Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Jennifer Aniston Ticked At Chelsea Handler

According to PopEater, Jenifer Aniston is not thrilled with her "friend," Chelsea Handler. Apparently Jennifer has not felt this betrayed since John Mayer had a press conference stating that he had broken up with Jen. I know it is hard to believe but the person PopEater spoke to says that Jennifer is tired of being on the cover of tabloids and the entire Brad and Angelina mess. Considering that is about the only reason she keeps making it on the covers and keeping herself in the public eye, you would think she welcomes it. What else is there to talk about with Jen? Her horrible movie career? How studios continue paying her big bucks for flops? I think Jen is probably more pissed that Chelsea is trying to get publicity for herself by inserting herself into a guaranteed tabloid cover. There is no other way Chelsea could ever get a cover.


  1. Now it makes sense why Chelsea was back peddling on her show on Monday saying her material is over 5 years old and needs to update it. And it had nothing to do with her "freindship" with Jen A.

    Everybody uses everybody in Hollywood. Jen is no diffrent from anyone else.

  2. "Jennifer is not thrilled with her "friend?" Not buying it. If she really was tired of being part of this tabloid Brangie thing, she would have told Chelsea not to bring it up in her material. A true friend would do that.When will she ever stop playing the victim? Good grief.

  3. I think Enty is right, Jen stopped speaking to her mother after she did an unapproved interview so it wouldn't surprise me if her "friend" using her for publicity would piss her off.

  4. Why such a blow up of this now? I've been watching Chelsea's show for three years and she has always talked about Angelina and how she hates her. It's nothing new.

  5. I can see being po'd. Besides, I know Hollywood is all about the publicity but I can see it getting old. Debbie Reynolds got where she wouldn't talk about it and got mad if people brought up the whole Liz thing. It took years before she started laughing about it.

  6. I agree with Kate - I found it very hard to believe she was ok with this since she constantly claims to be over it. God knows I am....

  7. I don't blame Jen one bit. Chelsea basically made it look like Jen is privately bitter and bitching about Angelina and Brad. Not a good look. I'm so over Chelsea. She's got a mean streak and it takes away from any funny.

  8. People always call Aniston boring yet she is almost always in a post on a gossip site everyday. To me, THAT is boring. I dunno, maybe I'm just getting old but what used to pass for a bit of intrigue while I was under the dryer at the hairdresser is now bringing up the pain of high school. The stories in magazine and on gossip sites are getting more and more like the shit I used to endure as a teenager. Reality TV really has truly dumbed down society - it's sad.

  9. Why do people always want to make Jennifer Aniston appear as a pitiful person without a career and a private life? That woman cashes in millions of dollars for every romantic comedy she does although hardly anybody wants to see them and she still gets hired and still is interesting enough for every tabloid and gossip blog to discuss her latest fart. Yeah, we should all pity her. I bet she's laughing all the way to the bank. She has a killer body and doesn't get overboard with the plastic surgery. Millions of men would die to be with her.
    Yeah, let's throw a pity party for the poor Jennifer Aniston.

  10. how many years ago was their divorce?

    SIX years?

  11. The only reason any of this is being picked up is because the two (Jen A. / Chelsea) recently vacationed together. Chelsea has been making fun of Angelina J. for years; that's not new. If Jen and Chelsea are really friends, Jen would know this. After their friendship garnered attention, if Chelsea's jokes bothered Jen, one would also think Jen would have either said "cool it on those jokes," or else she's fine with them and has been for years. My guess is that Jen is not mad, and, if she is, it is only that she's looking bitter, once again. But it's no secret she is an expert at having her reps leak little sympathy tidbits, and this seems like just another one of those. I agree with previous posters: yawn. Jen's movies do pretty much suck, she gets the big pay checks, because her name is kept in the media, she needs this publicity, and she knows it. That said, Enty, I don't think it's her career that is horrible - her movies, absolutely, but not her career - the woman has made an absurd fortune with only "cute" looks, minimal acting abilities, great stylists, dieticians and trainers, fantastic make-up and hair artists and a somewhat engaging personality that worked incredibly well with the only character that suits her (a.k.a. herself/ Rachel). Pretty flippin' amazing career out of not much more than the next girl, if you ask me (not that you did ;).

  12. In interviews, I've always thought Jen was fairly self-centered and I bet she's relieved as hell to have gotten out of that marriage without having a kid. She's probably the happiest she's ever been and I say BRAVA! I seriously doubt she gives a shit what Chelsea or anybody else says about Angelina Jolie.

    Chelsea is okay, but like Kathy Griffin, she takes it too far sometimes.

  13. Oh man..MOVE ON! if angelina was a home wrecker, if Brad was a douchebag, if Jennifer saw it coming..nobody knows! - Besides Chelsea isn't funny anymore, she's the bitter one or at least that's what it seeems like.

  14. Chelsea is an idiot who tried to use her "friendship" with one person to trash another but it blew up in her face because the joke was lame and pathetic and ended up making her "friend" look like a bitter ex. So many things are going on in the world but she is bringing up a relationship that ended five years ago. If I was Aniston I would tell Chelsea fuck off and to keep my name and my business out of her mouth and routine.
    The entire Jennifer/Brad/Angelina story is tired and has been for the past five years. He left her got with someone else and moved on with his life. She has done the same and I wish EVERYONE ELSE would MOVE THE FUCK ON from it.

  15. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Really don't care about this wanabe-actress,

  16. Jennifer Aniston looks so much like Dopey the Dwarf. It's uncanny.

  17. I read recently that Jen was the 7th most profitable star (actress?) in Hollywood (I think they take the film grosses and divide by the film costs to get a ratio). A few big hits apparently offset a lot of underperforming but relatively low cost rom-coms. So it looks like Jen will be making a few more films.

  18. *clapping for Lady J*

  19. what Lady J said.

  20. Not buying it. They've been friends for years. It's only a betrayal now? When she looks pathetic? Actually, any response from Jen keeps it in the news yet one more cycle and that's really her whole goal.

    But let me point out Jen has been divorced from Brad longer than they were ever married. Which means Angelina and Brad have been together now at least as long -- if not longer -- than Jen and Brad were ever married. Yes, she's pathetic, period.

  21. I don't get the Aniston hate. Do people really believe she is sitting around telling people to bring up the brad/ange thing? Doesn't seem logical.

    As for Chelsea, she is a dumb ass. She is doing the new year's eve show at the casino here and tweeted about it. Couldn't even spell the casino name correctly!!!

  22. This whole thing seems like another PR stunt that both Handler and Jennifer were in on. Jennifer gets to keep her "wounded" act going a little longer, and Chelsea gets to keep her "bad ass" act going on a little longer. It's a win win for both of them. I don't buy for a second that Jen is pissed off in the least. I'm also willing to bet that the woman in the audience who shouted at handler was in on it.

  23. I don't like Jennifer Aniston - dejected whiny girlfriend is not my thing - but in real life she has great clothes.


    If I were Jennifer Aniston & befriended someone like Chelsea, I'm sure the topic of Brad/Angelina, (who AGAIN, Chelsea Handler has been ragging on for YEARS before they knew each other people) would come up at some point. Making fun of your ex or talking shit about an ex is really not that big of a deal is it? Who cares if Chelsea Handler doesn't like Angelina? She surely isn't the only one in Hollywood that does. WHO CARES??

    I doubt Jen is really worried about it. She appears to have a pretty fabulous life.
