Monday, December 20, 2010

Elizabeth Edwards Banned John Edwards From Speaking At Her Funeral

Granted, this all comes from The Enquirer, but since they are the paper of record for everything related to John and Elizabeth Edwards, this could be true, and even if it was not, one can hope it is true. In a report they are claiming that Elizabeth told John that he ruined her life and that she will never forgive him. One can only hope that she has taken up permanent residence in his life and will haunt him until his death.

She also said that she hopes Rielle Hunter will rot in hell. The only thing that Elizabeth did nice with John towards the end of her life was to pray with him that he would be a good father to his kids. Well, so far he has not been the greatest. They also talk about how she cut John off from her part of their estimated $53M fortune and wants to make sure John's love child does not get any of her money either.


  1. I hope it's true. The stress he added onto her life surely shortened it.

  2. Elizabeth had a reputation of being hard & cold. But can't really blame her after being publically humilated.

    Reille is dancing around her house in a wedding dress as we speak.

  3. I hope this isn't true. I think it's pretty awful that someone would go to their death spiting people.

  4. I agree with Sue Ellen. Sucks :(

  5. I heard this morning on the radio that he has some new 24 year-old bimbo!

  6. Agree with Sue Ellen. I wouldn't want to think of anyone being that bitter at the end.

  7. For once, if this is true, I think she did something smart and responsible - even if she let her anger make the decisions. To be burned that bad, takes so much time to heal - which she didn't have. To ensure that he couldn't piddle money away on his future misses - is responsible in my opinion. Plus, I really think you can wish someone to rot in hell in a quiet & eloquent fashion.

  8. I'm with Sue Ellen.

  9. That arrangement (cutting John off from her fortune and not allowing him to speak at her funeral, etc.) sounds entirely fair to me. She's lucky she let him into her final moments, at all.

    I do hope she rests in peace, and that John is haunted by her memory. I also hope there's a special hell for douche bags like him.

  10. It's not being bitter, try being hurt and betrayed at the lowest point in your life. This man couldn't think on the effect this would have on their children, just for a fuck with a slut who couldn't wait to get pregnant to cash in her chips. Try putting yourself in Elizabeth Edwards' shoes and see how you feel.

  11. I think I'd be pretty bitter if I lost a child, battled cancer for years, had my heart broken repeatedly by my husband and had his mistress mock me for years. All in public no less.

    She's at peace now but shit, that would be hard to overcome and find peace in.

  12. I still wouldn't go to my grave spiting him. Never.

    I mean, you're done. It's over. Next stop, God's embrace. Let him deal with it and just feel bad for how messed up your former husband was.

  13. Sorry, that should be 'Him', not 'him'.

  14. Rielle Hunter will never get to marry John Edwards...the end

  15. Fair enough. I don't want someone at my funeral fronting like I was the best person in the world after they treated me like shit. Non-hypocrites speaking at my funeral only, please.

  16. @Sue Ellen - It's her right to go out pissed off, if she wants. Who are we to say that someone can't go out pissed off? I've had a few friends & family members die/commit suicide and they were pretty fucking pissed about a number of things when they died. And I don't dispute what they were angry with at all. It's not my place. That being said, more power to her if she went out giving John the middle finger. If someone invokes the ire of someone who's terminally ill, you know you've fucked up.

  17. All I know is that Elizabeth lived the end of her life with dignity, class and grace, showing Rielle what a real lady is.

  18. Sorry, guess I'm cold-hearted too. (Actually, I KNOW I can be cold-hearted.) I agree with Mary.

  19. @ Nightmare Child

    Damn right it's her right to do whatever she wants, however she wants. I just wouldn't do it, and it makes me a little...sad isn't the right word, maybe down is better, down that people would spite people to the grave.

    The second I feel death closing in, I will immidiately forgive everyone that has ever done something horrendous to me.

    That's just how I roll.


  20. See, we only have the Enquirer's word that this was all out of spite. Making sure your money goes to YOUR children is smart. John has enough of his own, and he can support his children - with Elizabeth or with anyone else on his own.

    As for speaking at her funeral, well I also say that could be because she didn't want to turn what she knew would be a media event into even more of one, and provide him with a very public forum when it should be a space for her friends and her children to come together in their grief for her.

    He was with her when she died and with their children, and that tells me that she came to terms with him. But as someone much smarter then me, and probably most, said "Forgiveness is free, trust is earned."

  21. @Sue Ellen - That's cool. As soon as I see Death creeping up on me, I'm going quote of the best lines from a movie...EVER.


    Then again, I don't believe in an afterlife. Or forgiveness for anyone who's committed any majorly grievious wrongdoings against me. : )

  22. Personally, I don't plan on forgiving anyone who royally screwed me over in life just because I'm near death. MOO but I would have never forgiven him for the public humiliation. Some things, according to me, are just unforgivable.

  23. She had a right to protect her money and her children from present and future "poor judgments" by John.

    John may go through a string of bimbos who all manage to get pregnant. Expensive. If he does eventually marry Rielle, she will do what she can to stake out every penny she can for herself and her child with no concern for Elizabeth's children. Rielle will do that even without marriage.

