Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I Wonder If Dexter Will Kill His Sister

With the news that Jennifer Carpenter has filed for divorce from her husband Michael C. Hall, it makes you wonder whether she is long for the show Dexter. The couple, who play brother and sister on the show will probably face some issues. Not that facing cancer is not a big issue, but it is tough to work with someone on a set after you have just broken up. Considering that Jennifer is the one who filed for the divorce, and Michael is the star, it does give you something to ponder when it comes to plot lines for the show.


  1. I wondered the same thing. And they seemed like such a nice, normal couple. I also wonder what caused the divorce. I doubt we'll ever know seeing as they tend to fly under the gossip radar.

  2. Deb annoys me anyway, so I guess I wouldn't care if she went away.

  3. Or somebody else kills her and then he kills them.

  4. i HOPE he kills her. as slowly and painfully as possible would be good.

    she irritates the shit outta me.

  5. @ Nancer - she is nowhere as bad as Rita.

    Could this be the answer to this blind?


  6. so sorry to hear about the divorce news...relationships can be trying, esp. when dealing w/ the gravity of a situation such as his. :(

  7. My link isn't working - the blind is from Tuesday, October 5, 2010:


  8. But if she gets killed off...who is going to say FU&K 150 times in an episode?

    I hope they don't kill her off, I mean they got rid of Rita that way - maybe she'll take an out of state job with the FBI?

  9. Agree Deb is annoying!

    Very curious as to why they're divorcing. Rumour has it they have been bearding for each other...why divorce? Maybe one's ready to come out?

  10. She ruins the show for me, so I hope she's a goner.

  11. @Ms Cool - good catch! Funny thing is, no one thought it actually was Michael C Hall. I hope Enty reveals that one.

  12. Rumors are starting to fly that he was banging Julia Stiles.

    I'm off to read MsCool's link, maybe it corroborates?

  13. RocketQueen....Yes.....she's his second marriage and I believe he has a child, but there were rumors at the time of that divorce about him and another man...as for Jennifer well I always thought they were both gay...

  14. I guess we'll find out soon, MISCH :)

  15. This one broke my heart. Is anyone happy in Hollyweird?

  16. This one broke my heart. Is anyone happy in Hollyweird?

  17. I find this so, so upsetting. MCH is my total favorite actor/probably the only person who my husband would forgive me for cheating with just because he understands my Dexter obsession. This is his 2nd divorce from a costar.... and his first was pretty sketch on the timing in terms of when he got divorced/when he started "dating" JC. Seems to me if he were gay it wouldn't be necessary to overlap your beards... so sadly, the small evidence avail points to cheating over closet, at least from where I sit.

    If it was with Julia Stiles then that is just really, really horrible. Don't sh*t where you eat-- seriously-- Dexter is such a good show and it would suck if the plotlines are compromised because of people's personal issues.

    And finally, I really think that Deb/Jennifer Carpenter is an amazing actress-- I have never gotten the Deb hate. The show could definitely not go on without her and be as compelling, she is the moral compass-- especially after Rita's demise. Dexter is not going to kill his sister unless its in the series finale and even then I really don't see that happening.

  18. i dont think they are bearding. he just went through gnarly cancer treatment, he's a little older-maybe after that whole mess something happened to him/changed priorities,etc...
    i saw them a few months ago @ the farmers market and the seemed normal, i didnt get the gay vibe.
    i DID get one though from toothy-even my bf said something.

  19. Towards the end of the season final I was kind of starting to hope that the Morgan siblings were going to end up killing together.

    One would hope that they can be mature enough to keep working together. JC is perfect for that role (I don't mind Deb at all, I think she's quite delighful *L*). But if the rumours about cheating are true, that might be a problem. Unless there are lots of scenes where Deb gets to beat up Dexter...*L*

  20. What lzahart said. Exactly!

  21. Anonymous12:04 PM

    he's a manwhore.

  22. I still think he is gay or BI at the least. But I wouldn't be surprised if he starting popping up places with Julia now. They did have a lot of chemistry together. But WTF? Does Mike have to sleep with and marry every co-star?? Dude needs to calm down.

  23. I'm a HUGE dexter fan and was very sad about this split. I don't have the Deb hate either, she's great on the show. During the end of the finale I did get this weird feeling that they're trying to make it seem like Deb kinda caught on to Dexter being a vigilante. Anyone else get that feeling? So now I really hope that wasn't to give Jennifer Carpenter an out on the show. And what about Scarlet Johannsen and Ryan Reynolds issueing a joint statement about their breakup!? What the hell is going on today!? I could never really see those two as a couple anyway.

  24. alright, i have no idea what that last comment was about - i am trying not to have the finale spoiled before i get a chance to watch it!

    but yeah - sorry about the split, great job finding that blind, I like her on the show but might be hard to keep her after a split... esp if he starts dating julia!

  25. ms. cool, i hated rita too. i was jumping for joy when she got knocked off.

    but this bitch.....she's the worst. i don't like her as an actress but in this role, my dislike was compounded 1000 times. i quit watching 'dexter' this year because i think they're ALL annoying, but she made me homicidal.

  26. Oh man...I liked this couple, they seemed real (to me) and with the cancer thing it must have been really difficult not to fall apart, I'm sad aboput this one.

    BTW I'm a huge Dexter fan and I loathed Rita but Debra's alright, I don't get the hate towards her.

  27. Deb is not my favorite character on Dexter, however, I do think she's a necessary character. The show is so much about the psychology of Dexter and what makes him who he is, I really don't think that it's believable or follows in line with everything the show has showed so far, that he would kill his sister. I also think that if she died, he would lose so much of his humanity. She is really his last tie to the family life that made him who he is, and there's something about his relationship with her that keeps him somewhat human. If she was killed off, that show would totally jump the shark. I just don't see how they could play that and still have Dexter be someone the audience can relate to.

    I agree, overlapping of beards would be unnecessary. Maybe he is a cheater :-(

  28. Really? People are surprised? He left his first wife and immediately started dating Carpenter. Right. Like they weren't together before the split with his wife.

  29. That's not Jennifer Carpenter, that's a man, baby!

  30. I didn't think they should have married while on the show. But cancer, can kill any relationship as well. It's hard. One person spends every waking moment fighting for their life. It's a hard way to start a new marriage.

    Anyhoo. I don't care for Deb either.
