Friday, December 17, 2010

Sam Lufti Finds Another Person To Stalk?

Sam Lufti seems to be famous for stalking. He was accused of stalking Britney Spears and is still not allowed to communicate with her. He is believed to be one of the reasons Britney had such a meltdown and had to be placed in a Conservatorship. Now, Lindsay Lohan's reps say that he is the person who has been sending text messages and threats to Lindsay while she stays at Betty Ford. The center has taken the threats so seriously they have increased security. Lufti told TMZ that he is not the person who has been sending the messages, but since Lindsay's manager is also Britney's former manager that they are out to get him. He says he knows Lindsay. She says she does not.


  1. It has been suggested the Michael Lohan and Lufti know one another. Sheesh!

    Of course Lindsay's management team is out to keep him away from Lindsay. Through experience they know what he is. Hopefully they can shut him down quickly.

  2. Six degrees of Brittany...

  3. i could argue that they're trying to make him the fall guy...but i won't. i do believe he's really creepy. he maybe just a pawn in the game (not even rook status,imo), his sleaze factor is right up there w/ brit's pap bf (the landing stip dude). i think lindsay needs to nip this quickly.

  4. Crack ho was totally getting drugs from him... deny deny deny right dina

  5. Who is this guy and why would anyone talk to him? Drug dealer is the only thing that makes sense.

  6. Drug dealer? Makes sense for Lufti, but I thought Michael Lohan was trying to get people who are a bad influence away from Lindsay. Maybe Michael speaks BS.

  7. Does anyone else notice her people keep finding ways to keep her name in the news, long past her sell by date?

    She's in rehab, there should be no new stories -other than how well she's doing. Which is a non story I guess.

  8. What the hell ever happened to Landing Strip Guy, anyway?

  9. @theGWU - exactly!! Glad I'm not the only one annoyed by how there's always SOMETHING necessitating a new news piece. To me, that's the only evidence I need that NOTHING has changed chez Lohan. Publicity is more important than recovery.

  10. Hmmm....the drug connection makes sense. I thought this guy was a paparazzi? Or was that the other db that followed BritneY?

  11. lol i literally thought of him the other day.
    courtney love is close to him.
