Thursday, November 04, 2010

Yo Quiero Taco Bell - Unless You Are Jon Gosselin & His Girlfriend

Apparently the thought of someone taking their picture is extremely upsetting to the girlfriend of Jon Gosselin. Let us see how she feels about all that when the pair break up and she starts selling her stories to the tabloids. Anyhow, Ellen Ross and Jon were in a drive thru at a Taco Bell close to Jon's house when the employees acted like humans and started whispering about Jon and just acting goofy. Ellen expected five star treatment from the staff and wrote a letter demanding such. Note, there are racist undertones in her letter.

When we pulled up to the window there were three girls inside and a man. The three girls noticed who Jon was as his phone rang and he answered (it was his attorney, coincidentally), they proceeded to laugh loudly and talk about him as if he weren't there they said "OMG how funny, that's him OMG, say something to him say something." Jon put his car window up to avoid them. Every employee inside was gathered at the window staring and talking loudly about us. When we put the window back down to get our food, one employee (she had a wrap around her head) pulled out her cell phone and held it up to us to try and take a picture, while laughing at us. No one did or said anything to stop this. It was humiliating. We are sending a certified letter complaining about the manager's lack of professionalism and his obvious lack of control on his staff. I also want to be put in touch with the owner, and I will go to corporate to file a complaint if this problem is not addressed properly. I expect it to be resolved immediately since there is no excuse for your employees to make a spectacle out of us for their entertainment when they need to be doing their jobs, so instead they violated our privacy. I surely hope this employee whom I see frequently (the one with the wrap) can be terminated immediately. Employees be terminated immediately or we will sue your company for taking pictures of us while we waited for our food. At this point we had already paid. I am extremely disgusted by this conduct.

I am happy to report that no one was fired at the store and if I was one of the employees I would have also been standing at the window and laughing at them too while trying to take their picture. Ellen does not have any problems with people taking her picture if it is going into the national magazines. Maybe it was the laughing? You are dating Jon Gosselin how are people not going to laugh?


  1. Someone please send the employee with a wrap a top-of-the-line Leica or Nikon camera with a humongous lens. Right away.

  2. Oy...the grammar, it pains me :P

  3. I'm just going to say it isn't a violation of privacy IF YOU ARE OUT IN PUBLIC, you complete moron.

  4. How embarrassing - wenx, you are right - the grammar makes me wince.

    So this girl likes the notoriety of dating Gosselin but it depends on who is doing the noticing. Working class hispanic people apparently need not apply.

    They deserve one another.

  5. Taco Bell? Did she think she was at French Laundry?

  6. Sorry, what did she expect dating this douche who APPEARED ON TV FOR MONEY?? Did they meet in church?

  7. Really? I'm not so sure about your take on this story Ent? These people acted completely unprofessionally and should not have been doing so. Was it illegal? Of course not. But is it probably against company policy to behave that way when you are supposed to be doing their jobs??? I don't blame them for being upset about it, but I would have filed a complaint as well.

    I am also confused about the racial undertones. What is a wrap? Is it an African American person with a headwrap? A Muslim woman? Hispanic??? Perhaps a person going through chemo? I see alot of people wearing wraps and I am not sure what you can read into that other than to positively identify a person whose name you do not know. 4 women...3 with nothing on their heads....1 with a wrap on their head...easy to identify.

    I don't like JG either, but workers at Taco Bell shouldn't be treating their paying customers like that no matter who they are.

  8. OK, I'm going to go against the tide on this one. The type of service that she described is pretty bad, quasi-celebrity or no. I understand this is not a 4-star hotel that has policies in place for dealing with famous guests/clients (i.e. do not approach for autograph, etc). But as paying customers (who also happen to be a walking freak show) they could have been shown a tad more respect.

    On another note, she was out of place demanding someone be fired, not her call.

  9. Know what I hate the most about this letter? The entitlement. Just because you're buying a 4 dollar meal, doesn't mean people have to treat you like the Queen you think you are. Please. Stop living in delusional land.

  10. How much privacy do you expect to have in a drive-thru?

    Should the employees have taken their picture? No.

    And a note to Jon's current wannabe: I PREFER to have food service workers cover their head with something. Please no extra suprise in my soft taco. Thank you!

  11. @Ice Angel, I agree with you... I took the "headwrap" comment as a way of her describing one of the people involved, just as one would say "with a tattoo", or "with a pierced nose", etc.

    Aside from that, these people are losers.

  12. I also don't see the "racist undertones"....

    That being said, this bitch is a tool.

  13. First of all, admitting that you ate/eat at Taco Bell? Eyewwwwww.

    with Jon Gosselin? See above.

    I agree the employees behaved badly, but I wouldn't blame the manager (he may have been wrestling with something on the other side of the restaurant and this all happened rather fast.) I might call the place after and tell him off.

    Sorry, her millinery comment had nothing to do with hygiene -- the headwrap thing is racist, folks.

