Saturday, January 01, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

October 25, 2010

#1 - Nothing juicy about this, or particularly blind worthy, but it is funny so thought I would make it a blind. This fantastically funny talk show host who is now an actor on a struggling to stay on the air television show called up a friend of his. The friend was not home or the friend's wife, but the nanny was. Instead of just leaving a message, our talk show host decided to talk and talk and talk. It kind of went like this. “This is ______ calling, have you seen my show [the talk show, not the sitcom]? You should tell all of your friends to watch, and then I will have one million viewers. And can you call the president of __ and tell him that you love it? Thanks!” He kept going on and on even after the nanny told him she would take a message.

#2 - This former A+ Olympic athlete who really needs to step it up if he does not want to embarrass himself at the next one, really should put some curtains in his windows. All of his neighbors are keeping a running tally of the number of women he has brought back to his place and even have scorecards they flash after the event has been completed.

#1 - Joel McHale
#2 - Michael Phelps


  1. Ewww. I dont think Phelps is attractive at all. Now, Joel McHale, on the other hand, yes please.

  2. I love those neighbours lol

  3. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I love Community so much!

  4. Lol. I knew the Michael Phelps one. He's originally from my hood, and yeah.

  5. Joel - okay, that's funny.

    Phelps - fantastic athlete, but essentially, this boy is just trash.

  6. Yay Joel!! I hope Community isn't strugling anymore in the U.S - It's an awesome show, one of the best of the year!

    Phelps? meh...8 gold medals doesn't do it for me.

  7. I love Joel McHale! The Community Christmas ep was epic!

    Micahael Phelps is gross. So effing ugly; would touch him with Sean White's nasty face.

  8. Love Joel.

    Phelps has a good bod. He's a But his Face.

  9. Joel McHale is the effing best, I got this one! Yes, I feel like bragging. Glorious new year's enty and readers!! This year's blinds have been THE BEST.

  10. Scorecards! Nice touch.

  11. Michael Phelps- eeww. Wondering if he is the guy paying his "girlfriend" for sex, this would seem to discount him.

  12. I have such a crush on Joel McHale.

    Michael Phelps, on the other hand, is disgusting.

  13. Phelps probably enjoys the attention his neighbors give. Yuck.

  14. God, I love McHale. Community and The Soup are both required viewing in my house.

  15. Joel McHale totally get a pass for this, because Community is amazing!

  16. If Phelps can f**k like he can swim, then turn out the lights.

  17. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Phelps has herpes, right? Thought I heard that one somewhere.

  18. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I don't like either one of these guys.... sorry.

  19. I love Joel, and Community is hilarious, I wish more people watched it.


  20. Aw Joe McHale is funny as hell. Poor dear. And Phelps? Gold medal body with a ball-of-tin-foil medal face.
