exaggeration here, but I totally believe this took place.

  9. What this really comes down to is that good ole Sam is just a star f*cker.

    Gheeze what does anyone see in this person? Looks like a surly tweenage boy.

  10. Is that Rachel Zoe on the right, smoking? Isn't she supposedly pregnant?

  11. Jax said "In other news...Sam ROnson really a 12yo boy." hahaha... it makes perfect sense, she's the easy transition betweeen men and women.

  12. Yeah, I don't get the attraction to Sam either. Plus, she always looks to be in such a foul mood.

  13. *whispers* could the third person be nicole ...idk just throwing names out there...

  14. Nope, not Rachel Zoe, at least it doesn't look like her to me.

    What happened to NEVER telling what went on at a bachelor/bachelorette party?? I thought that was a law or something.

  15. Sam really seems like an opportunist. She was in this exact same position with Lindsay when Lindsay got out of rehab and was dating that guy she met there, then broke up with him. Sam was there to "comfort" her. Now Christina is going through a divorce and there she is again, for a shoulder to cry on.
    I think when someone is bisexual and is going through some crap, Sam swoops in like a vulture.

  16. maybe the attraction is that she looks kind of masculine while still being a female and thus, fulfilling their bisexual desire.

  17. Sam Ronson is a DOG, male or female. Yucky, ruddy skin, no personality, stinks as a dj, and is broke!

  18. @Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors - no way is that Rachel Zoe. I am pretty sure she barely clears 5 feet.

  19. The girl smoking looks like Chloe Sevigny.

    And I could totally see her doing a threeway. With a Xtina and that 12yo boy. (lol)

  20. In the dyke world, there are women who are what I call "professional converters." They are right there when a woman who has only been in heterosexual relationships breaks up with a guy and wonders if the grass might actually be greener (or blonder) on the other side.

    Of course, ultimately, it turns out that an immature woman that looks like a 12 year old boy is just about the same as an immature man that looks like a 12 year old boy. But Christina gets to play house, and SamRo gets to live her commitment-free life, and start the fifteen minute clock all over again.

    I'd say, personally, that SamRo's publicist is doing exactly what SamRo has asked him/her to do: milk this situation for every last drop of publicity.

  21. Maybe Sam is just amazing in bed.

  22. What does anyone in holy spaghetti hell see in SamRo.

  23. Anonymous1:20 PM

    What does anyone in hell, on earth or in limbo see in Aguilera? Look at that photo - she's a Venus of Willendorf in the making. She's going as pear-shaped as her overly managed career.

    Fuggity fug fug. And more desperation from a 'successful music star' to bury a spouse during a divorce and revive a career, I've never seen.

  24. Lesbian here. Samantha Ronson is kinda hot.

  25. Way late here, but EXACTLY, jax! That person is now history, job-wise, blabbing like that!

    Makes me call shenanigans given the wanton "guess-what-iness!" of it all.

    Methinks Xtina is longing for those Dirrrrty days and leaking all kinds of juicy shit on her own self, TBH.

  26. And...I am taking the opposing side re: Sam's position.

    I think she conversely gets used by "stars" b/c she's an easy lesbian mark, who obviously gets smitten with ALL the wrong gals. They slut up to her b/c she is out, known, and will bring them "just-being-curious street cred."

    And gossip.

  27. I don't have anything witty to add, but I just wanted to say how well written and snarky all the comments are on this particular post. Thanks for the great reading material, my fellow CDAN readers!

  28. Uh, Sam Ronson is a club DJ. And not a very good one. Why does she have a music producer??? Wouldn't one need to have like, albums and actual produced music to need one of those? Doesn't she just go into a club and essentially press play on other people's music? Is this Marlon David an actual music producer or just a friend that Sam asked to put this story out there... and gave him that "title" to give her some cred in other areas, kill 2 birds with one stone so to speak. Hmmmmmmmmmmm

  29. Not a lesbian here. Yeah, Samantha Ronson is kinda hot.

    I don't believe she is opportunistic at all, but rather a private person. I really like her, as a matter of fact.

  30. Not a lesbian either, I get it too.

  31. It could be the accent. I have found British guys who were decidedly NOT physically attractive to me at all, all KINDS of f*ckable when they get to talking.

  32. Samantha Ronson has an accent? I'm straight but think she's cute, and if she has a British accent then I get it. Hate how she scowls for photos tho.

  33. Am I the only one who's thinking enough with this bi/experimenting crap and take care of your son?

    I'm definitely not implying that you shouldn't have or life or do things for yourself when you have kids, but sheesh, he's so little, he should be her top and main priority right now.

  34. Maybe Sam's appeal is her brother, Mark Ronson, who is supposed to be a good music producer.
