Thursday, December 16, 2010

Prince Harry And A Real Housewife

Back when Real Housewife DC Star, Catherine Ommanney was living in London, Prince Harry used to send a car for her so she could have a late night booty call with the Prince. Since this happened in 2007 or so, then I think Prince Harry was still with his girlfriend at the time. Not that it stopped Catherine because she was with a boyfriend too, but her nanny says that Prince Harry would send a car for her so the couple could get together late at night. Even her kids knew that Prince Harry was sending a car for her.

The nanny told Radar, "Her daughters would tell me, 'This is the car that Prince Harry sends for mummy.'" Hey, at least as long it was not Camille, it is all good. Catherine moved to America in 2008 when she married a guy with whom she is currently in the midst of divorcing. Hey, Harry, you might want to send a jet this time. I'm sure she would be happy to be your date to the Royal Wedding if that whole Emma Roberts thing does not work out.


  1. Hey! I drive Chrysler 300 limo's like that!

    I'm a limo geek ;P

    I have no comment on the Real Housewife chick though. I hate that those shows even exist.

  2. Harry's the player in the family....

  3. Are we sure this isn't just a ploy for publicity? With the nanny getting a check to "leak" the "info" ???

  4. Harry's dating Emma Roberts? Since when?

  5. Takes after his grandfather. I think Emma volunteered to be his date for the wedding.

  6. OT, but msnbc is reporting that Blake Edwards passed away.

  7. I call BS. Harry was about 23/24 at the time and could have had any girl he wanted (still can). Why would he settle on this (much older than him)one?? I think most of these RHs are delusional.

  8. Some guys like experienced women. 20-somethings may look pretty, but aren't always good where it counts.

  9. True Valerie, but this woman has never come across as anything but ugly in any facet.

    Prince Hot Ging might be a slut, but at least he's a fun slut.

  10. That's sad about Blake Edwards. :(

  11. What?! Harry you kinky SCAMP! And why couldn't it have been MEEEEE?

  12. Not buying it! My hot spice wouldn't bang that.

  13. Ew! I started out liking her on RHODC, but then saw what a crybaby she was and kept claiming that she was unabashedly "honest," which is no excuse for hurting people.

  14. ooooh Chelsy Davy and I follow each other on tempted to ask her about this. no,that would suck. damn!

  15. Ew! Couldn't he get a better side piece than that hag?

  16. @TOTC: No kidding! I thought, "Prince 'Hot Ginge' is shagging that leathery trollop?"
    Hey, Catherine, why the long face?

  17. I could tell my kids Prince Harry is sending a car for me. It wouldn't be true, but kids don't know that. I call a big pile of poo on this story. I agree he is royalty and more than likely has young women lined up around the castle trying to get a piece of him. (as well as a certain gay blogger who shall remain anonymous--(michael D)) Why would he be even remotely interested in an older woman who looks like she's been around the block a few times.

  18. I call BS too. AND as big of a fame whore as she is, I doubt she would've stopped seeing Prince Harry to come to America. If it was true, she'd still be over there. Those ladies are all smoke and mirrors.

  19. come anyone buys this. w/ the exception of Nene, i could do w/o any of these RHs.

  20. She looks like Chelsea Davy's mom.

  21. She's such an uppity woman. Kind of funny that this story came out.

    Somewhere the Salahis are out there laughing.
