Friday, April 16, 2010

Four For Friday

#1 - This very aging, fantastic actor who has had some great roles in great movies, but has never really been more than B- list, was caught by flight attendants while he was, umm being handled by his assistant on a recent flight.

#2 & #3 & #4- This Academy Award winner/nominee actress recently sold her wedding ring to pay off gambling debts of one of her children. She told her A list movie actor husband she had lost the ring because he told her not to help this child anymore who she had with another celebrity.

Random Photos Part Four

Lyle Lovett and Sheryl Crow get the top spot today. They got it because I was listening to Lyle Lovett today.
An American Idol reunion of sorts. RJ Helton, Julie DeMato, Diana DeGarmo and Ace Young.
Chace Crawford has been complaining that he is single. Well last night in London he had his own Rock Of Love show. He left with
her and her and
two more for good measure. They all went back to his hotel room. Probably some kind of chess club.
Some good news and it isn't that Amy appears to have got lip injections. Nope, she and Mark Ronson have made up and this is her leaving a recording session with him.
Last year was Susan Boyle. This year it is these guys on Britain's Got Talent.
Claire Danes was solo on the red carpet but
found Selma Blair, Maggie G and Parker Posey to hang out with last night.
Erin & Maksim keeping the rumors alive.

Random Photos Part Three

And then Geri Halliwell learned that coati's have very sharp teeth.
Guy Ritchie is on day 300 of happiness.
But not as happy as Gwen & Gavin. Those are huge smiles.
Halle Berry draws a crowd.
Jessica Alba in some kind of pleather thing.
The amazing Jacqueline Bisset.
Jordin Sparks - Los Angeles
Kate Beckinsale, solo and ringless on the red carpet.
A very different looking Katherine Heigl.
Earlier in the day she looked more like her normal self.

Random Photos Part Two

Kate Bosworth, but no Alexander Skarsgard so that is good news.
This is Kiefer Sutherland about 4 hours after his bender. He recovers quickly doesn't he? Lots of practice.
Long time no see Lacey Chabert.
Liev doing what dads do well. Shoulder rides.
The mysterious hand keeps Mariah Carey from falling.
I am giving Miley's career about 9 more months.
Isn't Mena supposed to be getting married this summer? I haven't heard much about it lately.
Why yes, Molly Sims I can imagine you in that.
Marisa Tomei before the drinking.
Michelle Trachtenberg. Slowly turning into Cher one day at a time.

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today.

Neil Patrick Harris looking good as usual. I can't wait to see what they have him doing in Harold & Kumar 3.
Prince Albert and Charlene Wittstock at the opening of an exhibit of his mother's clothing.
The lovely couple of Pierce Brosnan and Keely Shaye Smith.
For the first time ever on the site, a celebrity and their peeing dog.
Prince William looking embarrassed at an auction of his portraits.
Sarah Jessica Parker and her son because yesterday
it was Matthew's turn.
Uma Thurman and trying to decide if she should remove her sweater.
There is no way you recognized Wentworth Miller.
Zac Posen and Selma Blair who you will see again later.

Your Turn

In honor of Earth Day and week, I would love to know your favorite tip on how to conserve or save or even your goal if you have not got around to actually doing anything. Hopefully everyone can learn something new and put it to good use.

Mike Rowe Reads Tiger Sext Messages

Pop Eater had a brilliant idea. They had Mike Rowe in their office when he was doing press for Dirty Jobs. While he was there they took advantage of his great voice over voice to read some of the more dirty Tiger Woods text messages. Love it.

Kate Gosselin Doesn't Know What Jon Does For Money

After having watched way too many episodes of Jon & Kate Plus 8 there is one thing I concluded. I really need to find better ways to spend my time and I have no desire to have 6 kids all at once. Oh, and that Kate Gosselin was in Jon's business every second of every day. So, when she told Jay Leno last night that she doesn't know what Jon does for work or how he earns money, I find that very hard to believe. The guy is paying child support. She knows. I understand she is making money and taking care of her kids. What I dislike is when she says things like she needs to be on reality shows to put food on the table of her kids. Uh huh. And also to pay for all her nannies and chefs and bodyguards.

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This Hollywood starlet is fed up with the so-called liberal politics of her costars. They all work on a network television drama together and in between filming the cast will sometimes discuss political issues. Because she disagrees, and considers herself more conservative, she claims she is offended by some of their general behavior and ideas. Instead of confronting the cast mates directly, she’s written an anonymous letter to each of them, chastising them for their opinions and has even included a very religious verses in each letter telling them to shape up.

Not Mariska Hargitay.

