Thursday, December 23, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

C List in film, B in Television actress got pregnant just recently from a one night stand. She is thrilled but also very concerned because her current romantic partner is a woman, not a man.


  1. Kate Walsh or Jennifer Carpenter

  2. I like the Kate Walsh guess. She sends my gaydar pinging.

  3. I thought of Kate Walsh, too.

    But everyone says she a closeted lesbian & wouldn't this blind be an out bisexual? If she slept with a dude?

  4. Am I jaded in that I am un-fazed at this point hearing this news? I mean, who isn't a closeted/bisexual-in a relationship-bearded-one night stand pregnancy situation? I think, it's the new black.
    Who the frick has the time to do all of this? I can barely get my laundry done.

  5. Gypsy, your comment made me laugh out loud. Awesome!

  6. Guess we'll just have to wait for the baby bump, if there is one.

    @Gypsy, you made me LOL too.

  7. I love Kate Walsh but according to IMDB she's 43. The odds aren't very high that she would get pregnant from a one night stand.
