Thursday, December 09, 2010

Aretha Franklin Has Cancer

Such sad news. A FOX television station in Detroit has confirmed that Aretha Franklin has cancer. However, they could not confirm earlier reports that Aretha has inoperable pancreatic cancer. Aretha is the ultimate diva and anyone who wants to try, needs to realize that they will always fall short of what this woman has been and will always be. I wish her the very best.


  1. So sad, My prayers are with you Queen of Soul

  2. Very sad. I hate it when this happens. I'm sending wishes of good health to everyone! Get well Aretha. The world is better with you in it.

  3. Michael K will be inconsolable.

  4. Dan Ackroyd said that it was really difficult for her lip synch for this scene because she is used to singing live.

  5. So very sad...I always look forward to her new hats...she is truly one of a kind.

  6. Pancreatic cancer is NOT inoperable, it is incurable. There's a surgery called a Whipple procedure that, if the patient is indicated to have it and if successful, can improve life expectancy.

    God bless you, Aretha.

  7. My favorite Areatha moment years ago was when she was on VH1 Diva's and Celine kept trying to upstage her at the end. The second Celine opened her mouth Aretha slammed her down. And took over the show.

    It was beautiful to watch all the ladies be put in their place next to Aretha.

    I hope this rumor isn't true after losing Elizabeth.

  8. So sad. My mother passed away 10 years ago from breast cancer and she has been on my mind so much this week because of Elizabeth Edwards. Last night I found out my "other mother" - the woman who stepped in when my mom died and got my on the right path (to stop fucking up my life) - with me for my wedding and in the hospital with me when my son was born, basically the woman I owe everything to in life other than my mom - has cancer of the fallopian tubes. I think I am going into a hole for the rest of the week, so sick at hearing about these strong & amazing women being struck like this. LIFE IS NOT FAIR.

  9. @timebob. I loved that too. Aretha showed us who the real diva was.

  10. So sorry Cancan, and you're right Life is so not fair. But at least you had someone who stepped in and put you on the right path. Cherish those memories.

  11. @timebob - I think Christina Aguilera tried that on Aretha once and promply got knocked out of her Louboutin peep-toes.

    This is unacceptable to me. Not Aretha. Not her. She can't go for at LEAST another twenty years.

    Aretha can't go. She just can't. That cancer better get the fuck out of her body IMMEDIATELY.

  12. I wish only the best for Lady RiRi - as Enty has said, she is the Ultimate Diva (and not by any means the negative connotations of that term)
    A singular voice and personality, may she continue to enjoy the quality of life in the future that she has enjoyed in the past.
    I'm personally praying that it'll turn out to be a serious misdiagnosis, like something simple, such as heartburn because she ate something too spicy before bed.

  13. Damn, someone with the gift of song and entertainment. I hope we can get at least a decade more from her.

    Maybe this is a bad dream?

  14. Aretha is the Queen of Soul and a Diva in the truest sense of the work. Her voice gives me goosebumps, there is no one who can sing soul and gospel and even pop like her! No one comes close.

    I am praying for you, Lady Soul

  15. My thoughts are with Aretha and her family.

    My grandmother, who was the strongest person I know both physically and mentally, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2002. She had problems for many months before they found the cause. By that time, it was too late to do anything. She died 5 months later. The cancer took a strong energetic woman and ravaged her into a bedridden and constantly sleeping shell. However, her spirit stayed strong until her last day. It will be seven years next week that she has been gone and I miss her every day.

    I hope that Miss Aretha doesn't have this cancer. It is debilitating and I'd hate to see the same fate happen to such a strong woman.

  16. I had heard she was in the hospital a few days ago and found it strange that a) a hospital visit made news, and b) her family wanted privacy if it wasn't a big deal.

  17. @Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors

    Pancreatic cancer is inoperable if it has spread to any other organs, which is highly likely because it is so close to everything else, especially the liver. The wipple surgery removes so much of the digestive system, that surgeons won't even try it unless they can get good margins on the tumor.

    My dad was diagnosed with this disease last February and was scheduled to get the wipple until found cancerous spots on his liver with a scope. He has been in chemo since, and is still doing fine, but we all know that it won;t last for too much longer. Average life expectancy after a diagnosis is 15 months.

    This disease makes me so angry, especially the inadequate number of drugs to treat it. there are 2 chemo drugs available to my dad. In comparison, there pages of chemo drugs available for breast cancer. Breast cancer has a much better marketing campaign and fundraisers. It even has a whole freakin' month!

    Pancreatic cancer sucks.
