Thursday, December 23, 2010

Oprah In Parade

Oprah is going to be in Parade this weekend. Lots of people will probably read it because they will buy the Sunday newspaper looking for those after Christmas deals. In the interview she talks about her new reality program. She says she saw a first cut the other day and she hated it. She says that producers are trying to create tension when there is not any there. Umm, that is reality television Oprah. Unlike the usual participants in reality programs though, Oprah can do something about it and said the whole thing would change. Probably means it will be more boring and feature more closeups of Oprah. As for other reality shows, she says she saw the first episode of the Sarah Palin show and loved it. She still does not think Sarah should run for office, but loved her show.


  1. I can't hate on her for working hard for her money but otherwise I'm am so over Oprah.

  2. It's a documentary on the behind the scenes of her show. What could she possible not like unless they were portraying her in a bad light?

    I would like to watch a behind the scenes look at filming Martha Stewart. Or Rachael Ray since all these people claim she is a nightmare to work for.

  3. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I don't like Oprah and don't care for her shows.

  4. I dont' care for Oprah. She is not altruistic. She is greedy, and takes care of her own friends, but not her coworkers. Really sad. Having said that, what the heck does she think? She has done reality tv in the form of a talk show.

    I'm a Palin Supporter because she got the crap beat out of her. If that had been a man, it would not have held water,period. Proof? Obama AND Joe Biden.

  5. What? "Palin got the crap beat out of her"?? What are you talking about? That makes no sense.

  6. Oprah was great when she was here in Australia - truly genuine, and trust me, all the media in Australia report on bad behaviour as soon as stars are on a plane. Go Oprah!

  7. I know of people who work and have worked for Harpo. They never say that they are not taken care of. But one can't be the janitor and except to make 40k.

  8. She seems pretty altruistic to me. She makes a LOT of money, obviously. She can afford to give away a lot, and still have a lot for herself. I don't hate on her for it.

  9. Has anyone seen the January issue of O? It is just one long plug for her new network OWN. I am this close to canceling my subscription, because the Big O usually left the mag alone for the most part.

  10. I'm with RQ. Wait, what?

    *blank stare*
