Monday, December 27, 2010

Madonna Sends Hand Me Downs And Autographs To Malawi Orphanage

I am sure that what every little Malawian child wanted for Christmas was an autographed picture of Madonna and autographed notes from her kids. Well, if that is what they really wanted that is what they got. Madonna, sent along autographs and hand me downs from her kids to the kids in the Malwai orphanage where she found Mercy.

Madonna did send along toys and sweets and new clothes for the kids, so I don't really understand why she also sent along hand me down clothes from her own kids. Maybe she thinks the villagers can sell them all on eBay and raise some money? I just thought it was really odd. Maybe she thinks they will be treated like some kind of religious shroud. Yeah, that could be it. She probably feels like she is their savior and they will worship it.


  1. Or maybe she didn't want to throw them away and thought the orphanage was a good place to donate them.

  2. Did she send some 3G Ipads as well to help sell those autographs on ebay?

  3. At least she's teaching her children benevolence. It would do others good to do the same considering the greedy little monsters I've seen this season.

  4. ITA, Cindy. Their clothes are high end, thusly well made. More than likely worn less than 5 times. Let someone else put them to use.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm not a Madonna fan, but I agree. If she got rid of the clothes here, they'd just end up on eBay so someone else would make a profit. Why not give them to a place where that won't happen, and the clothes will be worn by kids who need them? I do give a lot of my daughter's clothes to organizations who ship them to third world countries. Sometimes those used tennis shoes are the only shoes a child will have for years.

    Maybe I'm being generous - I'd like to think her reasoning was altruistic and not idiotic. Plus, I wonder how many other people sent anything to that orphanage.

  7. I am sure her kids aren't wearing the crap they sell at Walmart and are hardly worn. If that was all she sent to the orphanage I would be hating on her, but it sounds like she included some other stuff too. I am sure the orphanage is in need of clothes--so why not some gently used ones?

  8. I agree with the other commenters. The clothes are probably well-made and in great condition, and it makes sense to donate them to a place that can use them.
    This story reminds me of the brouhaha reporters made over Michelle Obama's vintage party dress. Some of them made it sound like she picked up the dress at Goodwill, when her friend/stylist bought it at an upscale vintage boutique for the not-at-all-cheap price of $2,000. It's still a pricey designer dress which will probably only been worn once or twice. Why is that so shocking?

  9. Hm.

    I have nothing bad to say about any story Enty's put up so far today.

    I don't Madonna's done anything (movies, music, etc) good since Like A Prayer...but this is cool. If she starts bloviating about it, then I'll get annoyed.

  10. that's in poor taste. she could easily and quietly donate the kids' clothing anonymously anywhere. to give the malawian children hand-me-downs seems tacky. it's ok if i do it, but i'm not in the limelight nor in her position. the eyes of the paps are not on me. as for the autographed pics...she should've ebayed them and donated the if they give a crap about a picture. ita w/ enty she's trying to reach savior status and be worshiped.

  11. Seriously, why waste decent clothes. I'm nobody and donate my kids clothes to charity.

    And for chrissake, why should anyone feel they have to 'hide' what they do. Maybe give the woman the benefit of the doubt - that she's just doing what any reasonably well off mom would do with outgrown clothes.

    You know, if celebs don't act 'normal', maybe it's because the so-called 'public' tries to take their normal away from them all the time.

  12. I'm with most everyone else--good on Madonna. She sent along new items as well as the hand-me-downs. She should be congratulated for doing something nice.

    Man, damned if you do and damned if you don't!

    But love you, Enty. You know these people better than we do.

  13. so I don't really understand why she also sent along hand me down clothes from her own kids.

    Tax write-off. How can you not know this if you're a lawyer?

  14. The amount of money she spent shipping the clothes to them could probaby have clothed them for the rest of their lives.

  15. It was probably to teach them to pass on items that they can no longer use. Guys don't always get that.

  16. After every birthday/Christmas we sort through and donate all my kiddo's out-grown toys and clothes to the local women and children homeless shelter and to his daycare to dole out to families that are in need.

    Sounds like Madonna did the exact same thing ... not sure how that is a bad thing.
    I would have been more miffed if she was simply tossing out her kids old clothes.

    And the autograph thing - I could care less, but I'm a grown-up and could care less about a famous person's signature.
    When I was a kid, I would have been psyched out to have an autographed picture from a celebrity - especially one you've gotten to meet/know (hasn't she visited there a few times now)? Probably similar to Disney with their autograph books - just some cool keepsake for a kid that they probably will misplace or forget about in a year.

  17. Haha - not psyched out, just psyched. ;)

  18. Since she sent the items along with new stuff, toys, etc. I don't think it's a bad thing. Would have been cooler for her to just send money but whatever. At least she is donating something.

  19. I don't see what the big deal is-I donate pretty good stuff to my local Salvation Army and I am sure Madonna's stuff is better!

    From all I have seen and heard of Madonna's kids (I'm no fan), they are pretty decent. They are well-mannered and act their ages. Has anyone read Lola's blog? Pretty normal 14 year old stuff. I am always surprised about her kids, since she seems like such a narcissist.

    No Madonna lover, but don't see the big deal with this and yeah I am sure it is a tax right off.

  20. Not sure where Madonna pays taxes, but in Europe where I live, donating used goods does not create a write-off of any kind. I think that's a US thing.
