Friday, December 24, 2010

The Enquirer Says Bristol Palin Is Having Sex

In their latest issue, The Enquirer says that Bristol Plain stole some guy from his girlfriend and that they are having a hot and heavy affair. Supposedly this oil worker from Alaska who Bristol has known for awhile came down and hung out with Bristol around Thanksgiving. The guy was supposedly still in a relationship when he did. Meh. They also say that Bristol wants to get married and have a baby next year. Meh.

The one very interesting accusation they make is that Bristol and this guy are having sex despite how Bristol preaches abstinence. Yeah, I could see that. Plus, you know what is the point of cheating on someone if you are going to just hold hands with the other person.


  1. she makes her mama proud...

  2. Triple meh. But here's something interesting from today's - Bristol bought a five-bedroom house in Arizona.

  3. Why is she news ? quadruple meh !~

  4. Palins on the Moon make more sense.

  5. SEXTUPLE meh! Pun intended. LOL!

  6. Obviously the Enquirer has no jouralistic integrity whatsoever if they allow themselves to besmirch Bristol the Pistil with this scurrilous canard.
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Bristol is the lying offspring of a liar.

  7. What? A Wassillabilly being found out as a hypocrite?
    Color me shocked.

  8. why can't the world turn their backs on these fucking people so they go away????!?

    that's all i want for christmas.

  9. So I guess she has terminated her pregnancy then? Waited til after DWTS?

  10. Robert for the win, with "canard." LOL!

  11. I wonder what the Palin wedding would be like. Anything like the Clintons?
