Friday, December 17, 2010

No Sex For Sandra Bernhard And Madonna

Back in the day, when Madonna was not having sex with athletes, it was assumed she was having sex with Sandra Bernhard. Neither of them really attempted to dispel that notion so we all assumed it happened. Now, Sandra has given an interview and she says the whole thing was for show.

"I didn't sleep with Madonna. We were pulling everybody's chains, creating a media frenzy."

It certainly did that. I never understood the attraction the two had for each other, but then again, I don't understand most things in life. Sandra says she has not spoken to Madonna in many years. She basically called Madonna out and said that while Sandra keeps her friends forever, Madonna basically uses them until she has no need for them any longer.


  1. Sandra hit it right on the nail. It is also rumored that Sandra stop talking to Madonna when Madonna stole Ingrid Casares from her.

  2. while they may both be talented...and i use the term loosely, they are both so unfortunate-looking that i was one of those that thought they were sleeping together. didn't really care then tho, don't really care now.

    bernhard might be onto something...i wouldn't be surprised if madonna was of disposable friendship ilk. she did want that fame really badly, after all, no matter the cost.

  3. Don't care for Madonna. Never have. I think she's always had a mean streak and is utterly selfish. And frankly, while she might be a good busienss person, she's no real talent. Now she's pathetically obsessed with her age and looks like the mask from the Saw movies. There. I said it.

  4. They went on Letterman and were grinding on each other singing I Got You Babe so I knew it was fake.

  5. What a shock that Madonna uses people. That shocks me as much as Lohan partying her way through rehab.

  6. sounds like Madonna is going to end up alone in the end with only her veins and implants to keep her company.
    her poor kids...i could see a mommie dearest part 2 coming out in a decade or 2.

  7. "i never understood the attraction the two of them had for each other."

    well, i never understood the attraction ANYONE has for madonna. she's a cold, shallow bitch.

  8. Sandra was not involved with Madonna, but Madonna did lure Ingrid from Sandra. I have a family member in Miami who is very good friends with Ingrid. Ingrid even made my family member's very nice apartment in Manhattan available for Madonna and A Rod to meet a few years back when they were not supposed to have been seeing each other.

  9. I'm confused. I just read the article & I didn't really see anything hateful in there about her except maybe the jab about dating younger men. Unless I read a different article?

  10. Madonna only loves herself. Period.

  11. I liked her original face better. She looks better fleshy. Now she is freakish looking.

  12. I have to agree with Sandra - her credibility was never in question. Madonna is talented, but she's also a flaming narcissist, and they tend to create their own "reality" far apart from reality.

  13. I remember years and years ago Madonna said something like Sandra has the biggest dick she's ever seen, trying to be provocative and coy. And Sandra not much later said that was the biggest bunch of horseshit -- that Madonna had never seen her "dick" (and I think that is the word Madonna used). So for probably the past two decades I've been under the impression that they never had actually had sex/been lovers. I just don't remember where I saw/heard all that.

  14. Huh, funny, I remember reading in Madonna's sex book (which came out in the late 90's?) about Madonna and another gap-toothed woman having sex...always assumed it was Sandra B.

    Don't really care though.

  15. I forget which one of them covered this already in an interview years ago, saying that you can tell they weren't dating because they were always happy and smiling. People who date are weird and bizarre in public, nervous and high-strung. I, who just went to Taco Bell with my significant other, can attest to that. I'm going to a better restaurant with my non-dating friends tomorrow -- see the difference.

  16. This is news? I never thought they were ever a real item and it is well known that Madonna is a user. I think Sandra should get beyond it though, because she sounds bitter about it. I saw her a few years ago do a show and she is not a nice person either. She is pretty ugly on the inside too. I always wondered if the rumors about Isaac Mizrahi being her (Sandra) daughter's father were true. That is one thing she never discusses.

  17. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Madge = Lady Gaga in 10 yrs.

  18. People move on. Things change. It's the holiday season. Don't hate. Besides, don't you have to be at least a sociopath to be successful in this country? Not everyone marries into money.
