Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mark Wahlberg vs Christian Bale

It was not exactly a sing off for the ages, but it is still definitely fun. The former singing star of Newsies, Christian Bale sang the theme song to Powerpuff Girls, while former rapper and not a good singer, Mark Wahlberg sang You've Got The Touch from Boogie Nights. They did so for an ABC interview promoting their new movie, The Fighter. Who knew Christian Bale was such a softy?


  1. Of course he's a softy, but it's still sweet to see.

  2. that whole interview was uncomfortable...lots of dead space

  3. Not a CB fan, but is it just me or is he looking more and more like James Brolin every day? That one expression of his in this interview made me think that. But then again, I'm always thinking people look like other people and half my friends think I'm crazy!

  4. You're not crazy nunaurbiz. It's either James Brolin or Charles Manson. I can't decide which.

  5. Glad you left your singing career behind, Mark.

  6. @_-_=_: Whew! and LOL

  7. Mark sings just fine. Love Christian too. I think you have 2 people who don't want to be interviewed, being interviewed.

  8. You Got The Touch was good, but Feel My Heat was better *L*

  9. reminds me of the time I sang the "Sponge Bob" theme song with some of the Poison guys backstage.

    sad, but true.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. CB is looking like Charles Manson, but a creepier version of Manson. And that's saying something.

  12. The Wonder Pets!

  13. Weird... almost funny, but mostly weird.

  14. I love Christian but he often seems kind of like a prick. I wish he would have sung a Newsies song! Come on, Christian, your fans want to hear it.

  15. I knew CB was a softy since the days on set of American Psycho (ironically, i should point out).

    I'm pretty sure I've stated that before but no one listens....

    The only reason this interview is awkward is because Wahlberg is the actual prick in this duo.

  16. Hey...Good Vibrations was a good song. C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!

    I am not familiar with a Powerpuff Girl. What is that?

  17. lol @ MCH - thanks for chiming in with me :)
