Wednesday, December 08, 2010


So, yesterday for my birthday, my dad decided to take me drinking like he does everyday on my birthday. Not a problem except my mom wanted to do some Christmas shopping also and didn't want to wait around all day. So, I started the blog in the morning and figured I would finish it up at the bookstore at The Grove. Well, apparently their free wi-fi connection does not include an outlet to plug in your laptop, sooo the power ran out before I could upload the random photos or the blind item. Will make it up today.

While there though, I ran into Kyle Richards who was with her three daughters. Well, I just had to stop her and chat. It turns out that the Kim blind date was more of a hookup rather than a "love connection." I get the feeling that it was a one night stand. I also suggested to Kyle that Kelsey's new fiancee' be added to the show and she laughed and said that would be amazing.

I asked her about why she is looking for a new house and she says there are just too many people and not enough bedrooms in her current house. I get the feeling I could have asked her questions for hours but she was distracted by Mario Lopez taking off his shirt to get miked up for Extra. Well, if I looked like him, I would probably strip in front of a crowd too.

Apparently I am the only one who watches Real Housewives at The Grove because everyone kept asking me who Kyle was. Their loss. Great show.


  1. These people are barely famous for anything or nothing at all.

  2. Don't worry.... the fan page kept running while you were out celebrating....

  3. so who is kyle richards?

  4. Enty, I watch it, too *hangs head in shame*.

    I actually like Kyle; she seems rather normal even if she is auntie to Wonky McValtrex. I also like the British housewife and the one who is married to the surgeon (their names escape me right now). Kim is a train wreck and I find myself wanting to slap her. Taylor is a waste of space and Camille is vile and loathsome.

    Good stuff. :)

  5. Instead of getting engaged to an already married man with young children, Kayte should be thinking about what kind of opportunistic homewrecking whore she is. Instead of getting fitted for her red-carpet attire, she should wonder if it will be worth it in the end when her step kids will see her as a fame grubber and when Kelsey decides he's had enough of her, he will leave her for another younger model.

    I have no sympathy for Kelsey. Camille is a lot of things, but he married her, he had kids with her, he made her famous and then kicked her to the curb when he knocked up this tramp. And we are all supposed to feel bad about the miscarriage? While it is a horrible thing for anyone to go through, I have to wonder if it is certain this woman was ever even really pregnant to begin with.

  6. Love the comment about Kelsey's girlfriend!

  7. I never liked any of the RH's until Beverly Hills came along and won my heart.

    I am obsessed with Kim she is just such a mess on so many levels. And Camille is just...Camille her misuse of big words to try to sound smart and elegant just cracks me up everytime.

    She honestly thinks she is Kelsey by how she lives through him. No wonder she can't handle the divorce it is killing her ego from the inside out. Yay!!

    Thursday nights are my favorite night of the week now.

  8. A belated Happy Birthday, Enty!

  9. What an awesome birthday gift, meeting Kyle and sharing your conversation with us. That more than makes up for the missing photos/blind! I never got into the RH shows until the latest. This is the only one I buy as real, because I can completely accept that these women live this over-the-top lifestyle. I like Kyle - she seems down to earth and secure. She also has the hot kept man for a hubby. It's hard to believe that she's aunt to vacuous Paris.

    And I can totally see her being distracted by Mario Lopez. ML and Kyle's hubby look like they could be brothers.

  10. Hope you had a good birthday, Enty :)

  11. Happy Belated Birthday Big Guy!! :)

  12. Oh Enty Happy Birthday!!! sorry I've not logged in for a while. I don't watch any of the Real Housewive's show but now that I'm out of school I'll see if I can download them. BTW Mario Lopez has never done it for me, he's just meh..

  13. I was at the Grove yesterday too, wish I could have bumped into you. I also saw Mario Lopez, walking along, alone, in between takes as if he had to get a fix at Coffee Bean or something (he was way down the path from the Extra set). I was surprised at how small he is, he looks as thin as a girl.