    She over-reacted, especially since Jon is a public figure. You don't like people acting like morons around you? Have your food delivered or learn to cook, jerk. But what do you expect from someone who dates Gosselin? I hope the Taco Bell people laugh in her face. Come to think of it, this PR is worth a fortune for them.

  14. Weezy....what race was the person wearing the headwrap? I cannot tell.

  15. Please STOP LOOKING for something to be racist. NOTHING she said had an undertone to be racist. She said one of the females wore a head wrap. Please explain how that is racist. I see women of all races wearing them.

  16. I totally agree with those of you who cannot find the racial undertones. I missed it. I'm a plain ole white girl and I wear wraps, so whatev. And I also agree that it probably sucks to be them...but I felt that way before I heard this story, so, yeah.

  17. Kids, really. If you were at a drive through and the employees inside were giggling/laughing at you, and generally being really rude, you'd write a letter of complaint too.

    The employees are definitely in the wrong here.

  18. If teenagers are being rude to me at their shitty fast food job that gives them pocket money then I know I'm in the right place. Just don't go back to that location. Causing a scene makes someone look insane.

  19. @Casey - right, but people WOULDN'T giggle/laugh at me because I'm not a pseudo-celebrity who traipses around the world with countless women, parading my children on tv and acting like a general famewhore. So there's that. He wanted attention, he got it.

  20. It was pretty unprofessional, but not letter-writing worthy. She could have handled it right there by asking to speak to the manager.

  21. FFS, everything has to turn into a race thing. If there were 3 people, 2 black and one white is the person describing them racist for pointing out their race in describing them? People need to chill out. You can't tell the race of the person wearing the wrap. One of the few people I see on the regular wearing a wrap is white as she can be. Those employees are assholes. In this economy, they should be lucky they have a job and their boss should be reminding them of that big time. I can only imagine what they did to their food.

  22. Ellen was in the right here. Those employees acted like idiots.

    She's also been a good thing for Jon and trying to get the kids off TV. Jon went to court a few weeks ago try and permanently end the filming, but the judge ruled that Kate gets to make all filming decisions about the children. Kate and TLC almost immediately started filming them again. Last week, the kids were taken out of school to shoot at Party Time to buy Halloween costumes. They worked at that 'set' for hours.

    Free the 8!

  23. I have to agree with Ice Angel et al. The complaint is justified. The head wrap comment is not racist. It's the easy identifier of who was working that day. It's no more racist than saying she was wearing a pink shirt.

  24. Where the hell did this bitch learn how to write? Or NOT learn how to write? Obviously, she's a product of the WTF Generation's educational standards (which puts her right in Jon's age bracket for girlfriends.) If you want this situation taken seriously, learn to compose a letter containing coherent sentences and communicating ideas somewhat effectively.
    This letter is the literary equivalant of Daniel Staub bringing the mannequin head on the RHONJ reunion show.

  25. This is a bad behaviour issue. I know people stare at celebrities but even celebs want their bad fast food too. Would it be too much to ask for them to have been served with curtesy? If a waiter started laughing at a celeb at The Ivy their ass would be canned post haste! Even teens have to step it up when they serve the public, no matter who that public may be.

  26. Am I blind? I am not seeing any "grammar" or writing issues. I've read the thing several times, it looks pretty good to me. Also, I'm not seeing the racial undertones.

    I would be PISSED if this happened to me, Since they were in the drive-thru, I can see why they just went home and wrote a letter, otherwise they would've had to park, go inside, etc. to speak with the manager, so to me, what they did makes sense.

    The employees behavior was not acceptable.

  27. If she sees that employee often, I guess she's a regular.

    I agree this could have been handled better. If she was that angry they should have parked, complained, then demand their money back.

  28. It may have been unprofessional for the workers to giggle and laugh, but Ellen should have realized that it isn't every day someone at a lowpaying fast food place comes across a celebrity, so yeah.....they are going to act differently.

    I think Ellen and Jon just assumed the kids (or adults) were laughing AT them, and not maybe just laughing because the situation was out of the ordinary. In the note she didn't say she heard anyone say any rude comments, she just ASSUMED they were making rude comments.

    Oh, and to try and get someone fired from a low paying job just because your feelings were hurt is a pretty shitty thing to do. If that woman was working at that low paying job, chances are she NEEDS that job.

  29. The day Jon Gosselin agreed to be on a tv show was the day he gave up the right to complain about people reacting in silly ways when they see him. The day she started dating someone who was on tv was the day she gave up that right. No good closing the barn door after the horse has escaped.

  30. Did not see racist understones....saw an identifying characteristic of what an employee was wearing. What ethnicity is head wrap?

    The behavior was pretty ridiculous. I can understand them gawking but for THAT LONG??? And taking pictures? I think after a few minutes the manager should have put a stop to that.

    You could tell she was PISSED when she wrote this letter. She didn't seem to proof-read it & it kind of bounces around at the end.