    Why would she allow John to speak his BS at her funeral? He would make her funeral about him. At least he was allowed to attend.

  24. I really wouldn't blame her, he had unprotected sex with a bimbo...risked her health, let alone had a "love child" ( set aside that the cancer probably was in part due to the massive amounts of hormones she took, so she could give him another son)..also this sounds like even though they didn't divorce they must have divided their assets...good for her.
    Sad to say but he will be married to some slut within the year..

  25. Sometimes, giving someone the middle finger on your way out IS peace. After all she's been thru, I'm not going to judge her. Not everyone deserves forgiveness, deathbed or not.

  26. I think it would come down to two things -

    How much worse would I feel not forgiving?
    And how much better would that D-bag feel if I did?

  27. @Nightmare


    That's how I'm quitting my job. That, or throwing hard boiled eggs in this huge chandelier we have, and THEN busting out a little fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool...

    That is a classic line. For real.

  28. Oh, and on this topic. I'm big on forgiving people, and I've had to forgive a couple of big things in my life, but I think it makes me a better person if I can find it in myself to forgive someone who has really done me wrong.

    I don't like how heavy that stuff feels on my bones.

  29. I have written instructions for my BFF to carry out the following at my funeral:

    Miss *** is not to step foot in my memorial service. She is to be escorted off the premises. If Miss **** does not comply, please have officer **** tell Miss *** that the reasons she is not allowed is as follow: and there is a long list of reasons beginning with lying to me about sleeping with my husband prior to me dating him and ending with her humiliating herself by trying to seduce the minister at my church. Perhaps while at my church she should go to the prayer room and have a chat with God and not try to get my dead forgiveness, which she will never, ever have. Now, go try to find men elsewhere whore.

    Signed and dated,

  30. @Terri Dude, you're hardcore!

  31. @ Sue Ellen I wish I had your compassion? Is that the right word? I get more angered when my friends and family tell me I should forgive and let go. But kudos to you (sincerely)

  32. That's funny, Sue Ellen. I have limited my commenting for months because you jump all over me when I post an opinion that's either pro-Enty, or opposed to someone you agree with. I guess your forgiveness only applies to "big things?"

  33. Well, Mooshki, I don't e-care for you or how you present yourself. However, I don't know you personally, so I have nothing to forgive you for, or you I.

    I don't understand how our mutual dislike factors into this conversation?

  34. @Terri - That is so beautiful.

    @shiny_special_one - Exactly.

    @Sue Ellen - I have to piggyback off of what shiny said. Some people don't deserve forgiveness...because some people are capable of unspeakable atrocities. A little regret is good for you. It keeps you humble and keeps you from turning into a blissed out sociopath.

  35. We actually banned my father's mistress from my mother's funeral and wake. It was a pleasure to do it, because she humiliated my mother in life for years.

  36. I believe all the stress John caused her, brought that cancer back..look at the timing of it. Stress wreaks havoc on the body and if that caused her death, making her have to leave her children and not see them grow up...then screw him!!! Don't care if it's bitter....she didn't have to make peace with God, he does.

  37. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Heard this morning on a Dallas station that Edward's now has a 24 baby girlfriend. That Hunter does not want to get married.

  38. My dad says he doesn't want my mom at his funeral. She did nothing as horrible as John did to Elizabeth; they're both just petty individuals who refuse to act like adults.

    Clearly, I can't wait to get married, because it is going to be so much fun to have them in the same room! Woo!!

  39. PLEASE....If I was her, I wouldn't want that asshat talking at my pets funeral, let alone my own.

    That she tied her $$$ up for her children, Kudos to her! Remember how much he spent on one haircut?

    I'd have told him: " Sure I forgive you for being a d!ckhe@d. I just hope Karma lets Rielle screw you over like you did me. Mazel tov."

  40. i don't see how john's child with hunter would even possibly get any of elizabeth's money. if he didn't get any, there's just no way that would happen.

    i choose to believe most of this story isn't true. if she'd hated him that much, i doubt he would've been with her non-stop during the last days of her life---but we know he was.

    i read that she held his and her daughter's hands. doesn't sound like a bitter, angry woman to me.

  41. Godd for her! Her funeral, her choice and her wishes should be respected - it's the least he can do!

  42. "I don't understand how our mutual dislike factors into this conversation?"

    That doesn't surprise me a bit.

  43. forgiveness is an act of grace...and those that don't deserve it are the ones that need it the most. i think EE was a classy lady, from what i've read...i hope she didn't leave her children an example of unforgiveness...that would be heartbreaking, atop the fact that they have to forgive or not their dad on their own terms. i hope EE took the road less traveled, and didn't leave them a legacy that betrayal trumps everything else. sometimes your love has to be greater than the pain. easier said than done--but it can be done.

  44. Bitter in life,bitter in death.

    at least she's consistent.


  45. @pookie - Let me get this straight. If I were to come into your house, rape you, torture you, kill your family and then horribly burn you in a fire...I deserve forgiveness?



