Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Welcome To The Rehab World Of Lindsay Lohan

When most people go to rehab, they do their time and you don't hear peep. Sure, there are people who sneak out or continue to try and use, but they are generally shown the door. Ditto for people who get into fights with staffers or other patients.

Somehow in the time Lindsay Lohan has been in Betty Ford, she has managed to do most of these things, but has still not been kicked out of the place. My guess is that this is the best publicity Betty Ford has had since Elizabeth Taylor found husband number 46 there. Think about it. Betty Ford is where the stars went way back in the day. This is giving them street cred with the younger, up and coming drug addicts.

Anyway, Lindsay had been living away from the main facility and apparently decided to throw a little shindig at her place. You know, filled with people and booze. Yep. Oh, and after she thought that a trip to the local bar would be great fun too. Everyone who attended the party was put on lock down, but Lindsay was just supervised more closely.

Now, though, that supervision may have taken a nasty turn because Lindsay is accused of striking a staffer who dared reprimand Lindsay for coming back to the house late. See, I think all of us thought Lindsay was doing well, including me. However, this living in a sober house and all this freedom and what she has done with the freedom shows me that Lindsay will be partying her guts out about 24 hours after her next and final court appearance.


  1. Ah Lindsay. She is the gift that never stops giving, to her own great detriment. Nothing's changed and nothing will for a very long time yet.

  2. I don't want to call her an oxygen thief, but she makes it so hard to be nice!

    This chick is a wreck.

  3. Nice how her parents remain in denial. Both of them. Let's hope she doesn't take anyone else down with her. And, my vote is less than 24 hours. Much, much less. She won't make it 12 hours sober on the street when this is finished!

  4. She will never learn. And so should just accept that she is finished. At this point she is no more than a punch line to a joke.

  5. ^ Just becareful of that punchline. It might really hurt her feelings.

  6. WTF kind of place is Betty Ford? Is she staying at some kind Holiday Inn located close to the freeway for when family members come and vistit or do the family program? I've never heard of a rehab that lets a patient getaway with more than one of the things she has done.

  7. Can this incident be reported back to the Judge/court and her time extended? I can only hope.

  8. This child is no where near sober living status, and this current rehab stint is a joke.

  9. Anyone else remember about three weeks ago Michael Lohan said he would no longer be discussing his daughter with the media?? I counted two such statements last week alone. This family is fucked. Fucked.

  10. from what i learned in med school....relapses are common in those who are addicts.

    so this is no surprise and plus this will be a long and hard journey for the rest of her life b/c she will never be cured and will be constantly fighting her demons to use again.

    it's not easy and I don't know why people are acting like all her problems will disappear in one day once she goes through rehab or jail. the problems will still be there the next day after the rehab/jail stint.

    addiction= a disease with no quick fixes and that doesn't make sense to those of us who are sick or known anyone with the disease.

  11. I don't have the words to describe how little I care about Lindsay Lohan. My only wish is that she gets the fuck out of California. I don't like the idea that she is driving on the same roads I am. Can't she be deported back to Lawn Guyland?

  12. Vanessa, the problem is that Lilo is not taking any of this seriously. Not even somewhat. We're not just talking about relapses. Hell, one needs to start at gaining their ground in rehab first, as most addicts cannot quit cold turkey.

    Her parents are in denial famewhores and money whores, and Lilo doesn't give a fack.

    I vote for her to get help psychiatric wise while she's detoxing. But she hasn't really detoxed yet, right?

  13. @ Vanessa, she left her residence and went to a bar WHILE in rehab (I'm going to throw her a bone and ignore the house party). Let's not make any excuses for her. Common sense should have kept her ass a home.

    She's a public person, most addicts at least try to keep their sh*t on the down low. Why show up at a bar? Her addiction is attention not drugs and alcohol.

  14. @LMS&M - what's we do to deserve her back? Sincerely, Lawn Guyland

  15. Ugh. This dumb bitch is the poster child of spoiled self-entitlement.

  16. The problem is her lack of remorse or even taking responsibility for anything she has done. She could have killed someone with her antics and she doesn't care.

