Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Break Into Fiddy's House - Drink Some Wine And Smoke Some Pot

Two men were arrested after being found in the home of 50 Cent. Security guards called the police after they discovered a suspicious car in the driveway. By suspicious they meant one that did not cost $100K and did not belong to Chelsea Handler. Anyway, when the police went in the house they found one guy who had some pot and was about to smoke it. The other guy arrested was found in a closet drinking some wine he had allegedly taken during the break in. Hey, some munchies and everything would have been all good. Look how happy these guys are in their booking photos.


  1. So do they have the sex tape? They're awfully happy!

  2. bwahahah. i can't stand 50, so this makes me giggle even more.

  3. This story and the accompanying photos makes my day!

  4. This is too funny but did they find the pot at 50's house or did they bring it with them

  5. i wanna know how much joyriding they did in that 52-room house...cuz i picture them drunk and stoned and re-enacting tom cruise/risky business...socks, shades and all.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Was the one guy hiding from the cops in a closet and enjoying some vino while he was at it or was he already chillin in the closet drinking wine when the cops arrived? Either way it looks like they had a good time.

  8. Love the smile on the face of goofball #2.

  9. Blogger __-__=__ said...
    So do they have the sex tape? They're awfully happy!

    Lol! They're all like: "Street cred! What?!"

  10. Hey, you only live once. I think the perps may hae had an inkling they might make the gossip blogs from those photos, LOL.

  11. You have that huge ass mansion to cruise around in and you sit in a closet and drink wine? What a fuckin' idiot. I want to know too if it was Fiddy's weed. If it was, that might explain why he was in the closet then.....it was probably some good shit he couldn't handle. lol

  12. "found in a closet drinking some wine" :-/

    TMZ said he was POUNDING the wine. HAHAHAHAHA You know he had one hell of a headache the next day.

  13. When I think of closet, I think of the closets that I have. Then I realize Fiddy's got a freakin' MANSION so that closet must be the size of my kitchen (and I have a big kitchen).

  14. @shakey - Ha! I totally had an image of someone crouched down under a rack of clothes! But your right, he probably has some ginormous closet.
