Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The World Has Ended Again - Amber Portwood Makes $280K A Year

Last time we checked in on the salary of the Teen Moms, Amber Portwood was making about $65K a year. Not bad for doing nothing except having a baby when you are a teenager, but not a ton of money for someone on a highly rated television show. Well, Amber has had a big jump in the earnings lately as she now says she makes $280K a year. Yep, and that sucks.

When Amber appeared before a magistrate Amber stated her profession as television personality. The magistrate then asked for Amber's annual income and after her attorney objected, Amber replied that she makes $140K for each six month contract. After all this publicity, look for her to ask for a raise. Soon, she will be making a half million bucks a year for doing what people did on Springer every day for free back in the day. Tell me how this is any different.


  1. I just puked a little in my mouth.

  2. I have made good life choices and this makes me queasy.

  3. Agh. I am well behaved! Why can't I deserve $$ like this? Let's be honest, we are all way happier than her making less money.

  4. I hope that she is putting this money away for the baby and to secure their future.....Yeah I know. Fat chance.

  5. why does our society keep rewarding trashy people when hard working smucks can barely get by...WHY???

  6. I'm hoping the bitch is wrong and can't count. How nice for her to be rewarded for being a violent, unwed teen.

    I only had to see a clip of the show once to know that she's incapable of having any fiscal responsibility. At least Bristol Palin bought a house. I shudder to think what Amber will spend her salary on. Has she even reached her majority yet? Maybe her parents can force her to bank/invest the money so her little girl can at least have her education paid for.

  7. I've watched the show enough to know that none of this money is being saved for Leah or for anything smart like rent.

    I can't imagine she'll be able to stay on the show for long if she isn't allowed contact with Gary and she keeps losing custody of her baby. Also she if she is using the producers as her defense for hitting Gary that is a quick way to get kicked off the show.

  8. Well Bristol Palin shouldn't be the only one to get paid for getting knocked up!

  9. The difference is people are talking about Amber Portwood, she is on the cover of magazines, and MTV is making big bucks off her. Jerry Springer trash didn't get that kind of exposure. How about we stop paying attention? Stop buying magazines with unwed teen domestic abusers on the cover. Stop watching the show. They'll go away. Look what happened to Kate Gosselin.

    I shudder to think how many young girls are seeing dollar signs & thinking about getting pregnant just to get their own MTV show & subsequent Us magazine covers. What may have originally been a show idea to deter girls from having babies so young may now backfire.

  10. Once her 15 minutes are over, she'll probably make as much by being a drug mule.

  11. this just strengthens my argument that the show promotes teen pregnancy. hell, it rewards it if you're especially trashtastic.

  12. What message does this send out to teenagers? It gives them the incentive to get knocked up in hopes of getting on a reality show. Even though past shows have showed that being a teenage mom sucks, a salary of over $200,000 makes it glamorous!

    What will Amber do for a job once the series is over?

  13. I'm hoping the bitch is wrong and can't count


  14. Yes it totally sucks but she won't be getting paid like that (hopefully) for much longer. Most likely she isn't investing the money so it'll be gone in no time. I'm worried about the influx of teenage girls wanting to get pregnant to be on a show... those poor babies (actual babies, not the girls).

  15. A good chunk of that should go to attorney fees.

  16. Stuff like this makes me want to stick my head in an oven. :(
    Seriously, I've worked jobs since I was 16, stayed out of trouble, went crazy into debt to get a college degree that is practically worthless, am barely scraping by and am about to lose my health insurance because I got laid off last year and can no longer afford my COBRA payments--which are more than my house payments, btw. And this worthless bitch is making $200,000 a year. I have to block this out of my mind or I might start crying.

    On another note, @chopchop: I dunno, HAS Kate Gosselin gone away? Sure doesn't seem like it. :)

  17. Looking at the positive...yeah right....but that's a really good picture of her.

  18. It was only a matter of time before MTV started paying big bucks to this trainwreck.

    She is trash and so it MTV

    You know the money is getting spent on tats, cigs, and beer and none of it is going toward anything for that baby.

    Meanwhile, really hard working people get paid shit and go without health insurance

    This show just makes me so sick. Alot of teen girls are going to think about doing what Amber did, so they can make that kind of cash, too. So much for getting an education. The dumbing down of America continues.

  19. how does she still make that money when these girls won't even be on 'teen mom' anymore? they have a new crop coming up next week. my understanding was the old group is done. no?

  20. this whole genre is fucking disgusting. I hate it. why bother going to school, when you can be a schmuck and make a quarter of a million dollars?

  21. Once again my school guidance counselor failed me. Who knew being violent and knocked up could make me money.

    I am with the others who want to puke now.

  22. Stated her profession as television personality...


  23. I just can't with this show. I was 15 when I had my first child and believe me it was a struggle and a half. I remember being accused of doing it "on purpose" by a Health Care worker when I was applying for Medi-Cal for no other reason than to get state benefits. So very not true. Grown adults treated me as if I were the scurge of society. I finished school and am making a good living for myself now but I wouldn't advise any young girl to get pregnant for anything. And now kids are getting reality tv shows and paid lots of $$$ for this. I cannot fathom the rationality behind this. MTV just sucks these days. I agree w/those that think this show is glamorizing teen pregnancy. Well maybe that is not the right word but I'm sure y'all get my drift.

  24. Disgusting. Slut and convict and you get paid more than people with graduate degrees. Life continues not to be fair.

  25. I figured they got paid something. In one episode, Caitlyn's white trash mom was driving a brand new BMW. You'd think she would get her teeth fixed and her meth face cleared up with her money but whatever.

  26. Tell me how this is any different.

    Well, I'd like to but since I've never watched more than three minutes of Jerry Springer and not even one second of Teen Mom I'd be pretty clueless trying to answer that question.

  27. Well, if everyone keeps glorifying this show, I'm sure that number will get even higher. :)

  28. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Chopchop is right. If everyone ignores them, they'll go away. If blogs stop writing about them, we won't notice (nor care). Same with the Kardashians. If we stop watching/reading, they'll go away.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I wonder if that includes the money she gets from "appearances" that she might do...