    Plus she has never been clean. She's been hopped up on prescription meds the whole time. No difference at all.

  17. i really want her to shape up. i know odds aren't in her favor, mostly due to her own choices...it kills me she's so self-destructive. i want to see a real comeback. she was talented once, she's got it in her.

    ...in a weird way tho, i kinda think the betty ford clinic is enjoying this. ita w/ enty re their resurge in popularity. i wouldn't put it past them to be enablers.

  18. Addiction is a disease because that makes money for the medical profession. "Just stop it" works for many. Especially those who don't have money and who are not on the train of entitlement. There is no excuse for this.

  19. Vanessa, I learned that too from life but usually you get thrown out when you're caught using. You can get thrown out for not following the rules or for having a bad attitude which has been reported at least 4 times I can think of.

  20. She clearly hasn't changed, it will take her A LOT of work to do so but at least I want to know if she's even trying, doesn't seem that way.

  21. At least they're making her eat! Her body and face look healthy again, no matter what's going on with her using.

  22. Yeah, Betty Ford will be much more popular now, with the celebrities who want to look like they are doing something and then not actually have to do it. This is a complete failure by the staff, she never should have been let out of the facility for shopping trips and everything else. They must have really low standards or they did not know how to handle a spoiled celebrity.

    I give up. I think it's time to put the countdown on Lindsey and keep our fingers crossed that she doesn't take out any innocent bystanders when she flames out for the last time.

  23. I'm glad the staff person took a stand and wants to press charges. And of course to Lindsay it's "another person who has an agenda against her".

    Come on Lindsay, if you're gonna lie, at least come up with some new ones.

  24. betty ford isn't what it once was. there's no way this should happen in rehab. where was the supervision?? you can't just give them more freedom and not have someone there making sure they aren't abusing it.

    she'll come out and go off the deep end worse than before. take it to the bank.

  25. I think that Lilo's main problem is her addiction to notoriety and drama. There are people who can't live if they don't have some type of drama going on. They crave it like a drug. She is also so self-entitled and she still doesn't "get it".

  26. Redsiren...I was thinking kind of the same thing when I saw your comment, but my thinking is more along the lines of that she's addicted to the damn clubs and bars. Most addicts are content to use at home once they start getting into trouble, but she cannot keep that ass out of the scene to save her life.

  27. It does not say much for the rehab facility if the patient hits the bars less than a few hours after being let out in public. She's been there since, when...July? Almost 6 months and first thing she does when she gets a bit of freedom is hit the bar? Doesn't matter if she drinks or not - it's not the best place to be. My uncle spent over 30 years going to a bar every night after work - he was an alcoholic, and when he FINALLY got sober, he never set foot back in the place. He said it was too much temptation. I don't see how anyone thinks Lilo "not drinking" was even an option.

  28. I too thought she really was doing well this time. Its too bad, I rooted for her to make it through, even though we make lots of fun of her. She really was (is? Who knows?) a great actress and her family is nothing short of a disaster. But I guess this time in rehab wont be any different than the three previous times

  29. TOTALLY agree with redsiren. Her biggest addiction is to the spotlight. It's clearly genetic. She's fucked.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Has anyone told Lindsay that she's been replaced by a much better model? Emma Stone just stole her career. Who cares about Lindsay, other than her being grist for the rumor mill? Speaking of which, how adorable was 'Easy A'?

  32. LOVED 'Easy A.' I'm going to buy it for myself for Christmas. The best part was her parents. "Who told you you were adopted?!" LMAO!

  33. i just wish she'd thrown down with Jennifer from Sober House...she'd have cleaned the floor with little miss lohan

  34. i don't give a damn what happens to her. i don't know her and find her very boring and predictable. how is that fun?

  35. I am tired to death of this self-entitled snotty little twit. Send her to JAIL. I am tired of her attitude. Shape up LiLo or ship the hell out.

  36. Who is paying for this enormous waste of time & resources? She's not even TRYING! If she wants to throw a party, let her leave rehab. What is the point of all this?