    I like that. I can do whatever I want and only deliver a half assed apology when caught.

  46. I totally agree with Sue Ellen

  47. Elizabeth also stipulated that Rielle and her daughter are banned from being around Elizabeth & John's other children. And Elizabeth has put her oldest daughter, Cate, in charge with making sure her wishes are carried out. Cate is reportedly still very upset with John's affair.

    Also, there is some provision about John losing out on even more of the assets should he ever marry or live with Rielle.

  48. I think the older daughter has really given up a goodly part of her carefree years to help take care of the younger children, and will probably be their mom from this point onward. If the article has at least some grains of truth in it, you have to wonder if some of her anger came from the anguish he's caused his kids. I'm sure he's rather busy chasing tail and parenting is not his full-time job.

  49. totally agree with Sue Ellen. I think it is both sad that John and Rielle put her in that position, and she carried that much baggage with her to the end. Sad for the kids, mostly, though.

  50. That came from John's camp. It's a lot of pouting and trying to make Elizabeth look like Cruella while she was rightly praised for her great work for good causes. It's something he'd do.

    And I worked on his last campaign -- one of the biggest mistakes of my life (and that is really saying something).

  51. Lawdy I hate to quote Dr Laura, but what was her thing about the 3 R's required for absolution/forgiveness - responsibility, repentence, and something else? I understand that some people believe that forgiveness is good for the soul and in some situations that is true, but I will not forgive some jerk standing in front of me who refuses to acknowledge and accept responsibility for whatever wrong he committed against me. Sorry, but some things have to be earned, and that is one of them.

    As for EE, I don't buy this story. I believe that John was told not to speak at her funeral, I believe that she took steps to protect her children, but I do not believe that she was 'bitter' to John all the way to the end, as if her last dying breath was used to sneer at him one more time. I don't want to diminish the emotional and physical pain she has suffered, I like to believe that she would try to be a better example to her children.

  52. Sorry, your will has to be smart, regardless. If this is true, Elizabeth is very smart, not vindictive, or any other negative thing. She needs to take care of her kids, when John did not.

  53. I'm not sure I buy this, I read somewhere that she sent Christmas presents to the Rielle baby last year. Doesn't add up.

  54. @shiny_special_one - It's from Half Baked...

  55. Dylan Thomas expressed it best: we should go out fighting.

    Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Old age should burn and rage at close of day;
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
    Because their words had forked no lightning they
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
    Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
    And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
    Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    And you, my father, there on the sad height,
    Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

  56. @squeezebox-going out fighting and going out bitter are two different things, though. The poem is referring to fighting death, not others. And I had a major problem with that poem in high school English just as I have a major problem with it today. It is one thing to want to live, and it is another to want your loved ones to live so much that you prolong their agony. I know, it is off topic, but it saddens me when people fight palliative care for their loved ones because they think it is horrible to "throw in the towel" for them. Euthanasia is one thing, palliative care is a total different thing.

  57. I've always believed that forgiveness is only necessary if it allows you to continue with your life. Making peace with a situation is a totally different thing. If I was in Elizabeth's shoes, I would definitely make sure my children are taken care of - and not my ex. Just my 2 cents.

  58. I don't have a problem with Mrs. Edwards requests. At all. Yes, it would be nice for her to have been the bigger person but.....she didn't have to do that to prove who was the classier of the two (or 3 if you count Hunter) in the situation.

  59. Forgiveness is the cornerstone of moving on, but it's easily misunderstood. It doesn't meaning "I'll just pretend you didn't do anything wrong" as much as it means "I'm going to close the door on this and leave it." "Just because you forgive someone doesn't mean you have to have lunch with them," Marianne Williamson says -- and when I look back on relationships that fell apart evilly, forgiveness for me means "I thought there was something good here and there wasn't, and the other person was just more aware of what a crappy relationship we had than I was." The idea that forgiveness means letting people do evil things to us, cuz we'll bless them cuz we're so spiritual, that's not healthy.

  60. I think the Enquirer was right. I think they do check their facts these days, and check them very well. Didn't they have to pay out a few times when they didn't print the truth? They can't be sued if they're just printing the truth.

    Thanks Nightmare Child for everything you've said here. Forgiveness is lots of people's excuse to do as they please without regard for anyone or anything. Homey don't play that.

    And I don't think EE was bitter. That's just another line from the Forgiveness Folks. I don't think she cared at all. I do think she was protecting HER children. Something John should have done from the beginning.

    For cryin' out loud, if you can't live up to a promise then just be on your way. JE is just yet another POS human, a total waste of oxygen causing harm to everyone and everything in his path. He's harmed the lives of many humans.

  61. On one hand, I can see why EE wouldn't want her kids being around Rielle's daughter, but they are blood related and might want to have a connection sometime in the future. I know my son has an older half brother, and although his brother doesn't have any contact with their dad (the bro is 15, my son is 8), my son and his brother still talk to each other, although they don't have much in common at the ages they are now, my son has more in common with his half bro's younger bro.