More Sex Crime Allegations Against Ben Roethlisberger

I know that this week Ben Roethlisberger had no charges filed against him in a sexual assault complaint in Georgia. However, there is another allegation that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is looking into. In the latest incident, Ben was hosting a party at his house and I guess as host he wanted to show everyone what he was walking around with so to speak. He pulled his peen out in front of a woman and then told her to do whatever she wanted with it. Then, the next week he forced his hand up the woman's skirt.

Let's face it. There are lots of allegations being directed against Ben and at some point you have to start thinking that where there is smoke there is fire. How many women have not come forward? When are one of these charges going to stick?

Kiefer Sutherland, Strippers And Booze

When Kiefer Sutherland is drinking, you just never know what you are going to get. Sometimes you get a guy who will pick up the check for the entire bar and sometimes you get what happened in London last night. Somehow at a strip club, Kiefer ended up without his shirt on. Well, you know he was probably trying to show the strippers what he liked. Anyway, at about 330 a.m., Kiefer was thrown out of the club by security guards. After he was kicked out, Kiefer sat on a curb and silently contemplated life, or quite possibly, what happened in the video below.

Jenny McCarthy Says Steven Seagal Wanted Her To Strip

Way back in 1998, Jenny McCarthy told Movieline Magazine that she auditioned for Under Siege 2. That was actually the last Seagal movie I liked. Funny enough I think that is the one that had Katherine Heigl in it. Anyway, Jenny said that when she went into audition for a part, all there was in the office was a big couch. Steven told her to sit on the couch then got way personal. "He says 'So, you were Playmate of the Year?' Then he said: 'take off your dress,'" McCarthy continued. "I just started crying and said: 'Rent my Playboy video, you a*****e!' and ran out to the car."

CBS News says that nine women came forward that year to talk about harassment from Seagal. He is an ass, and I wish Jenny would have kicked him in the balls.

Ted C Blind Item

Seymour Plow-Me-More is hardly in the closet. That is, if you live in L.A. Saying Seymour's gay is like saying Tom Cruise is super into Scientology. It's just a known fact.

So why, then, is SPMM, who happens to look rather fetching in a dress, still shy about his homosexual ways? After all, Plow hardly blushes when he propositions men for sexy time in bath houses. Plus, it's not even like Seymour has a red-hot career to worry about.

Thing is, coming out is über-complicated—as we assure you, outing himself isn't entirely Sey's decision alone. There are far too many people and companies relying on SPMM being this big macho Hollywood man (which we, and America, so aren't buying anymore).

Guess that's the only reason Mr. More is taking extra precautions:

Ritzy spas are hardly the only place Plow-Me-More likes to get his freak on. Just like any married skank in this town, Sey-babe hits the dirty-ass club scene to get his gay on, too.

Problemo is certain folks have Seymour occasionally concerned that people are watching his every friggin' move trying to out him. Like, duh. So what's a gay man with a legacy at stake to do? Well, SPMM made one particular club (since he's such a regular there) install an extra-special private door to give him more discreet in-and-out pun intended.

We just don't know what to do anymore! 'Mour is so desperate to get out of his situation he has going on with the Missus, et al, he will just never do it himself, ultimately.

So, should we break our cardinal rule of no outing?

Seriously, if the fact that Seymour dresses up in drag (it's where he feels quite comfortable) during his alone time isn't a rainbow herring enough, we don't know what is. If it isn't gonna be us doing the dirty work, you bet it's gonna be someone else with a camera and mortgage ready to sell out old S.

We'll play nice for now and let Seymour Plow enjoy his time out of the spotlight. Dude's already been through enough. Unless you all disagree?

And It Ain't: Tom Cruise, Alec Baldwin, Tom Hanks

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today's Blind Items

I guess this comic actor is A list. Primarily movies now. When I say he is A list, he is by definition in the sense he is top billed in movies, but I never think of him as more than a B or C. He has always come across as a guy's guy, but when he was in Europe a few weeks ago doing publicity for an old project, he made everyone call him by his female name and stayed at his hotel for four nights as a woman.

Random Photos Part Three

Betty White gets the top spot. She should really get it everyday.
Have you noticed that Alexa Chung is everywhere all the time now. She has just exploded.
It's a Cusack. One of my favorites. Ann. Go watch her scene in Grosse Point Blank.
Who walks down the street blowing kisses? Apparently AnnaLynne McCord.
Michael K's boo.It's official. Al Pacino has crossed the line and is now a 70's porn star.
And if Al is the star, Billy Zane is the 70's porn director.
Alex Rodriguez eating dinner by himself.
Judging by the smile on Alana Stewart's face she must have thought of a new way to make money off Farrah Fawcett.
It's time for the beard to go Brad.
How old is Candace Bushnell because she looks great.