Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Today's Blind Items - Monday

Not really an answer to this that anyone can get, but it will be interesting to see if this American Idol contestant who made it to Hollywood makes it any further or talks about his baby on television. You know, the one he had with his first cousin.


  1. I've read that these days, it isn't that big of deal to breed with first cousins. Used to be a big deal when the world was a much smaller place and people lived in communities where the gene pool was much smaller.

    Just sayin'.

    Though it is a yukky thought to have sex with a first cousin.

  2. From about whether it's legal to marry your first cousin:

    The laws vary from state to state, but in most places it is legal to do so. Check the laws for your specific state.
    While there has always been a fear that severe birth defects will come about if cousins decide to have children, there is no evidence to support it. It is only after several generations of first cousins getting married that the gene pool starts to deteriorate to the point of increasing the risks of problems.

    Read more:

  3. It's still a big issue, I have a friend who's parents are first cousins (she's from a different time and a different country). She has had health problems throughout her life.

  4. Sigh... going to have to find more AI stuff for the fan page.... and get tickets to the next season to see if it's any better or worse than last year....!/pages/Crazy-Days-and-Nights/171220712893400

  5. From my understanding about first cousins mating is that health-wise the kids turn out fine, and that there are few exceptions to this.

    Mentally/psychologically, I can't bring myself to have sex with a first OR second cousin.

  6. I know a woman whose parents are first cousins. She is fine, but her son has Down's syndrome. Don't know if it's related.

    She didn't find out that her parents were first cousins until she was about 17. She said it fucked her up royally for awhile.

  7. I wouldn't have sex with my cousins unless they were much better looking.

  8. I have a third cousin (? his granny and my granny are sisters) that is pretty attractive. Some of our other cousins liked to imagine there was something going on between us for years, but we live 5000 miles apart so that was never possible.

  9. EWW! I literally gasped!!

  10. Thank you folks for your views on first cousins and their defective off-spring..I am the result of a marriage between first cousins..they didn't grow up together and only met as adults, they married and then divorced. I'm fine, not deformed or have mental health issues. Frankly, I rarely admit that my parents were first cousins because of the reactions I read/hear commentary attached to stories such as these...

  11. Heck, even Prince William and Kate Middleton are related in possibly 2 different ways. His parents and grandparents were both doubly related. Incest is best! (sarcasm)

  12. I had a cute cousin and we used to make the "kissing cousins" joke, but the Mum would have killed me so it never went anywhere.

    I used to feel sorry for my babysitter because she couldn't have her own children. Later I found out that she couldn't have kids because she was married her uncle. Ewwww.

  13. Ooo, a Jerry Lee Lewis wannabe?

    I love Enty. I don't care if he's a portly man or a woman disguised as a portly man. He always makes up those missing blinds. That is why I come here first and foremost after a hard day at work - to unwind, read the gossip, look at the pics and enjoy Enty's commentary. And it's FREE!!!

    Love you, Enty, and thank you for helping me unwind quickly after a day at my absolute cesspool of a job.

  14. actually, a couple of years ago, there was a big stink in the news about a couple who met and married, and found out LATER they were first cousins. the government (don't remember exactly, i assume state?) was railroading them into into divorce. i don't know what ever happened with the case.

    i can imagine it still happens, my mother never had a birth certificate until the age of 72, because she was born at home in texas. getting a passport was holy hell. there was a lot of rape going on with her much older brothers and her older sisters, it was very common in the large families that she knew before she got out of texas.

  15. I found out after several years of marriage, I was fifth cousin to my ex. I thin we are all related.

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  17. I'm holdin' out for a new last name.


    I think it's gross when sisters/brothers date the same guy/girl, so this is just ewwwwwwwww gross.

  19. There's nothing inherently gross about it, this is just a response we have developed to avoid incest.

    As several have mentioned, birth defects among children of first cousins are rare UNLESS there is a history of genetic disease in the family. In many cultures the best possible marriage is between first cousins.

  20. It was a common practice in England particularly in years gone by, since your social circle was limited to those geographically close by, and to consolidate family estates. There is hardly any chance of genetic abnormalities in children of first cousins.

    Think about it....if you met someone who is your cousin but you don't know it, there's a good chance that you could be attracted.

    I know two couples who are first cousins. One couple has three children, all healthy. The other has two children, both healthy. I just don't think it's that big a deal.

  21. My Mother was Australian and the family plan was to send her to boarding school in England and then home to marry her cousin. WWll put a stop to that plan.

  22. Ewwwwwwwwwwww! But, second MadLyb as I am also at my absolute cesspool of a job.

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  24. Physically, whatever. I have no idea the consequences. But mentally, that's repulsive. That's one degree of blood separation from your brother or sister. Uck.

  25. Totally agree with the "yuck"s and the "ewwwwww"s...but do we know who we're so disgusted about regarding this blind? Any guesses?

  26. I knew a girl whose father had a child with her grandmother. Then he left the grandmother for her daughter (the girl's mom). So this girl had a 1/2 brother who was also her 1/2 uncle. Her mother has a 1/2 brother that was also her stepson. I think that is much crazier than first cousin's marrying each other.

  27. My dad married my cousin and had affairs with two other cousins who were sisters, he said it was ok because they weren't blood related. She grew up calling him Uncle, yuk. This messed up the whole family, my moms (these were three of her nieces) side of the family cut us off from all contact because it was such a mess and painful for her brother and sisters families, etc. Meanwhile my dad couldn't give a sh*t and to this day couldn't care less on how we lost a family.

    So, yea double yuk!

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  29. A little late in posting so everyone has probably already moved on, but I totally had the music from "Les Cousins Dangeureux" playing in my head when I read this blind.

  30. @califblondy & @Sis - Yikes!

    I'm sorry but I get grossed out thinking about this. I could see maybe 2nd cousins and on but first cousins?? I can't get past that. But I guess if they didn't grow up together....that makes it less weird.

    It's considered a criminal offense in some states. :)
