Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This A list singer who, is older than many retired people used to also really want to be an actor. In fact, when he first started taking it seriously, he managed to land a role that was supposed to go to Marlon Brando. Of course Marlon was not willing to sleep with the director like our singer did.


  1. The movie being 1966's The Oscar?

  2. That was my first thought too although I didn't know what movie.

  3. If Frank Sinatra were still alive, I'd guess him but he won an Oscar. I guess that means people did take him seriously as an actor.

  4. The Oscar was a stinker and Brando was at the time semi-retired (because how The Bounty turned out).

    There's a very interesting site there:

    Brando is reported there as having "lost" three parts to singers:

    - Elvis Presley in Flaming Star
    - Frank Sinatra in The Man with the Golden Arm
    - Kris Kristofferson in A Star Is Born (the Streisand version). Actually, Streisand wanted Brando or, coincidentally, Presley but they both turned down the part.

    So, it's not one of these three movies. And please remember that it can only concern a movie made before 1960-1965. I don't see any director interested in sleeping with Brando when he was overweight and half-crazy.

  5. Anonymous3:03 PM

    tv show alert:
    investingation discovery's hookers saved on the strip.

    oh, and, i'm tricking part-time!

  6. Tony Bennett sounds like a great guess. The way I'm reading the blind this person is still

  7. @Angela - Great info, Thanks!

  8. Not a scandal. I am beginning to think the deviants are those who are excusivley homo or hetero sexual. I thought Brando was bi? Maybe he didn't do it because Brando doesn't have to sleep with nobody to get a goddamned paht.

    That being said, I like the Tony Bennett guess because I have no farking clue who it could be.

  9. Shoulda used 'don't' when channeling Brando - or whomever. Bad day at work and some of my bats have escaped the belfry.

  10. Actually Elvis wanted the part in "A Star is Born." Col. Parker swayed him away from the part because the character was a has-been. Presley looked at the part as a way to show his dramatic chops and wash away the taste of all his bad movies.

  11. Damn Col. Parker. Elvis really could have been a serious actor. I think Elvis made 1 really good movie with some actress who became a nun later, then Col. Parker got him into the silly stuff. What a bloody waste!

  12. Madlyb, you are completely right.

  13. This doesn't quite fit, but Brando turned down the part...

    Singer- Mick Jagger
    Movie- Performance
    Director- Donald Cammell

    “Performance” was the creation of writer Donald Cammell, who originally conceived it as “The Performers,” a lighthearted romp through the Swinging Sixties, with Marlon Brando cast as an American gangster hiding out in London at the pad of a pop star.

    Slowly, however, the mood shifted, and by the time the script drifted into Mick Jagger’s orbit, with James Fox stepping into the role once meant for Brando, it was a very different creation, one which supplanted its basic premise with a series of questions relating to identity crisis, madness and murder.

  14. I was thinking either Mick Jagger or David Bowie. Both have done movies, and both don't seem to have much of a problem sleeping with guys. The only thing that doesn't really fit the blind is that I doubt either of them would have had to sleep with a director to get a part in a movie.

  15. Neil Diamond. The Jazz Singer

  16. So, then we're all just ignoring the hooker elephant that just butted into the conversation oh-so-randomly? O.o

    Carry on then...

  17. I'm going with Bobby Rydell. Doubts about A list, definitely, but A)still alive B) wanted to be an actor C) had many hits in the early '60s which seems to be the right time-frame D) starred in Bye Bye Birdie (his only movie)directed by George Sidney - and here's where I see a connection. Sidney also directed Pal Joey, which Marlon Brando was originally attached to star in. Tony Curtis was friends w/George Sidney around the same time he was room mates with Brando. After seeing Brando in Guys and Dolls and not being able to get him for Pal Joey, I could see Sidney going after Brando for another musical.
    Sheesh, I gotta get a life.

  18. @Big Sur Expedition 2008!

    I was wondering the same thing. I know it's spam, but still, "I'm tricking part-time". Do people not take anything to their graves anymore? F*cking reality television.

  19. I try to ignore all spam. It's like ignoring the random crazy person who tells you that they only eat purple pennies. Smile, nod and move on.

  20. Mick Jagger. He tried to break into the movies in the late 70s, early 80s. He was in several. "Performance" was supposed to be a big deal. Didn't quite turn out that way. And let's face it, he'd hump anything with a pulse.

  21. Big Sur, too funny! It's funnier though that you pointed out we ignored it!

  22. Not that I didn't enjoy all of them, the only movie Elvis acted very well in and sang very little in was Change of Habit w/ Mary Tyler Moore the only leading lady he didn't sleep with they both admit this and all his other leading ladies never disputed sleeping with him-would you?

  23. Love the Mick Jagger guess!

    And hasn't Hooker posted here before?

  24. I immediately thought of Mick Jagger.

  25. I like the Tony Bennett guess. The blind says the singer is "older than many retired people" which I think is a nice way of saying old-as-dirt. Bowie & Jagger are old, but not dirt-old yet.

  26. The first name that popped into my head was Tony Bennett- looks like I wasn't the only one.

  27. Was The Oscar a movie with singing? I am thinking that the movie must not have been one with a singing role as Brando was never known for her singing voice!

  28. Brando was awesome in Guys and Dolls...he held his own to Frank Sinatra. No, he was never "sold" as a singer but could very well have taken a part with some singing. That being said...I don't have a clue.

  29. has to be Mick Jagger, he starred in a few flicks back in the day

  30. I would love for this to be Tony Bennett for the sheer ridiculousness of it. The Oscar, released in 1966, is a super-cheesy film, and though this wasn't the richest period of Marlon Brando's career, I doubt he would have seriously considered it, let alone with the provision that he had to sleep with the director for the part! It just seems too silly. Saying Tony Bennett is retirement age is very kind. While he's very active and hopefully will be for many years to come, He's past retirement age. He's elderly. He's very, very old--84, almost twenty years past the traditional age of retirement. I think that reference is meant more as a dig, suggesting someone like Mick Jagger, who presents himself as much younger than he actually is, and probably would've slept with the director whether he got the part or not. David Bowie is a good guess except that he's had a successful acting career, with noted performances on stage (Elephant Man) and screen.

  31. Big Sur, if you feed the trolls, they keep coming back for more. :)

  32. I would ignore Sinatra and Presley since they are dead and the blind "is" (as in currently alive) older than retired people. Similarly I would ignore Bowie because, at 63, he isn't older than most retired people (i.e. 65). I would ignore Rydell since Brando would in no way be appropriate as a teenager in Bye Bye Birdie. I would ignore Methis because, except for a cameo early in his career, he didn't make any movies. Bennett is age appropriate but his role in The oscar was his only movie acting with other appearances being varients of himself on TV series. I honestly can't see Brando competing for what was the sixth or seventh billing in The Oscar. Frankly I'm with Jagger and Performance. If you go to IMDB and look up its director, Douglas Cammell, you'll see that he and Brando tried to work together on two other projects (that ultimately were never made).

  33. Since when is Tony Bennett a homo?
    And Russell Rouse, the director of The Oscar?
    I don't get it.

    Camp, cheesy movie though.
    Great ending: Frankie Fane (Stephen Boyd) really wants to win the Oscar after he gets nominated. Basically, he's a jerk. At the ceremony they announce the winner "Frank....." and he starts walking down the aisle. "...Sinatra!" And Boyd is standing there. Hah!

  34. Wayne Newton. He's done some movies, and god knows he is old. He is definitely considered A list in Vegas.
