Saturday, January 01, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

August 20, 2010

#2 & #3- Old Hollywood - This gruff, hard drinking, A++ Academy Award winning actor who generally played one type of role once traded some pictures he took of another A++ Academy Award winning actor having sex with a teen boy and girl for a boat. The gruff actor took the pictures and was there but was smart enough to stay out of the frame.

#2 - John Wayne
#3 - Humphrey Bogart


  1. What?? Wow these are so good today!

  2. so John Wayne was the gruff actor, right? just want to be clear...

  3. Dayum!

    This one I shall keep from hubby, he idolized John Wayne. :/

  4. Good Lord, was everyone a pedophile back then?

  5. Omg. I'm crying deep inside over this one. Fuck.

  6. omg-was there anyone in old hollywood who wasn't sexual sicko?

  7. I don't believe it.

  8. I don't think I'll be able to watch any old films in comfort again. These reveals are really disturbing.

  9. I read it that the gruff actor is Bogie ... he was known for his hard drinking and, in my opinion, way more "gruff" than The Duke

  10. omg, at this point I have think that by underage they were at least teenagers 16 or 17 please god please god. I can't stomach it if these were preteen kids.

    Funny, Harvey Levin was just talking about John Wayne's boat on TMZ last week and how there used to be a lot of parties on it back in the day.

    I wonder if Lauren knew about Bogie's young tastes.

  11. @skeeball - That is what I'm wondering.

    Pictures for a boat...hmm...seems like he could have gotten a boat load of money for those shots.

  12. Dear lord my eyes are burning already. This is gonna be a great day!

  13. #2 = gruff and hard drinking = John Wayne

    #3 = Bogie the pedo

  14. Enty is this really you???
    Goodness, so Bogey was a pedo too/ John Wayne was some kind of voyeur? smart enough to stay out of the frame but did he participate? Sold pedo porno for a boat?

    **head spinning**

  15. No - Enty numbers them as they come up in the blind. John Wayne is the one who took the pictures.

    It is not such a stretch for Bogie - Lauren Bacall was a teenager when they met.

    Remember - teen doesn't necessarily mean underaged.

    Still crazy!

  16. Wow! Old Hollywood is taking it in the nutsack today!

  17. I read this as the gruff actor being Bogart and the pedophile was John Wayne.

  18. Oh, never mind. Just read the comment above and Enty does tend to put these in order.

  19. The way I've always figured, if someone can be blackmailed by pictures having sex with someone underage, then the person must be so underage that it's obvious that they're young. Photos of a 17 year old - it's not always clear that the person is underage. Photos of a 10 year old, it's clear.

    GAWD, I'm sick from all the pedo stuff. And Bogie! *sob*

  20. Ok, a few things...

    One, teen could be 18 or 19. I think the issue here is the gay stuff.

    Two, back in the 30s or 40s when this would have taken place, the age of consent was probably much younger. So, it wouldn't have been illegal. Again, the sex with a male would have been a career ender. A girl, not so much.

  21. Oh wow...
    I *almost* forgot what day it was... thankfully I didn't!!
    These set of reveals are the best yet? No matter what follows today the last couple were tops lol

    Happy New Year Enty and everyone. Don't comment often but I have read every post this year I reckon, so thanks!!

  22. Not that this makes this right, by any means...but, back in the day a lot of girls got married at 14 or 15 to much older men. So I don't think that the idea of age of consent even existed...

  23. Oh my god!! So Enty's is making up for the vanilla reveals from July?

    @timebob I was thinking the same, if they were underage then 17 almost 18 or too young like little pre-teen boys and girls. Ugh.

  24. Wow. How am I ever going to watch classic Hollywood movies again, knowing all this?

  25. In 1913 California raised the age of consent to 18.

    Remember - this blind does not say "underage"

  26. These reveals are sickening, especially since these people were idolized by a number of us when we were young. I wonder if this type of thing is still going on, and if the next generation will be just as blown away as we are now.

    I know what Mel Gibson has done is wrong, but what these guys did was worse because it involves children or people young enough to feel like they had no choice.

  27. I just want to know if the boat is "The Wild Goose"

  28. Farmgirl, you are right. I just looked it up.

    A bit surprising, in that almost every other state it is 16.

  29. @Mac, that's largely an urban legend. Sure, some women married VERY young, but even in 1890 the average age for a woman's first marriage was 22.

    1956 had an average age of 20 for a woman's 1st marriage. This means that many women were younger than 20, but 14 or 15 would be considered extremely young.

    The only people who tended in the past to be married as teenagers would be nobility, and this was much longer ago than the era of Bogie and Wayne.

  30. Here is an interesting quote from IMDB:

    Lauren Bacall once recalled that while John Wayne and Fred Astaire hardly knew her husband Humphrey Bogart at all, they were the first to send flowers and good wishes after Bogart was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in January 1956.

  31. I actually guessed this one. Happy New Year everyone. Today is National Hangover Day. sssshhhhhhh.

  32. This definitely does not put John Wayne in a good light in my mind because it states in the blind that he was there but "was smart enough to stay out of the frame" while Bogart was having sex w under age children!

  33. Hmmm, "The venerable Balboa Bay Club was once the summer getaway for the rich & famous; filled with movie stars back in its golden years. John Wayne was on the board of governors, and members included Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, William Holden, Greta Garbo - even Richard Nixon lived here before moving to San Clemente."

  34. If you look around the internet you can find all kinds of salacious stuff about John Wayne. He and his crowd were into cross dressing. It was kind of common in certain hollywood circles. There is a picture of the Duke with Jack Lemmon and Sal Mineo all in drag. There are several other pictures of him with a purse and heels. Not saying he was gay, supposedly he hated gays, but he liked to dress up.

  35. I'm just basing this on family members accounts from West Virgina (insert punchline here). My husbands grandmother married at 14 to his 32 year old grandfather and from what I heard this was not at all uncommon. My mother-in-law says that her family thought there was something wrong with her because she didn't get pregnant and married until she was 19. Add to that my viewing of Coal Miner's Daughter and knowledge of Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis and you can see where I jumped to conclusions, lol.

  36. Haven't any of you seen Repo Man?
    Miller clears it all up for us.

  37. Bogie never got an Oscar, did he?

  38. He did for "The African Queen".

  39. yup! my guess was wrong:Wayne was voyeur and Bogie was bisexual! crazy BI

  40. Anonymous5:02 PM

    LOL I cannot stop laughing at Pretzel Logic's comment about

    Old Hollywood is really taking it in the nutsack today ~
    It just struck me funny.

  41. I'm thinking that if Enty meant "underaged," he would have said so specifically, and while technically anything under 18 is underage in CA, in most places it's 16. Hence, my humble guess is that the young people involved were between 16-19, and somehow 16-17ish sounds about right to me. Still terribly sleazy, mind you (esp. being photographed by another guest at the wingding), but not what I'd call pedophilia in a strict sense (pre-pubescent or barely pubescent kids).

  42. dead actors being GAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!


  43. "I wonder if Lauren knew about Bogie's young tastes. "

    considering she was barely out of diapers when he left his wife for her, i imagine it was no surprise.


  44. i find it extremely hard to believe Bogart was a pedophile but i think wayne would blackmail people

    when he was HUAC he threatened a lot