  14. The BH ladies are my favorite, especially Kyle and Lisa.

  15. Ice Angel? Are you on Camille's payroll?? Or are you Camille? Because pretty much the entire rest of the world sees Camille for whom she is - a vapid piece of shiz. All sympathy goes to Kelsey for having to endure that vile woman for so long. I don't like divorce whatsoever, but, my God, this is one instance where I don't blame the spouse for high-tailing it out of that toxic trap. And, as for the kids, thank God Kelsey is surrounding them with better examples of actual HUMAN beings.

  16. Ah, to live in Hollywood. . .

    Happy belated b-day, Enty!

  17. Happy belated Birthday Enty. What a special birthday treat for you!

  18. I watch them all. I'm looking forward to the New York ladies starting their new season.

  19. may i say that i consider BOTH kelsey and camille vile pieces of shit? both their enormous egos got lots of stroking during the 13 years they were together. he simply traded her in when she got too old for him---he wants to see adoration for him reflected in much younger eyes.

    no sympathy for camille from me. she's as vain and fucked up as he is, and i'm sure she'll replace him soon with someone equally repulsive.

  20. Yep, I agree with Ice Angel. Since when is it to be a crime to be self centered in Hollywood, most expect it including us who read and comment about it.

    I feel sorry for Camille just in the fact that WE know he is cheating and she does not know he is cheating (yet), but as the episodes continue she will eventually know, and I think Bravo does a somewhat more exploitive job on Camille and her attitudes.

    Tacky Kelsey and nobody deserves to be cheated on, imo.

  21. I'm with Sis and Ice Angel!

    Thanks for the inside scoop, Enty!

  22. I have to sit on the floor at Barnes and Noble plug in. None of the plugs are near chairs.

  23. Was it really your birthday yesterday Enty? I thought it was a secret? HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you had a great one!

  24. Happy Birthday Enty - hope you had a great time.


  25. Once again, I'm can't resist my rant on Camille. I'll do my best to keep it short. Here it goes:

    I will NEVER, EVER have an ounce of sympathy for Camille. I was filled with boiling hot disgust when I watched a segment of the show where she chatted with her mom while getting her manicure. I can talk about this segment for hours but in sum her mom had been going through cancer treatments and the only thing Camille could respond with was how tough her doctor's check up, tests, spending flying across the country on Kelsey's dime was FOR HER and her concerns that she could some day in the future be diagnosed with cancer meanwhile her own mother was sitting next to her living the death sentence nightmare, the horrible treatment side effects, etc. etc. but hey, Camille could only squeeze in those few minutes her nails were getting painted to talk to her mom to let her know how tough her own life is.


  26. ChasingHeaven, I'm with you. I didn't see that episode, as a matter of fact, I don't watch the show but I've gleaned a lot of info from reading this site. I'll pass.

    I'm glad, so glad, I never saw the episode you describe. My mother passed away from breast cancer two years ago, and to hear your description of Camille and her mother makes me so sick and sad I can't stand it. It makes me crazy.

    From the sounds of it, I can't even wish that someday this pathetic excuse of a woman will realize just exactly what she's doing to HERSELF by such behavior.

  27. yup Camille is a vile piece of something that has yet to be identified.
    The awful fawning by people on her payroll, her belief that she has it so tough - oh cry me a river you vacuous piece of.. but my dog it makes good viewing.
    i love lisa and kyle. if they aren't genuine then they should be in the movies cos I'm a believer.
    Its terrible but I am really looking forward to the episode where Camille finds everything out and gets dumped.

  28. I've tried to catch as many episodes of this show when they are on repeat on Bravo....

    Shouldn't Camille be booted since she and KG are no longer together?? I love how she would refer to him as "Kelsey Grammer" instead of just Kelsey. Ugh. It's about as annoying as people that refer to themselves in the third person.
