Wednesday, December 22, 2010

FOX Owes Couple $800K

I watched Money Drop on Monday night. Watched the second hour of the show. I thought it was going to be great, but it really isn't. Maybe on Monday night, because it was two hours and they had a lot of stretching to do, made it worse, but I thought it was kind of annoying and could have been played at a much faster pace. There is also a reason why Kevin Pollack did not last very long on Celebrity Poker. He is an awful game show host. He is irritating and grating on the nerves. Great actor, terrible game show host.

Also, I knew the last couple on Monday would not win, because there was not enough time in the show for them to answer the final two questions. So, the suspense kind of went out the window.

Anyway, a couple I did not see on Monday apparently got a question right that was ruled wrong. They bet $800K that Post It Notes were sold before a Walkman or a Mac. Turns out they were right, by two years, but FOX said they were wrong. Whoops. I say give them their money. FOX says they are standing by their decision.


  1. two years is alot of time and the couple should get their money. Whats the sense of having a game show if the network doesnt abide by its own rules

  2. Right is Right, It's not wrong because Fox doesn't want to pay....Creeps

  3. This is FOX we are talking about. I do want them to sue.

  4. On the original UK version, the couple lost their money on a question that was later ruled to be correct or, in truth, questionable. They brought the couple back on the next show and let them compete again, and they ended up winning money in the end.

    Also, in the UK version they have the couple at the end come back for the next show if they run out of time. I haven't seen the US version yet. They don't do that here? Because that's very unfair if so.

  5. boo on fox. they're not making any friends by standing by that ruling.

  6. Incidentally, the UK version is really great, but most of the appeal is that you can play the game along with the broadcast on their website. They have thousands who do and then win and lose fake money as they play (and they even let you play against your friends using Facebook Connect.) When I saw that Fox wasn't even bothering to try that, I lost a lot of my initial interest in the show.

  7. The decision makers at FOX are d-bags. STILL bitter about AD.

  8. A relative works for Fox; just emailed her to see what the scoop is.

  9. I'm not a huge Kevin Pollak fan, but I do watch the Kevin Pollak Chat Show on YouTue. Long, but really great interviews. I advise you to skip past the first 15-20 minutes of each show though, unless you want to hear Kevin Pollak talk about himself.

  10. At minimum they should have the couple back to compete again.

  11. Kevin Pollak might not be a great host but he does the best William Shatner impression. Hands down. I think he also had to act in a trench in A Few Good Men because he towered over Tom Cruise. But I digress.


  12. This happened on Who Wants to be a Millionaire with a question about the largest Great Lake. The contestent's answer was ruled incorrect, but backstage he pointed out he was correct based on volume, not surface area. They brought him back on, reinstated his winnings and let him continue where he left off--imagine, a game show with integrity!
    Heads up, Fox!

  13. I'm sure this couple will sue Fox. As they should.

  14. Nope Walkman was first sold in 1979 and Post its in 1980. the Post it website says they are celebrating their 30th anniversary (started in 1980) and the Walkman was first sold abroad in retail markets in 1979.

  15. Wiki says:
    3M launched the product in 1977, but its results were disappointing.

    The original Walkman was marketed in 1979 as the Walkman in Japan, the Soundabout in many other countries including the US,

    It doesn't surprise me. There's so much fraud and deceit nowadays, its ridiculous.

  16. @Janice Marie

    I pulled the Post Its year from the POST IT website, not Wikipedia.

    I am pretty sure the Post It company is more accurate than Wikipedia.

  17. The question on the show was specifically "Which product was FIRST SOLD IN STORES?"

    The Post Its probably were not sold in 1977, just tested.

  18. ha remember romy and michelle and how they came up with the story that they like, invented post its?

    no? neither. haha
