Saturday, January 01, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

December 20, 2010

Is this the biggest kindness in the history of the world? Nope. Not by a long shot, but it is pretty big to show you what happens when people take time to do the little things. This initialed A++ list producer/writer/director and creator was filming in a local Los Angeles neighborhood recently. It is not a street that usually sees a lot of filming and took place on a quiet street. It was just some pick up shots for a movie, but our producer/director was there to supervise. When the residents discovered who was shooting and for what movie, they of course came out to gawk. Not a problem for our producer who took pictures, signed autographs and even let all the kids come out and listen on headsets and explained each shot in advance. Many of the residents baked cookies or brought out food for the crew and the producer got all their names and addresses and sent a personalized, signed note mentioning each item of food to each person. Definitely a nice touch and left everyone with some great holiday spirit and lots of love for our producer.

J.J. Abrams


  1. good manners are amazing aren't they?

  2. Good for him!

    (OT: If anyone is on facebook and Enty does post a reveal there, can someone post it in comments of the last post, thanks!)

  3. Very classy, Mr. Abrams!

  4. JJ is so adorable success couldn't of happened to a greater guy.

  5. I doubt my dollar will make the difference, but I vow to see this movie!

  6. Glad it was him; I like his work. Consideration for others and good manners go a long way. I'm sure those thank you notes are cherished family heirlooms now.

  7. Going to watch Star Trek again in honor of this.

  8. Oh yay! I'd hoped it was him.

  9. I've always gotten a good vibe from him. Good to hear he's as nice as I suspected.

    While this is not the biggest kindness in the history of the world, like finding a job for a homeless person or donating an entire paycheck to charity, I still think it's great and it still teared me up. Not being a major douche and just being nice to people goes a long way, in my opinion, for celebrities and non-celebrities alike.

  10. You can tell a lot about a man by the way he treats others. Well done Mr. Abrams, I will be honored to support your movies!

  11. Even if it wasn't a big act of kidness, the fact that it was a personalized signed note to each person says a lot. Very good.

  12. I love this man! just always seemed like a stand up guy.

  13. I figured this was him, glad it was! It's always good with those who achieve real success are decent people as well.

  14. Awesome. Always been a fan, but rooting for him since he helped put a pedophile away. This is just icing on the cake.
