Friday, December 24, 2010

NBC Reporter Gets Punched For Defending Lisa Vanderpump

Early this morning when most of us were asleep in our beds with visions of sugarplums dancing in our heads, Lisa Vanderpump, her husband, and NBC reporter Robert Kovacik were sitting in the Polo Lounge having a few drinks when a guy at the next table who had been drinking way quicker and for way longer suddenly started telling Lisa that she looked a whole lot different in person than she does on Real Housewives. Apparently what started out as some verbal sparring took a turn for the personal and the next thing you know the NBC reporter told the guy to stop and the guy punched Robert right in the face. Just decked him. The police were called but no one wanted to press charges. I mean this is the Polo Lounge. Pressing charges is so menial. The guy will probably be banned until he makes a few charity donations at which point he will be welcomed back with open arms.

Robert was hustled off to Adrienne Maloof's house for some quick stitches and everyone went home.


  1. out of all the housewives someone picked on The Vanderpump?

  2. Stiches but no charges???

  3. Sounds like all the parties involved are very rich and nobody wants to deal with it legally or socially.

  4. How different does she look off of tv, damn.

  5. Anonymous12:23 PM

    scripted for the rhwbh.
